
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ooooh these heavenly bodies ! ! ! ! !

Got you there-all you who have dirty minds!No this is not about human bodies but about the celestial ones!Read on,you will not be disappointed.

We are truly blessed to have been allotted this earth to live on.It is tailor-made for our sustenance.This conclusion is the natural culmination of a musing about our #solar system.Just look at the queer specimens which are whirling around the sun.

First of all we have Mercury-the tiniest planet & one which is harbored closest to sun.Perhaps that is why it whizzes along at the abominable speed of 172,000Km/h.This is the fastest speed in the solar system.But it spins so slowly that it's day is equal to 58-1/2 earth days.Besides it's sky is always dark,and while one side of it is baking hot,the other half is freezing cold-no we could not live there!

Next comes Venus.This one's day (243 earth days) is longer than it's year(225 earth days).Ever heard of such a thing?Besides it is the hottest planet of the solar system-what with acid rain & hundreds of volcanoes spewing fire.It is much safer here,on earth!

Let us skip earth for the time being & go on to Mars.Admittedly,this one is like earth in many ways,that is why all the scientists are frantically trying to go & plunder  make it fit for habitation.But there is no liquid water on it's surface.Earth is any day better.

Jupiter  comes next.It's gravity is 2.4 times stronger than earth's.If you stood on it's surface,you would find it difficult to walk.Jupiter's day & night are only of 5hrs each because only10 hrs make a day.Jupiter spins faster than any other planet---ooh my head is also spinning!

Coming to Saturn, it too is not at all hospitable.Firstly,like Jupiter & other planets coming after it;it has no solid surface,and secondly there are fierce winds lightening & storms.No fun going there.

Next is Uranus which takes 84 yrs to revolve round the sun.Such a long year-so many inhabitants would pass away before completing their first year,Tch,tch,tch! 

Fasten your seat belts because now we come to Neptune where winds are howling at around 1,500 mp/h.On this planet a baby would need to live for 164 yrs to complete it's first year-so cruel!

Now Pluto,the dwarf planet.This one has a year of 248 yrs.Sun light reaches it in 5 hrs;and the sun-it is a mere speck of light when seen from there.

Well,if you are still with me then you too will agree that we are indeed fortunate to be living on this earth.Whether the earth is fortunate to have us as it's inhabitants--we all know the answer to that.
Pics courtesy google & text courtesy Robin Kerrod & web. 


  1. nice post Indu :) loved your narration of heavenly bodies and the doodle is so apt out there :)

    1. mysay i am very happy that you liked this post & you appreciating my choice of the image means a lot you know!

  2. Really nice way of representing a good topic. Nice read :) Technology News

    1. BiYaGo, a very warm welcome to you.Glad you liked it.

  3. Indu ji this one is going to be copypasted and preserved by me for future use by my grandchildren WOW this info ka khazana will be of great help for their essays etc and the lucid style of yours will make them learn how to make a dreary topic interesting

    thanks a lot

    warm regards

    1. Rajni you have floored me with this ample encomium-i really don't know what to say-a precious morning gift that i cherish.
      Love n hugs!

  4. UUfffff.
    This great.Thanks for sharing such useful information

  5. Good post. My son also liked this! Good information in simple language.

    1. Hi Ranjana,give my love to your sonny,how old is he?

  6. Nice post Indujee, heavenly bodies made extra heavenly by you

    1. welcome at jeeteraho,so nice of you to say this,thanks!

  7. Very informative... reminded me of school in parts, but am leaving enriched!!

  8. Useful information given in a fun way :).

  9. That is a nice read and Yes,no matter how hard our Scientist try I guess it is near to Impossible to find a Planet like ours not in our Solar System,Not in Our Galaxy-Milky Way or any other Galaxy...

  10. Certainly not in our SS,but elsewhere?I don't know.

  11. We made the right choice to stay put on Earth:)


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