
Saturday, March 5, 2011


Yoga is an ancient science designed to keep mind & body fit &enjoin the individual mind with  universal consciousness, which is the ultimate aim of Hindu philosophy. It consists of eight components.You can learn more about all these components over here Out of these the common man mostly practices only two viz. Yogasan (physical exercises ) &Pranayam (breathing exercises ). These two, if done properly & regularly, are enough to endow one with a healthy body wherein all internal organs function at their optimum levels. Yoga is better than other exercises since it is the only one which can impact the internal organs.When we constrict a particular body part &then stretch it, the increased blood flow to that particular region clears the toxins accumulated therein & the rush of new blood gives it a fresh lease of life. When the body is healthy one feels energetic, has the energy to face all problems & enjoys a better quality of life. It is especially beneficial for the nervous system,the circulatory system ,excretory system & the endocrine glands. Not only this,Yoga sharpens our mental abilities by improving our memory & the power of concentration.It also boosts our immunity & keeps minor ailments at bay.There are various asans aimed at helping those suffering from common diseases like Eye-problems,Asthma, Diabetes, Heart trouble, B.P, Thyroid, Cervical Spondylitis, Arthritis& constipation etc. Only a learned person can guide you as to which asans to do & which to avoid.

Nowadays many permutations of Yoga have come up which is not at a healthy trend at all--because Yoga should be practiced as it has been laid down by the seer Patanjali. If done wrongly it can even harm a person. Following are a few factors which ought to be kept in mind before you start Yoga--

1)It is best done early in the morning after  the daily evacuation when the stomach is empty, or in the evening, three & a half hrs after lunch.

2)Find a quiet place, spread a mat on the floor & face the East while doing it.

3)The place should be neither too windy nor stuffy-fresh air is essential. 

4)The temperature should be neither too hot nor too cold.

5)Choose a clean spot where the ground is level & there are no disturbances. A park would be ideal.

6) Do not talk while doing Yoga.

7)Concentrate on the particular body part that is being impacted while doing an 'asan' i.e body posture.

8)There should be no jerks or force employed while doing an asan. If your body is stiff go only so far as you easily can, in the beginning. Slowly your body will become flexible.It may take six months to one year for you to attain the perfect posture.Do not despair. Regular practice will certainly bring you success.

9)It is best to learn from a knowledgeable person as to how to do the asans. Wrong practice can harm you.

10) Persons ranging from 10 yrs to 80 yrs can do Yoga.

11) People suffering from fever or severe diseases should not practice it. Ladies should desist from doing it during their menstrual cycle & after the first triemester of pregnancy.

12) In the beginning do only a few simple asans.

13)An asan can either be repeated a given number of times or you can hold it for as long as you easily can. The latter is more beneficial .

14)It is important to inhale ,exhale at the correct time while doing an asan. A guru (teacher ) is the best adviser. Generally speaking, one should inhale while stretching upwards &exhale while going down.

15) If you do an asan which involves bending forward, follow it with one in which you bend backwards.

16) Do not eat or drink anything till after half an hour of doing Yoga.

17) Remember if you are not doing it right you will feel tired & breathless after Yoga but if you do it right then you will feel energized.

As far as Pranayam is concerned it too should be done under proper guidance of a guru. If done wrongly or too much , it can even harm you. For a normal person ten minutes of daily Pranayam is enough. Ideally it should be done sitting cross-legged on a mat, facing East or North with eyes closed,spine erect&body relaxed. The air you breathe should be fresh. The focus should be on the center point of your chest or on your breath.

It is best to first do the asans then Pranayam .In the end lying down for some time in Shav-asan or the life-less pose helps to perpetuate the benefits of Yoga.These are some precautions which should be kept in mind while doing Yoga. Yoga not only gives a flexible, healthy body; it also increases the bone-density,heightens immunity,improves memory,enhances concentration,overcomes depression & makes us more tolerant,patient & understanding. So what's stopping you ? Make it a daily habit & soon the benefits accrueing from it will make you so addicted  that you would not like to miss it for a single day.

It would be beneficial for all if Yoga regulars share which advantages they have felt after starting Yoga.I myself have been able to halve my Thyroid & BP medicines only because of Yoga.

So what are you waiting for?Get into this routine & have a happy,healthy life!!!!


  1. Lovely, I have just entered into fitness zone and have been dong the Art of Living. Must say it really relaxes your entire body and I am told by my trainer that the yoga stretches are the best form for long term benefits.

  2. Carry on Kajal..Yoga will preserve your beauty even until old age.

  3. i did read Subh's post. so much knowledge u guys have, phew!! i m going to start Yoga, yup :) thank u so much for sharing all the info.

  4. No doubt about that-Yoga is very good for all-round fitness.Thanx for stopping by.

  5. It's been Yoga for me for over a year and I'm loving it.

  6. Yes if one is able to sustain it for a longish period then one gets addicted to it.

  7. beautiful, you have inspired me.... I have asked my wife to teach me simple asan's :-)

  8. thanks for inspiring me... I have asked my wife to teach me simple yoga Asan's :-)

    1. You are welcome,i am sure it will do you good.


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