
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Passing Moments.....Lost Moments.

Every moment is slipping by,
Like carriages of a train whizzing by.
Loaded with stuff no one can see,
Desires worries and memories,
Hope anxiety and agony.

A lamp post on way shines some light,
And so, the carriage perks up bright.
Into the jungles, and then again,
Darkness black resumes it's reign.

A cool breeze sometimes brings reprieve,
Then turning to gusts,it sows unease.
Take care,the signs of a brewing storm,
Hold tight to all you cherish and own.

Thank God the storm has passed away
Not taken you too,along it's way.
But the journey still is far from done,
All kinds of weathers will test you on.

Many carriages have dropped by the way,
And new ones are added every day.
What was dear and intimate,
Is now swathed in distant haze.

Onward goes the march of time,
Who can ever lag behind?
My own destination I do not know,
 In my hands, to heal and grow.

Image courtesy google


  1. Hi guys i am sorry i could not reply to your comments as no comments are showing here.I hope blogger will set it right soon.
    Sorry for the bother.

  2. Thank God the storm has passed away
    Not taken you too,along it's way.....I love these lines. Deep and beautiful.

  3. @ Bharati @ Jaishree,
    Your comments are so satisfying-they make my efforts worthwhile-thanks a ton to both of you.
    Love n hugs.

  4. Beautifully said, Indu. These metaphysical storms can be as potent as meteorological ones!! But, the little ray of sunshine brings everything together. Poignant and motivating. poem...
    Good to come back to blogging after a break..:)

    1. Panchali your words are like music to my ears-thanks a million.
      Yes you have been absent for long and lately my pc too has been having hiccups.

  5. Your lines are well penned. So much of feelings!

  6. Beautiful and meaningful, Indu!

  7. @TF and @ Rachna,so glad you liked it,thanks for the endorsement.

  8. Beautiful lines describing life! The expression Many carriages have dropped by the way,
    And new ones are added every day.
    is exemplary.It is so deep.

    1. Usha i am thrilled to see you here-hearty welcome and many thanks.
      I treasure your comment!

  9. INDU JI

    A poem depicting life as it really is ---the sad and the positive going side by side ---touching lines which lead you to treat life with a positive approach

    I had written something similar a long time back will try and post the poem when I can lay my hands on it in my archives कहते है अँधेरे में छिपी होती है चांदनी ये सच है मान के मुस्कुरा जो हम दिए

    हवाये रुक गयी है और; थम गयी है आंधिया ll

  10. Waiting for your poem,the first line is very motivating.
    Love n hugs.

  11. Lovely poem Indu. The opening lines are awesome.

    1. geeta welcome to jeeteraho,thanks for your praise.

  12. Life indeed is a journey, Indu. We have to keep moving forward, no matter what.

  13. moves on...I loved few lines especially

  14. Life is indeed a journey taking it's own course yet we have a lot of choices to make for our own selves ... wow. Loved the poem, Induji. So very beautiful!

  15. Indu, I have tagged you in my Post for the PASS Activity.
    Pl do check it out and do repond with your Post.
    Please acknowledge acceptance in the Comments section of my Post:

  16. Replies
    1. Indu, Thanks for accepting.
      Just wanna let you know that we can post anything we feel- facts/fiction about stubble/clean-shaven. Just make sure either of the two lines is used. We can get the details on the PASS Contest page on BlogAdda :)
      Looking forward to your response :)

  17. Many carriages have dropped by the way, And new ones are added every day.
    These lines sum up the poem.
    Loved reading the way you have presented and explained it so nicely. :)


Thanks for reading.Do,give your feedback.