
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Am I Immortal ?

In a way this post is a sequel to my last post vacant eyes which was about the loss of memory in old age and the resultant agony.As I thought about this handicap it dawned upon me that today I am hale and hearty but who knows what future has in store for me.Such an obvious fact!We take our good health and all our faculties for granted but what if tomorrow there is a deterioration in our capabilities?
It was a very sobering thought.Is there anything we can do to ensure that we retain all our abilities till the end?Sounds like a tall order,doesn't it ?You can read my views on this at the following link and please tell me your thoughts too.


  1. The present is the gift and every moment must be cherished , Induji:)

  2. Don't frighten me :) I live alone.

    1. Trust you to inject humor in everything--thanks for this.

  3. We never know what the future has in store...
    Read your views in the Speaking Tree link. Really nice thoughts, Indu ji. Yes, even I believe- 'as you sow, so you reap'. We get most of the fruits of our actions in this birth and some get carried forward to the next...
    Wishing everyone the best always & may we all be healthy & fit till our last day...

  4. Yes Ashwini i have written a few posts for the speakingtree.
    I admire the way you have interpreted or rather clarified the feelings behind my post.Thanks.

  5. Read the post there and I agree to Rahul Bhatia...and your last lines are the lifeline to me..better your karma...

  6. Very thoughtful post Indu. Karma aside , being and doing good would keep ones conscience clear and give one true peace that nothing else can provide

  7. Yes having a clear conscience is truly a blessing,as you say,it gives a lot of peace.

  8. Loved the post, Induji. Thank you so much for writing this. I can recall one line I had heard somewhere, Live each day of your life as if it were your last and see the transformation. I know sometimes these things are easier said than done but we need to start somewhere and get better and better at it with time. I should bookmark this post for future reading too, it really speaks the reality of how life should actually be.

    And thank you so much for your warm wishes today, you made it special. :) Please pass on my b'day wishes to your hubby too. Wish you have a great day ahead.

  9. I couldn't post a comment on speaking tree. I agree with the last part of the post, our karma should be good. Sorry to hear about your mother. I always tell my mom to keep her health in check, she takes too much stress which effects her health.

    1. Hi Saru,your concern is touching.She was alert till 101 yrs but then age took over.I hope your mom takes it easy.
      Love and best wishes.

  10. Arti thank you for this lovely response.It is true-that is how we should live each day,but human frailties intervene.

    Yes we are enjoying his B-Day and your wishes have added to the cheer.Thanks a lot.

  11. Ohhhh so freaking true. There are so many things we need to take care of, and inspite of them you never know what will happen ....

    1. Menachery welcome to jeeteraho,i am so glad you liked my post-thanks.

  12. hmm,i don't understand why people ask such questions after becoming old.i was 23yr old when i was admitted in icu,i had only 10% chances to survive and i became normal after being in coma or on ventilator for 3days.after i got consciousness in icu,there were old people adjacent to my bed who underwent heart bypass surgery and people who are awaiting certain complicated surgeries.i was listening to certain music albums which i like on my mp3 player and patients adjacent to my bed asked me whether i have bhagavad gita and devotional songs.i told them that i don't have any of them.why do you want to listen to devotional songs or bhagavadgita before your departure?coz these people din't lead life naturally human so they don't have peace of mind and want to have peace of mind by listening to n't that wrong way of life.

    the most important aspect of life is having clarity in every aspect of life,if you have that then you can prevent and try to stop bad things happening .you will get clarity in every aspect of life only when you lead morally right life from childhood.the most and best practise of humans is prevention,we can't do anything more than everyone should ask themselves,did we do everything to prevent.most of the cases you will find answer 'no' coz people who did everything don't grieve..

    prevention of incidents happening in our life depends on two factors,the magnitude of affection we have on a person and financial affordability.

    speaking tree is a spirituality business portal.spirituality is a state of mind where people search for peace of mind and answers after living life with flaws. one can never get answers from spiritual gurus or books coz it comes with self-realization.

    mortal,immortal,gods,karma are words created for world which strives on survival of fittest principle.

    am i immortal?the law of nature is,a person who has led life naturally human can't be killed by external elements,he/she will die naturally.this state of mind remains constant forever which is natural.

    so teach bhagavad gita,koran,mahabharat and bible to kids and when they grow up ,they will realise what truth is and they can find flaws in all those scriptures.if you read after becoming old,one can never realise truth.

    hmm indu,why don't you post a question which was never answered by books or google or any individual around you.

  13. hmm,i don't understand why people ask such questions after becoming old.i was 23yr old when i was admitted in icu,i had only 10% chances to survive and i became normal after being in coma or on ventilator for 3days.after i got consciousness in icu,there were old people adjacent to my bed who underwent heart bypass surgery and people who are awaiting certain complicated surgeries.i was listening to certain music albums which i like on my mp3 player and patients adjacent to my bed asked me whether i have bhagavad gita and devotional songs.i told them that i don't have any of them.why do you want to listen to devotional songs or bhagavadgita before your departure?coz these people din't lead life naturally human so they don't have peace of mind and want to have peace of mind by listening to n't that wrong way of life.

    the most important aspect of life is having clarity in every aspect of life,if you have that then you can prevent and try to stop bad things happening .you will get clarity in every aspect of life only when you lead morally right life from childhood.the most and best practise of humans is prevention,we can't do anything more than everyone should ask themselves,did we do everything to prevent.most of the cases you will find answer 'no' coz people who did everything don't grieve..

    prevention of incidents happening in our life depends on two factors,the magnitude of affection we have on a person and financial affordability.

    speaking tree is a spirituality business portal.spirituality is a state of mind where people search for peace of mind and answers after living life with flaws. one can never get answers from spiritual gurus or books coz it comes with self-realization.

    mortal,immortal,gods,karma are words created for world which strives on survival of fittest principle.

    am i immortal?the law of nature is,a person who has led life naturally human can't be killed by external elements,he/she will die naturally.this state of mind remains constant forever which is natural.

    so teach bhagavad gita,koran,mahabharat and bible to kids and when they grow up ,they will realise what truth is and they can find flaws in all those scriptures.if you read after becoming old,one can never realise truth.

    hmm indu,why don't you post a question which was never answered by books or google or any individual around you.

  14. Sorry to learn about your sickness in youth.
    Which question do you have in mind Rohan?

  15. it was n't sickness,it was just an accident.hmm its strange that you din't pay attention to all my above lines. did i ask any question?i have asked you to post one.

    1. Rohan i did read your comment but i was short of time therefore i gave a brief reply.

      In the last line you suggested that i ask a question which has not been asked by i asked you which question it could be.

  16. Phewwww.
    We all seem to learn after we have hit a bad patch healthwise....I did.
    My suggestion,try your best to keep healthy.Eat every thing,but,in moderation.
    Take a walk everyday.
    Don't worry,Noone knows what the future holds

    1. Yes Chowla ji,future is obscure,in a way it is better so.
      Your suggestions are good,i will try to be regular with them.

  17. Introspection should be a regular affair to keep the mind clutterfree and ready to leave any moment. It is hard, but one has to begin sooner than later. Loved the post, Indu. Your mom is a centurion? Wow!

    1. Ah!Approval from the great cybernag,i love it !
      Yes Zephyr she was nearing 102 when she expired and look at my greed,i am still not satisfied.


Thanks for reading.Do,give your feedback.