
Monday, April 29, 2013

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

A Sagittarian is like a free bird flying high without any restrictions or limitations,looking for independence & expansion.The latter could relate to any field--physical environment,mental interests like knowledge & learning,or spiritual pursuits.He has a  sharp intellect & a colorful personality brimming with enthusiasm & confidence.Frank,honest,generous,jovial,just & likable;he is also plain speaking to the point of being blunt or tactless.He goes straight to the point like the archer,& dislikes devious,underhand beings.He is a good friend but only till you do not interfere in his life or begin to give him directions, because he knows what to do! The upside is that he too,will not meddle in your affairs. 

A Sagittarian's penchant for independence can cause problems where close relations are concerned because such relationships naturally entail restrictions & obligations which can suffocate a free spirit.All will be well if he meets the right partner but teaming with a suspicious or possessive spouse could result in separation.For this very reason some of those who value their freedom above all, may not marry at all;but if they do,this tendency requires monitoring.

Overconfidence & misplaced optimism is another pitfall which the Sagittarian needs to watch out for.It can foil his prospects.His hot impulsive nature could further complicate matters.

As the Sagittarian lives by his own set of rules,some may consider him as being superficial & irresponsible.This impression is further reinforced by his inclination to not take things seriously.If he gets bored in a given set-up,he just moves on.

The image on left encapsulates many attributes of a Sagittarian.It goes without saying that personal horoscopes make a lot of difference.This is best used as a reference point.On the whole, Sagittarians are lucky people.After all their ruling planet is none less than Jupiter.

In matters of health sciatica,rheumatic pains & liver problems are the areas that need watching.

Text courtesy Richard Sterling.
Pics courtesy google.


  1. Mom is a saggi...however, I have seen all the traits you have mentioned in another person I know...also, they are lazyyyy...:-P

    1. Latha your lazyyyy gave me a hearty laugh,thank you!

  2. I think I am not the right person to say what applies to me. I should ask people close to me.

    1. Saru i don't know you well enough to comment,but offhand i would say expansion in knowledge certainly does apply.

  3. I'm a Saggi. I think most of whatever you have written matches with my character :)

  4. Sagis have similar traits !!

  5. My mom is Saggi! Most of the points mentioned relate to her well ;)

  6. Thank you Valli for this input.

  7. Don't know much about Saggis but they sure seem interesting.

  8. My sister is a saggi and yes all that you have written fits to the "T" Indu ji

  9. i am a saggi but not lazzyy at all:)


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