
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Learning A Lesson.......The Hard Way!

Last month I was rendered immobile for a week.You can well imagine what all this entails.Thank God I was on my feet again after one week but this one week taught me many lessons.

The day I first walked to the bathroom after this, I realized what a blessing it was to be able to do so.Before that I had never imagined that one day I would rate this simple act as a major component of my happiness or satisfaction with life.

And then there was the buoyant feeling of not having to depend upon anybody for the simplest of needs-like turning off the fan or picking up something to read.Because of my reluctance to bother my family time and again,I had been suppressing many such desires in the past week.

It was almost a thrill to be able to undertake any activity of my choice-even a simple act like sitting out in the garden or making my tea my own way.Lying supine on bed for one whole week had tested my tolerance to the maximum.

As I took over my normal routine I felt deeply indebted to all those who had chipped in to help me out in the week gone by. I could not but marvel at the many blessings, the good lord had bestowed upon me.Every small convenience now became a source of joy.I do not live in the lap of luxury but even small facilities like a comfortable bed with clean sheets,a nice clean bathroom and a convenient kitchen-- all these factors have made life easy and enjoyable.Not to talk of bigger boons like a healthy body and mind,a caring family,the home I own etc etc.

The list could go on and on,but I guess you get my point.There are so many comforts we enjoy and take for granted.Not until we are deprived of them do we realize how lucky we were.We sweat about small stuff ,not even considering the pleasures which fortune has bestowed upon us.We take for granted what we have and we also desire what others possess.Instead of gratitude we fill our hearts with envy and discontent.Perpetual hunger for more and more causes unrest and anxiety.While yearning for happiness-we in fact tarnish it.

Even as I write this I am aware that if I am healthy and happy today it is not always going to be like this.The whole life experience is like the wheel of a bike with different parts of it's circumference embossed with natural events which generate happiness,sorrow,disease,frustration,growth or stagnation,with the passage of time.We feel deeply the current joy or displeasure which is uppermost on this wheel, forgetting that this too will go down and other experiences will come up.

Even when face to face with a calamity,what succor do we have?We can only thank God that it is not worse than this, while coping with it to the best of our ability and telling ourselves that this too shall pass.I guess the answer lies in savoring mindfully and gratefully,what we have;appreciating more, and whining less.Talking of gratitude,this post has a lot to offer.It is worth a visit.

What is precious to me could differ from what you hold dear.It would be interesting to know what evokes feelings of gratitude in you.So come along,say your say !

Image courtesy google.


  1. Absolutely true, Indu! Every time I come out of an illness, I am all marvel at my healthy self. But then in a few days, I begin to take my wellbeing and health for granted. At least with the people close to me, I try to not take them for granted and keep telling them through words and gestures how much they matter to me. I feel grateful for my family and friends, for my health, intelligence and values.

    1. Glad you agree with is true that in good times we tend to take things for granted...but telling folks how much i care for them-it does not come easy to me,must learn it.
      Yes intelligence and values-they are very precious.

  2. Glad to hear that you are mobile again. And that you for showing us the perspective. I know I take so much for granted.

    1. Thanks Mridula for your concern-it feels nice!

  3. Count your blessings is one song that i love for this reason. There is so much that we have and its only when we are in a problem or unwell that we realize the value of all that we have.

  4. Indu ji

    I could have written this post if not you ----by God these blessings small mercies and their value can only be understood when one has to miss them ----a few years back I had to go for angiography and will you belive me all those hours after the angiography that they told me keep lying down and not to even move my hands I felt like mad ---and when I saw my daughter outside the OT or whatever they call it ---I started giggling and said ---aur agar merey ko letna padaa na toh I will get mad and she signalled me to keep shut ---hahahah and yes when the family looks after you with all that love and care -----you are touched and also you realise that everyone else can multitask too :)))

    1. I did not know you have been through this-did you need angioplasty too?I hope not.
      Yes it is very tiresome to lie still for so MIL used to say there is no other comfort like the bed and there is no other torture too like it.
      I am glad you are joking about it today,so you must be ok.Take care.

  5. Really nice, Indu. Agree with every word :)
    I am grateful for every li'l & big thing, anything & everything as I feel everything is a miracle adding to all my lessons & experiences. :)

    1. Wow Anita you have an unbeatable attitude towards life--love you !

  6. Chalo,Take care.
    I know how it feels.My wife was immobile for a few days after she met with an accident.It takes a lot of guts to face the situation

    1. Thank you Chowla ji for these kind words,now i go to read your latest post.

  7. You know aunty, I always had a secret desire that I have to be bedridden and see how my family treats and they should feel my pain. I think god listened to me and gave me more than I wanted when my daughter was born...and I didn't like it when people didn't respond the way I expected..I am better off staying healthy..and right now, I am very grateful for my mom to be staying with me..she is such a great help with two kids and job..I keep telling her that everyday...And hope you are feeling better.

    1. Latha your comment brightened my morning..... when my kids were young i too used to wish that i may fall ill so that i could get respite from the daily grind....but my friends used to say it would be of no use,you will have to be active perforce because no one can manage the home like a housewife can....and i got more than my share of sickness...just shows,never make such flighty wishes.

      Yes i am fine -thanks!

  8. I understand you. I had been this phase during my back injury.

    1. Hi Rajesh,i hope you are completely fit now.
      Take care.

  9. Unfortunatey, we take so many things for granted without considering how blessed we are to enjoy the simple pleasures!

  10. I am glad you are at yourself again, Induji. Loved what you said here. I am a firm believer in the force of gratitude, it is the thing that completes us and unlocks the beauty of life in its totality. It is simply magic, the moment you appreciate it, give it, that very moment you are blessed, in abundance.

    1. Arti thanks for your concern-i am touched.
      You have embellished this post with your beautiful comment.Your positivity and gratitude are reflected in your posts too.
      Lots of love.

  11. Sadly, we learn a lot of this after missing out on so many flowers on the way..

    Thanks for sharing these words :)

    1. Yes it is very tormenting to look back and realize that we erred somewhere.

  12. Nice, A G+ for ur Post and Have a Nice Day. . . :)

    1. Thanks a lot our too have a nice week.

  13. So true. At times I have felt like falling sick to get away from difficult deadline at work or exam at college. But later thinking I felt any day better to remain healthy and suffer the onerous exam preparation or working towards office deadline than falling sick. If you remain healthy physically and mentally, you can face everything else.

    1. Aren't we lucky that rational thinking wins in the end?
      May we all remain healthy n happy!

  14. There is an old Tamil movie song with lyrics ...
    "Unakkum Keezhe iruppavar kodi
    Ninaithu parthu nimmadhi naadu"
    which means " There are crores below you. Think about that and be at peace" I love these lines. Simple things like the food we eat, the clothes we wear are things we take for granted.

    1. Yes Jaishree these lines can really improve a despondent mood,thanks for sharing.
      How very true-your observation----even these simple things add to a lot!
      Love n hugs!


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