
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Zodiac Sign Gemini

If you know a quick-witted,versatile,high-strung life-of-the-party,chances are he will be a Gemini.Mercury is their ruling planet,& they are just that--quick in thinking & movement.Very restless.Full of nervous energy.Communication is their forte-they are outstanding conversationalists or commentators.They make maximum use of this faculty by chatting,gossiping & latching on to all possible means of communication (they have hordes of friends on whom to hone this skill).

But do not misunderstand me--they are not idlers.This happens only when they have indulged in multifarious activities to their heart's content.They have the rudiments of umpteen subjects & skills at their fingertips--enough to impress people & earn a reputation of being well informed.They certainly love variety & change.That is why they often change their vocation more than once.

Does this extend to their romantic partners too?Ahem........depends.On individual horoscopes.They are very restless & could be fickle too.It is generally thought that they connect at the thought level & lack emotional depth.Maybe because they love to conquer new frontiers & are always on the move.The unkind may call them scatterbrained too. 

Gemini are mostly short in height & slight in built.They are susceptible to afflictions of the nervous system,chest & arms.

They possess a sharp business acumen.Are they devious ?Again a lot depends upon individual horoscopes(i don't want to annoy any friends).But they are charmers no doubt.Another typical quality is their dexterity with hands,which they use a lot while talking.No no,not for bashing people,but for driving home their point.Therefore stay clear when they start talking!

I think i have committed enough blunders for the day .Please take everything with loads of salt.
Text courtesy Richard Sterling
Pics via google search.


  1. I loved your closing comments;) Gemini are charming and loveable, but they are practical people who put their mind to use before heart. And that doesn't hurt, does it!

    1. Yes no doubt about it!They are clever n charming!

  2. Tell me Rahul,does all this make sense?

  3. Hey Indu, first of all a heartfelt thanks for catering to my request..

    You set the ball rolling right from the word go and loved the way you concluded it (enough blunders thing)..

    It was like you were talking about me (I am Gemini) though a little modest (thanks for that) at certain points.. :)

    even loved the way Meenakshi took on Gemini in a rather straightforward way..

    Thanks a million my friend.. really enjoyed..

    1. I am very glad that you liked it.Your appreciation will make me bolder still(hope i don't tread on any toes).
      These posts could fire either way you know! Very risky!!!!!!!

  4. My close friend is Gemini :) Most of the points are true!

  5. Sri Valli your endorsement pleases me a lot-thanks!

  6. I just send the link to my sis...her husband is a Gemini and she is newly married. Even before reading, she said..I think he is don't have many Geminis in my life, but a friend here and there...Zephyr our dearest is a Gemini..have to wait and see what she says about it :)

    1. Latha your sis will never have a chance to get bored--good.I wish her all the happiness.
      This about Zephyr is news to even i am waiting with bated did well to warn me!!!

  7. Hi Indu,

    HAHA, that was a good insight into the Gemini zodiac character.
    So, now I know who that party animal is :p
    Now, I'm awaiting my zodiac sign, when are you coming up with that? :D :D :D (Remember, Venus?) :p


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    1. Hi Jai,
      It is with great trepidation that i tread on these land-mines...Virgos i have in my family too....wait n watch!

  8. I am next in line after Jay - Libra!

    1. Hi Suresh,
      This is turning out to be a nice fun game!

  9. Are we going to read about all zodiac signs ma'am?
    A nice one this!

    1. I'd love to read about them on your a refresher...Linda Goodman fascinated me two decades back!!

    2. Yes i will.
      But Linda was in a class of her own.Please forget about her when you read me!

  10. My dad is a Gemini too! Your first paragraph is bang on! He is the most devoted husband and at 6'2" tall and handsome. Totally right about talking with conviction. No one can win an argument with dad though he graciously gives in sometimes. He logically reasons out things. Well I am biased :). He is an exceptional man, a person of deep convictions, honest and a huge role model and pillar of strength in my life.

    Your post reminds me that I owe you something :). Waiting to hear what Zephyr says :).

    1. Rachna your description of your dad is certainly that of a very attractive personality.And it is clear that you are totally smitten by him.Thank God i did not annoy you!

  11. Hehe I am a Gemini and agree to all the points mentioned. Kudos :)

    1. Saumabha ,welcome here.I am happy that you approve of the first post you have read here.Keep coming!

  12. very well sorted characteristics-i think you are absolutely bang on.

  13. Thank you Sucharita-i loved your comment.

  14. yay!!LOL!! it was a warm welcome for me on your blog ,I stumbled here for the first time ..I am a Gemini..and I completely agree with you...

  15. I am pleased that you liked your entry here,see you again!

  16. I know very few Gemini folks Indu :) Though had i been born a month earlier I would have been one myself :) Interesting!

  17. Jaishree it seems you are next!Hahaha

  18. Indu...Ah...true..true! From the cradle, Gemini kids are curious and begin their quest for knowledge. Everything fascinates them. They want to dabble in a bit of this and a bit of that....My dotty is a Gemini, so I know this so well. But, the only difference is, that she's extremely quiet n introvert..didn't know that this goes against her star-sign!! Waiting to read mine--scorpio!:)

    1. This a very interesting light on Geminis- they start early eh?
      It is true Panchali that the placement of various planets at the time of birth also counts a lot.
      I have really put my foot into this--no extricating myself now.But take a pledge all you friends that you will not take offence!

    2. i agree Panchali mam......i feel i am also very introvert and quiet..most of the time nowadays...i am always very curious and yes everything fascinates me...!!!

  19. Mine is Gemini :) Most of the points are true!!!

    1. Rajkumar i am happy that it is so,even your posts show that you are very versatile.

  20. I don't have anyone close who is a Gemini but now I can spot one very easily. If you are planning to post all the sun-signs, please fast forward it to Saggi. :)

  21. My dear Saru,sahaj pake so meetha hoye,no?

  22. Latha, I am NOT a Gemini :P So there! I know a lot of Geminis and Indu has got a lot of things about them right. Wonder what she will have to say about me, though. My best friend in college was a Gemini and no one could have been sweeter and logical than her. A weird combination that, isn't it?

  23. My dear,let the suspense grow.
    And thanks for vouching for my the suspense is on me--wonder what you will say about the Cancer post!

  24. I am also a Gemini... i liked you way of description...but things aren't the way you described...for me...anything that comes up to my character is that...i am emotional...i am not short...if 5'11 is short...i don't what a tall can be...and neither am i light...!!!

    though i agree to your point in being dextrous...and good in communication...yes i do feel full of energy all the time but i am not very keen on accepting changes neither do i adapt very well to changes...but yes..i am trying to give my career an entire new makeover...which is entirely different from my previous job.

  25. Anjan thanks for visiting & giving this feedback,do come again.


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