
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lousy Day ?Perk Up !

A lousy day !!!!We all know what it means.The cause could be any but the end result is that you feel rotten,restless,off-key,overburdened & drained of energy.Everything sucks & you don't know what to do with yourself.

So what is the remedy?To begin with,let us have one fact clear--when we talk of one lousy day we must recognize that all days are not lousy.Celebrate this truth.And remember,with every tick of the clock,this day is moving out of your life.The best way to deal with such a day is to lie low & take it easy.And if you think you are going to explode sometime soon,warn those around you--at least you will avoid adding disgruntled souls to your list of woes.But it is essential to get rid of such poisonous moods too.Here are some magic mantras to facilitate this:---

*Change your physical status--if you have been lying supine,brooding since time immemorial,get up.If it has been a hard day of slogging at work,then take time off (the sky won't fall down if you do), to flop down on a bed or a couch.In short,break the monotony of what has been going on in this day of yours.

*Venture out into a park or natural surroundings.It will refresh you unbelievably.

*Now,assuming that you are a woman at home,take out your favorite dress;yes,your party dress,even if there is no party.Deck yourself up humming a nice tune all the while.

*For a lady again,or for the metrosexuals--treat yourself to a nice facial,spa,massage or a dashing new haircut you fancy,but have been too timid to try.

*Ready? Now take out a tempting dish from your fridge or pantry,or cook your favorite snack if you are into cooking,or order something yummy from an eatery if you hate cooking like me.Make a cup of tea or coffee or a cold drink,sit down & gorge (it is permitted now & then,especially when it plays the role of an anti-depressant).

*If you are musically inclined switch on your pet music tracks.Better still,dance to the music as if you are the one for whom this tune is being played--force yourself to do this even if you do not feel like scattering the dust on the floor!

*Did you get breathless after all these pelvic gyrations?Ok,sit down & phone a long forgotten & neglected friend or relative--there must be someone that qualifies? If not this,then phone a bum-chum,tell him/her how you feel & ask how s/he is doing.Connecting to your loved ones is a sure-shot cure for misery.Visit one if you can.

*Another spell of rest is due now.Take out your magic box. You don't have one?Go ahead & make it. Put into it,all that makes you smile.This could be a sentimental letter or a greeting card,pictures of your loved ones,trinkets which are inextricably linked to happy memories,a toy which reminds you of your childhood or a D.V.D. of your chosen humorous movie.Put all this into your box & keep it handy for such days.Sorting through these memorabilia will chase away the remaining blues. Now laugh like this fellow on the left & admire yourself in the mirror. Awww, you look so happy & charming!In the end remember :

All pics courtesy google search and


  1. Indu ji

    will you believe it if I say I am one who does all those things you have mentioned ---and do you know I am one of those who NEVER has a lousy day ----may be because i keep on practicing those tips constantly ----suppose I feel a bit tired doing the daily chores I open the album and browse---or switch on the record player ( ours is still working)and play my favourite talat mahmood or geeta dutt.---and am rejuvenated

    loved the line

    .And remember,with every tick of the clock,this day is moving out of your life""


    with warm regards

    1. How nice that you keep yourself calm & composed like this.
      Chashme-bad-duur !

      I too love Gita Dutt.

      Lots of love.

  2. Very effective remedies there Indu . What a nice idea to have a magic box . Will make 1 soon :)

  3. Ha Ha... this one brought smile on my face.

    Travel India

  4. Very relevant post, Indu di (if I can call you so). Remedies are practical enough to change your stance on the things that are going wrong. Sometimes You just have to look things from the other perspective. For me meditation also works to drive those blues away.

    1. Sure Meenakshi,what could be better than being called thus by you.And thanks for your addition.

      Lots of love 2 u .

  5., if you know that you are feeling low and down,... start taking better care of yourself-- So cool!!!!
    Great tips, Indu. And making a magic box is the most endearing suggestion--awesome! I am going to make one for myself :D:D
    Enjoyed the read...:)))
    I heard even chocolates pep up mood almost instantaneously!!!Lovely...lovely post!

  6. Panchali you know how to perk up my day-thanks a ton for this lovely comment.
    Yes chocolates are said to be great for moods too-you know what-if i eat one piece i can't stop till i have gobbled the whole bar.

  7. Love the ideas here. I am putting the magic box idea on my weekend to do list. Thanks, Indu, for putting a smile on my face.

    1. Approval from the master himself?Now what more could i have asked for!!!1
      Thank you Subho,for your kind words!!

  8. Great :) :) :) Its really a pity that most of the time we need to be reminded to pamper ourselves.

  9. Yes Amrita,that is the very gist of my post,thanks!!

  10. Dancing on my favourite song works for me...chatting with the beautiful flowers in my garden boosts me up sometimes...Talking to enthusiastic bloggers like you through comments always perks me up...great post Indu Di...

  11. I remember reading on your blog that you are fond of dancing & i really admire those who can!
    Your cute comment has perked me up too.
    Thank you odyzz & lots of love too!

  12. Loved your blog! Keep doing the gr8 work!

    1. Abhishek welcome to jeeteraho !
      Your comment has made me very happy-thanks a lot!

  13. :) As always, you have got something to teach us with each of your post. Like many, I liked the idea of the box too..I would love to make one for myself and I already know what to put in it :)

    1. Latha your generous praise zooms me sky high-thank you ever so much!

  14. Your posts are always infused with so much positivity!

    When I am feeling down, I simply surrender myself to. I crib, vent. I call it the cleansing process. And voila, a few days later it's just a bad memory :-)

    1. This sounds a marvelous idea Purba;it would be certainly very cleansing to say out what we feel.
      Thanks for thisinput!

  15. Well said Indu. As a matter of fact the day to be lovely or lousy depends upon our state of mind. Our thoughts make and mar everything. The tips you have suggested help us to change our state of mind and thus it helps in feeling more optimistic, positive and fully charged ready to face any obstacle.

    1. You said it Fayaz--
      Our thoughts make and mar everything.
      Nice to see you here.

  16. What a great compilation of 'to do' things! Looks like the magic box idea has hit the jackpot :) Lovely post, Indu!

    1. Zephyr i am so glad you liked it-
      a nod from you means a lot!!!!

  17. I love your idea of creating a magic box! A very useful post Indu Ji, thanks for sharing the wisdom :)

    1. Hi Medha,very happy to see your comment,thanks a ton.

      Love n Hugs !!!!!


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