
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Quite an unconventional sign, this Aquarius!It is difficult to slot them in a definite recognisable category.There is even debate whether it is a water sign or an air sign.What's more while tradition regards it as being ruled by Saturn modern astrologers assign it to Uranus.No wonder I am confused when I think about the Aquarians!If there is an enigmatic personality on your radar it is very likely he is an Aquarian.

Aquarians are unfathomable because of  many  reasons.Firstly they are ahead of their times-progressive and inventive.Secondly they are highly unconventional.They do not believe in obsolete or illogical conventions and generally like to stir up things.If you frown at this, it does not bother them, because they are very self-contained;they do not need your or my approval.Deviating from norms is not a big deal for them.They are fiercely independent.And intelligent.And intellectual.And highly observant.They love to gather new experiences and try out new ideas.Short cuts appeal to them.

If you think all these qualities place them next to intelligent robots you are dead wrong because theirs is the most humane of all signs.They are genial,honest,sincere and loyal.But they do not wear their emotions on their sleeves,which is why they are often misunderstood.This is exacerbated by their elusive nature.What's more,they dislike clinging relationships.So their spouses will have to understand this aspect of their personalities if there is to be peace in home.Rather than giving their all to one relationship,they have concern for the whole humanity.

Coming to their faults the most glaring one is their stubborn nature.They are reluctant to change even if their beliefs or methods are contrary to the times.Unpredictable and sometimes perverse-they like to shock people.Cool and tranquil to a fault-it will take a mammoth push to hurry them up.

But all said and done--though distant,they are genuine,likable persons.

Coming to their health,their ankles and legs are the weak points.

The text and pics are courtesy Richard Sterling and google.

Given below are links for other zodiac signs:----
Aries Tauras Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Sagittarius Scorpio Capricorn


  1. Hi friends,Good Morning to you all.
    Mine is going to be the first comment today because my darling son is a true blue Aquarian.It all tallies perfectly but i have not allowed any personal observations to creep in.
    So read on and give me your views.

  2. If it tallies then it has to be right.
    And who would know a son better than the Mother

  3. Spot on, loved reading it (especially the good things :P). I would like to believe this - that sounds a lot like me! :)

    1. I remember from last year-your happy day is coming.Before that wish you and your family a Very Happy New Year!

      I too think it suits you perfectly.
      GLOAT !!!!!!!!!!

  4. Seems very interesting! I can't remember any Aquarians to compare but they sure sound intriguing.

  5. Nice Post . . Have a Nice Day. . . :)

  6. Aha !!!!Now i understand why so many checks!
    But thanks a lot for giving a smiling start to my net-surfing.

  7. ...another great one in this series!

    1. It is great to see you back Amit ji-thanks and Happy New Year!

  8. This one makes me want to go in search of an aquarian friend Indu ji -----thanks alot for this one had loved your earlier posts on zodiac signs

    warm regards

    1. Rajni thanks a million for your loving wishes,you too have a blast and enjoy this year to the fullest.Keep well and be happy.
      Love n hugs!

  9. I didn't know some of this :)
    Let me hunt for your post on my zodiac sign now , Indu ji!

    1. Nice to see you here Canary,which sign is yours?

  10. Good to start the New Year with star gazing, Induji:) Happy New Year!!


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