
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Zodiac Sign Cancer

It must have been a Cancer who first developed the concept of home and family because this tribe is exceedingly attached to both.Guys if you are looking for a home-maker,a loving partner & a sensitive human being, go look for a cancer.She will make a cozy harmonious nest for you.Something of a martyr-she is capable of sidelining her own desires for the sake of her family.She is a die-hard romantic & very emotional.She will conserve every little bit of memorabilia---give her a huge cabinet to store them.Loyal,patient,tenacious & dependable--what more could a guy want?

But wait!This is a water sign,ruled by moon.Moon's phases can be predicted,but not the cancer's moods.They are changeable like a chameleon.The slightest slight from you & she could go into one of her moods.Sometimes it is impossible to fathom why she is so gloomy at a given moment,because her feelings need not always be grounded in reality--she lives a lot in her mind.By the way cancer means crab in Greek!
Hard on the outside,but tender underneath?Actually she is very thin-skinned & highly impressionable.You can well imagine the outcome.Her kin will have to work hard to ken her moods.

Let us look at the brighter side.This timid,conservative angel has a heart of gold.It beats not only for her family,but for anyone in distress.She is a fine friend to have--and keep.The glitzy scene of parties does not charm her as much as a quiet evening at home with family & close friends.Just as water takes on the shape of a container,she can adapt to changed circumstances.She is happy when near water.

The problematic areas of her health are generally connected to chest,arms & tummy or digestive system.
The pics are courtesy google search & text courtesy Richard Sterling.


  1. Hey nice write up.I have a cancer friend and written here holds true for her. Could you write something for Libra and Virgo?

    1. Thank you Khushbu--other signs coming in their order.

  2. I have seen all of the above and much more in a cancerian...have in my family...they are two is the soft end and the other is the wild end...:-)btw, mine is coming next...can't wait to read better write good words....hehhe...just kidding...:-)

    1. Latha your comment amused me a lot...a wild cancer? that is new to me...just shows we cannot compartmentaize all.

    2. OH my maternal aunt...she's one hell of a lady....I know she won't read this :P..I am so bad..but they all have a touching heart which responds..I completely agree to that :)

  3. Indu...Very well written. My best friend is a Cancerian, and so much of what you've written is true!!
    "This timid,conservative angel has a heart of gold.It beats not only for her family,but for anyone in distress.She is a fine friend to have--and keep"...oh, I couldn't have agreed more :)))

    1. Hi Panchali,thanks for this exuberant nod--i loved it.

  4. Cancerians are really very caring people. It reminded of a college time friend ( a cancerian) who used to take so much care of whole the bunch that we started calling him 'father of nation'.

    1. Meenakshi i used to take this stuff just as an amusing read,all you folks'comments indicate that there is something more to it.Thanks a lot!

  5. Family is the priority all right, but since the Cancerian is also supposed to live in his/her mind, the concept of family is amorphous and expands to include a lot more than the immediate family and so the worry and concern spill over too. Sensitive is true, but moody? Of course these are general characteristics and not applicable to each individual. And how do I know? Well dear Indu, the commenter is one :)

    1. Yes Zephyr the Cancer's family expands to include so many---am i there ?

  6. I was reading my own life in there. Yes, am a cancerian!!!

  7. well said...resembles couple of cancerians whom I know...Looking forward for mine zodiac sign description... ;)


  8. Indu ji

    please oblige CAPRICORNIANS too

    and please do visit

    thanks alot for everything

    1. Hi Rajni,i was thinking i have not read anything from you since long...have you been otherwise busy or did i miss it?
      Yes i will go straight there because i love to read you.
      And yes capricornians are on the way too.

  9. Hi, I am DEEPAK, author of blog "The Original Poetry" & I hereby Nominate your blog for THE LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD. For more details kindly refer to Liebster Blog Award post at
    Await your comments, Thanks!! :)

  10. Depak thanks for your nice gesture,i already have this award,why don't you pass it on to someone who does not have it--actually i do not show it on my blog that is why you were mislead...thanks all the same--it feels nice to know that i am remembered & appreciated!

  11. Have known very few Cancerians to comment.

  12. The post has been quite informative for me.Thanks a lot for sharing it ...Well penned..!!

  13. Good information on canceriens..

  14. nicely portrayed cancer women. What about men? :) I am asking because I am a cancerian :)

    1. Just change the gender Saurabh-the traits should be the same.


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