
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mantras For Instant Tranquillity

Have you ever felt like gnashing your teeth and ticking off someone,all the while knowing that it will be disastrous to do so?Or felt like pulping the frenemy who showed you down in a meeting?Perhaps the thought of taking 'sanyas' crossed your mind when the fruit of your sweat and tears was dumped like trash?Or decided that there was no charm left in life after a personal tragedy suddenly confronted you? 

It is definitely hard to retain your calm in the face of adverse happenings when a whole smorgasbord of extreme emotions are knocking at your door to topple your equilibrium.More than the unwelcome event,it is unhealthy,instinctual reactions which create havoc because they deflect your focus from corrective actions to just letting off steam and showing them (whoever the villains of the piece may be!).If only you keep cool and think rationally, collateral damage can be easily avoided.Over the years i have collected a glossary of certain assuaging one-liners which allow me to cool down without creating a ruckus.Let me share them with you:---

A dear person has an annoying habit--He is like that only!
Someone is rude or hostile--Let it be!
Despite best efforts,you fail--Better luck next time!
A demanding life situation--Oh well,it can't be helped!
A major setback--It happens!
A disease or handicap--Am I someone special!
A personal tragedy--Is it the end of the world?No,a lot remains!
Break-up with a soul mate--Perhaps it is for the better !
A downturn in life--Stars shine only in the dark!
Suggested by Rio De La--Who cares?

Personally speaking whenever I am tempted to look up at the sky and ask 'Why me?' I tell myself 'Why not me ?'. I am sure you too must have your own pet mantras.How about sharing them with me?

Image courtesy google.


  1. very inspiring ones. mine is, "Who cares"

    1. I simply love this one Rio De la-it will work very well!

  2. I like your pet mantras. I don't have any mantras but yes, I do try to rationalize to feel better.

    1. Hi Rachna thanks for liking my mantras-love you :) !

  3. What powerful mantras! You are a treasure house for your readers and an invaluable treasure to your friends and I count myself blessed to be one. Thank you for being there and a big hug to you.

    1. Zephyr this loving wind that blows from your side leaves me satiated.What more can one ask when one has a friend like you ?

      Appreciation from an established author of your stature is priceless.

      Love and hugs to you!

  4. Thanks for sharing this, Induji.
    I remind myself of the 'ANYWAY' poem that my parents recommended. Helpos!
    Even when the world acts crazy, we'll be nice,kind,good...ANYWAY!!!!

    1. Anita you always come out as a very positive and balanced person-i admire this quality in you.

  5. Undoubtedly,a cool mind can help in arresting emotions going haywire during events beyond control!

    1. But how difficult it is to keep your mind cool in face of aggression-no?

  6. Everything else I do not even need a mantra Indu! For me I take everything in my stride once I am sure that there is nothing I can do about it.

    The 'Let it be' is the only thing I am ever unable to do. Someone who lets me down, who is ungrateful; who is rude unnecessarily and covers it up as honesty; who is too keen on showing off his own intellectual acumen without regard to the hurt that his words can cause - in short, the utter callousness of people for other people's feelings is the one thing that enrages me. It is as though people just cannot take the trouble to see how best they can say what they have to say causing the least hurt and, of course, checking first whether a negative thing needs to be said at all AND whether it should be said WHERE is being said. AND those are the people who are the first to yell at the utter rudeness of others. Hypocrisy AND self-centered, nay, self-adulatory behavior really gets my goat. My only mantra is to avoid those people AND avoid thinking of them as far as possible.

    1. You follow a very healthy way of coping with stress.Let it be suits all sorts of aggravations.
      Yes callousness does incite us but you know, injustice or unfair treatment too,i find hard to swallow.Yet in today's scene it is best to conserve our equilibrium,so LET IT BE :(

  7. Everything happens for good,
    This too shall pass
    There are folks in worse situation s.these three are my mantras

    1. Than you Jaish.We now have three new mantras:)
      Love n hugs.

  8. I loved all your mantras...isn't each one of them a gem in itself? I too practice some of yours..each one at different times :) I don't know if I really follow this one, but I preach a lot...:P This is not the end of the world! We can survive..:)

    1. I love your mantra Latha-it is powerful.
      You know Latha an ancillary benefit of counselling is that from time to time i remind myself of the right thing to do.So preaching does help!

    2. you boosted my leo ego a bit more ;)

  9. Great saviors indeed! Thank you Indu:)

  10. Great Mantras Indu ji

    and yes I too follow most of them --specially LET IT BE and IT HAPPENS

    thanks for this one--

    I hope you received my note ---please visit

    ------ and would love to receive your feedback

    warm regards

    1. OK Rajni i shall visit it now,thanks for the thumbs up-love you :)

    2. Rajni i saw the site but could not see your comment.Is it there?

    3. ndu ji

      its in the form of a poem ---if you click on this link it will appear ---but I think the link is not working so I will post share the Indiblogger link with you

  11. What a wonderful list of mantras. We all face such situations in life and there's no better way to it than positive thinking. Surely, these mantras are the way!

    1. Thank you Arti,glad you liked this post.
      Love n hugs.

  12. Ashwini i hope such troubling situations are well behind you.
    You have adopted a soothing attitude,after all we only are responsible for our happiness or sorrow-why give that right to others?

  13. Great mantras. Very helpful in some situations. :)

  14. Each one so classic.however .....let it be

  15. My favourite one that helps me hold on to my sanity is this one - You can't change the way people behave but you can certainly control the way you react to them.

  16. That's a useful mantra to live by Purba-thanks for sharing it !

  17. My fav mantra during difficult times is, This too shall pass.

  18. Really nice blog, Vashikaran astrology have lots of mantras. these mantras play important role in human life. A person can change his/her life by using mantras.

    Powerful Vashikaran specialist in India

  19. All those one-liners can only be said when one is detached from the world mentally. Nice ones though!

  20. Dex welcome to jeeteraho,thanks for your appreciation!

  21. Nice post. It was good to come across your blog.

    1. You are welcome Neha and thanks for the compliment.

  22. I am so happy to read your response,thanks a lot :)


  23. Awesome Post Admin.Jai Hanuman.Reading hanuman chalisa every day gives you Strength and power to you.Jai Sree Ram.

    1. Jai Shree Ram Jyoti.
      I am happy you liked my post.

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