
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Planet Venus

 Venus is associated with love & beauty but planet Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.By hot i do not mean sexy or sassy as women are often labelled,but as hot as 900*F.Quite a revelation isn't it?There's more--it is dotted with hundreds of volcanoes.There is thunder,lightening & acid rain but the rain evaporates before it reaches the surface.It's atmosphere is so heavy that standing on it you would feel as if you were under 3,000 Ft of water.Better not do that because you would be crushed under this huge pressure.There are also hundreds of craters but many more have been submerged under lava which flowed from the volcanoes.The surface mainly consists of volcanoes & rolling plains.There is not much variation in temperature whether it is night or day,hillock or a lowland.This is because it's atmosphere traps Sun's heat.Viewed from earth we will only see a white planet covered with clouds.The clouds are mainly made up of sulphuric acid.They extend up to 100Km above it's surface.

If you look at the south-east corner of sky at 6am in India nowadays,you will see Venus rising on the horizon.It is mostly seen as the morning star or evening star.After Sun & moon it is the brightest entity in the sky.Venus is known as the sister planet of Earth because it is almost the same size.Mariner 10 took nearly 3 months to reach it

Now some oddities--Venus orbits the sun in 225 earth days but rotates around it's axis in 243 which means it's day is longer than it's year.Ever heard of such a thing?This happens because it spins very slowly,but whizzes past the sun at a speed of 126,077 Kmh.Another unique feature is that while all other planets spin anti-clockwise,Venus spins clock-wise,so that over there sun rises in the west;and it rises ever so slowly.

.Every planet in the solar system is so unique that it is mind boggling!!!!!!

Text courtesy Robin Kerrod
Images courtesy Clipart &


  1. Oh! so that white 'morning star' look is just an alluring allusion! a death trap! It is actually a beautiful, hot, scheming Venus hiding ambers in her bosom!

  2. YES Meenakshi you have nailed it's contradiction so well--great to look at,but............

  3. Hi Indu,

    Lovely description of the planet Venus and indeed, the universe is quite mind boggling. Venus is also the ruler of my zodiac, so it is even closer to me. :)


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    1. Thanks Jai,ahem,are you also as hot n fiery?Hope not !!!!!!!!!

    2. Well, Indu, that's for the females to decide, I guess :) :)


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  4. Very informative series.. Indu!!

  5. It is indeed a topsy-turvy planet, isn't it? We can now tell people happily that we would meet them the next day and get a whole year and more to do it! And then, I can argue that the sun rises in the west and have proof to show -- no one asked me in which planet, did they? ;) Thanks for the trivia Indu. Loving this series.

  6. Zephyr hats off to your ingenious reasoning--certainly no one can take you up on that!
    Love you .

  7. Planned perfection is our boundless univ, our galaxy included ,but what amazes me r the individual characteristics of each planet,some rotating fast, revolg slow ,while others doin the exact opp.Wld love to know the logistics behind all this -if there is even one that is.

  8. Yes Sucharita every planet is unique yet bound together in a single discipline.

  9. Frankly Indu ji
    this series is helping me impress the kids around .

    thanks a lot for all the imformation

  10. Thank you Rajni,you are welcome.
    Love n hugs,

  11. Venus, for all its glittering beauty in the night sky and its association with the Roman goddess of love, is a deeply uncomfortable world...:))
    Have been traveling and missed so many interesting blogs, Indu. Came in very late. Please don't mind!
    Great job!

  12. Yeah with it's thunder,lightening & volcanoes;we should give up our claim of being from Venus--no?

    It does not matter Panchali-some friends are above these considerations.


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