
Friday, December 2, 2011

The perfect personality

A wholesome,pleasing personality is a powerful asset.One who owns it will be way ahead of others in any field.We all know this but somehow we fall short of reaching the stage where all who meet us will be forced to say"Oh,what a pleasing personality s/he has."So how to go about achieving that acme of perfection?Just think,who attracted you most with his/her personality?Perhaps we all have the image of one such person in our minds,who impressed us tremendously.Let's try to recapitulate the attributes which made him/her so charming.Many words come rushing to my mind as i think over this topic.Let us take them one by one.
It is a person's face that we look at first of all.A cheerful,smiling,tension-free,friendly & neat & clean face--aren't we all attracted to it?No shifty looks or stern expressions.External cleanliness is easy to achieve,but that happy,serene countenance comes only from a positive frame of mind & a genuine interest in & liking for other people.
The next thing which we all notice is,how a person greets us.Is he welcoming & eager to meet,or does he try to slink away?A warm,confident,spontaneous greeting is a sure winner.
What about a person's physical features & physique?I have seen that a person's looks & complexion recede to the background if the person is otherwise appealing.But body structure does matter.A well-proportioned body indicates that the person leads a healthy,well-balanced life-neither a hog nor a slob.
How a person dresses says a lot about his taste & intelligence.Clean,well-fitting,well-ironed,trendy clothes of harmonious colors,which are according to the weather & occasion are an essential component of a good personality today.Needless to say,offensive body odors are a big No No.
Now about a special feature of personality which often gives away many secrets-our body language.No matter how hard we try to hide our emotions,our body language reveals what is inside.The way we walk,talk & hold ourselves shows how high we are on self esteem.Not only that,it also reveals how much importance we give to the person in front of us.If we are restless & fidget while talking to someone,it is a sure indication that we want to escape at the first opportunity.Shifty eyes proclaim that we have something to hide.On the other hand, when we give undivided attention to our companion or acquaintance, we take a huge stride in the direction of achieving a pleasant personality.
These are an integral part of our personality.How we all like to listen to an individual who talks at a medium pitch in well modulated tones.Those who shout in our ears are as irritating as those who mumble inaudibly.And what about the art of conversation?Perhaps we all know someone who will monopolize the conversation, no matter how many yawns his audience are trying to stifle.At the other end of the spectrum is the guy who just won't open his mouth.However, a good conversationalist will include everyone in his chit-chat & encourage all to participate.He can even draw out the guy with the zipped mouth.People like to listen to him because he knows what he talks about.And when others talk,he listens to them with rapt attention.They find it easy to connect with him because they feel acknowledged & appreciated.
How can we forget etiquette when we talk of the perfect personality?A well-bred person is a pleasure to associate with.He is polite,courteous,amicable & considerate.He is always mindful of the comfort & well-being of others & careful not to hurt their feelings.He can easily assuage a gawky newcomer in any setting-be it social or official.His manners are impeccable.A respect for age,relation & authority marks his behavior.

Our personality is the sum-total of our physical,emotional & behavioral characteristics.Our attitudes,prejudices & our character show through our behavior.All negative emotions like hate,jealousy,sarcasm,rivalry,fear & anger detract from our personality.An individual who thinks he is far more superior than the rest of humanity, is as far from a perfect personality as one who has no self esteem.An over-officious character is as jarring as a callous & heartless one.A good personality requires a fine blend of agreeable qualities which come from the heart.It has to be genuine.No matter how careful we are in projecting a positive image for the world to see,what is inside will shine through & tell the truth.This is the biggest obstacle in acquiring a perfect personality.It has to start from the inside.Most of us being an amalgam of strengths & weaknesses,positive traits & negative ones;we fall short of it.

I am sure this description of a perfect personality is not exhaustive.There must be quite a few facets which you, dear readers, consider essential.It would be interesting to know your views on the topic.What goes to make a pleasing,perfect personality ?Please share your thoughts.


  1. Cultivating the traits of a pleasing personality can definitely help us and others and give plenty of reasons to celebrate Life.Thanks for sharing!

  2. that's right, our bodies convey a lot more than we think & we cant really hide our emotions - at least not fully

  3. At the bottom of a pleasing personality is being comfortable with the person one is, the life one has, and having harmony between one's beliefs and actions.

    Wicked as I am, I cannot help thinking about all the people I know who are undisputed masters of masking their mood and affect, but still fail to come across as harmonious personalities to the clinician's eyes.

    Very useful post, Indu.

    1. Subho welcome to are certainly right-hippocrates & shammers --impress no one.

  4. I have yet to meet a perfect personality and thank god for that!

    We are a mix of the annoying and endearing and that's what makes us so interesting.

    I appreciate honesty in a person. Someone who is capable of respecting others irrespective of station. Of course it does help if he/she is witty and intelligent :)

    And Indu it's always a pleasure reading your posts.

  5. An individual's self-concept is the core of his personality. It affects every aspect of human behavior: the ability to learn, the capacity to grow and change. A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success in life.
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog...and sharing such an insightful post.

  6. nice post, i wish i had at least one or two of those necessary traits mentioned here. just wondering why u haven't submitted ur posts on indiblogger.

  7. You are always out to poke fun at yourself.Thanks for the suggestion.

  8. It is not easy find one effect personality.

    1. Yes Rajesh it is v.difficult to find one,but we can always strive for it,only a few persons come quite near it.

  9. And though no one can have a perfect personality, I prefer honest goodness to a feigned charm. Good post, Indu!

  10. Very well pointed out traits, Induji. The bottom line as I read it is that as we grow, we should endeavor to remove the negative characteristics like hate, jealousy, selfishness out of our system. In this manner, may be just may be, till we reach the end of our journey... we may have developed what others may like to call, 'A Perfect Personality'.

    1. Perfect-this is just what i too aim to achieve.Thanks for this nugget.

  11. Is it your turn now to deride yourself?

  12. nice post .......worth of time reading it
    P.s - i am following you

  13. A happy person has a perfect personality :)

    1. Ghazala this is a totally new perspective on this topic-thank you.


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