
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Zodiac Sign Libra

If all earthlings were Librans there would be no acrimony,no disputes and no wars.What an enchanting thought!But the Librans are that-enchanting!More than anything else they love peace,harmony,beauty & elegance.The environment has a strong influence upon them & they cannot be happy in discordant or ugly surroundings.Their ruling planet Venus blesses them with a love for beauty,luxury,art & music.
A very prominent feature of their personality is tact & diplomacy.They are charmers------period!As if that was not enough booty for one sun sign,they possess that elusive balance between head & heart.They evaluate everything from all possible angles & perceive the pros & cons in every situation.As a result they can accurately decide what they want & being the lovable subtle manipulators that they are;you will soon find yourself toeing their line & believing that this is what you need!But no need to fear,because their sense of justice will not allow them to wrong anyone.Naturally they are very good at making friends & these friends contribute a lot to their success.Er,they manage to put them to work very smoothly.It is easy to get along with them because they do not hurt any one's feelings.

The image on right gives a concise tally of their strengths & weaknesses.Now for the tricky part .Librans' secret nightmare is that anyone should dislike them.To obviate such a chance,they face the prospect of turning into people pleasers .After all creating a good impression is of paramount importance !So they may nod their heads to this,and also to that,because it is painful to take sides.They not only want to make a good impression,they also do not like to hurt anyone.But this tendency can project them as being unreliable,changeable & indecisive.

Before i wind up,let me vote for my own post.I have a Libran grandson& all that i have written above resonates with what i see in him.He is a darling,but prone to people pleasing.
A word of caution too:Librans are susceptible to diseases of the lumbar region,lower back,kidney & bladder.
If you want to read about other sun signs here they are--
Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo

The pics are courtesy google & text courtesy Richard Sterling


  1. hey ,am libran.i don't believe in stars,planets influence and astrology.though most of things said about libran reflects my behavior,i don't please people ,am not diplomatic aka tactful. am frank, forthright and everything in my life is genuine.

    all weaknesses you said are not true with me though am libran coz some american astrologer said am supracelestialbeing.i don't believe in zodiac sign to start my day.the very basic human nature can't be classified to zodiac signs coz its just ideal.

    1. It is true that not all Librans will have ditto traits.Astrology explains it thus--though all librans share the same sign,a lot depends upon the ascendent when they were born,& this changes every 2 hours.
      Thanks for visiting n commenting raj,it is good to know all POVs.

  2. Librans are beautiful inside, outside but their in order to please everybody they compromise on their integrity and are prone to lose trustworthiness.

    1. You hit on the crux of their weakness Meenakshi,thanks.

  3. do have a special liking for them...:-P

    1. Haha you got it Latha!It is,because of my grandson!But i have only written what the experts say.

  4. I waited for this post to come from long time :D

    I'm a libran, most of the points are very true!

    I agree, It is painful to take sides, esp when both sides appear equally important. Thinking in all sides, exploring in all angles can be bane sometimes, as that leads to indecisiveness.

    Thanks for posting this Indu :)

    1. I am glad your wait ended satisfactorily Valli,you are welcome.

  5. Aah!! Librans ..Sorry Indu Di ..I have had a horrible experience with a libran so cannot say anything here...really sorry..May be it's person to person but still ...

    1. I am sorry about your bitter encounter odyzz,it happens...there are so many factors which decide a person--zodiac sign is only one of them.

  6. I am a Libran too. Even though I am not capable enough to understand and believe in such things but thoroughly enjoyed the post.


    1. Hi Jahid,
      I am glad you came here and enjoyed reading my post.Thanks.

  7. Hi Indu ,
    Nice to know some points about Librans waiting for Saggi
    Travel India

  8. What you said about them is true, two of my friends are like this.

  9. Interesting..Let me Check Librans in my family

  10. Libra at last! Well - Linda Goodman had this to say abt Librans, "They can pick their socks in their hands and take all day to decide which leg to put it on first" - that part is quite true of me.

    Charming? Now that someone else has to answer. Hitherto I have not been mobbed by people charmed by me :)

    As for people-pleasing, I'm afraid I am not in those stakes. I try not to hurt people all right but when I draw a line that line stays drawn.

    1. Yes they are said to be indecisive.
      Thanks for dropping by Suresh.

  11. very interesting Blog!!! GOD<3U

  12. Your beautiful comment comes as a precious morning gift,thanks for coming over.
    You are welcome to jeeteraho!

  13. Great Indu ji

    my hubby is a LIBRAN and yes all that you have written is TRUE
    they do make you believe that what they are saying is what you need and yes they do have a sense of justice

    thnaks Induji for this post


    1. Haha this made me laugh,what can you do in front of such a gentleman?Except grin & be aware!!

      Take care,

  14. i have added you on google followers, please add me

  15. If all earthlings were Librans there would be no acrimony,no disputes and no wars. Thanks for the information Aartigyan

    1. You got it Oliver,no doubt about it. Thanks for adding to my post.


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