
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Relaxing--Really ?

We are born with certain innate tendencies to think and behave in a n individualistic manner.Sure we can and do modify our habits when they turn out to be counter productive but a little bit of lassitude or complacence,and we are back at our original selves.I guess that is why,while some cannot shake off their workaholic natures,others refuse to be hurried or worried no matter what the stakes.

This divine truth stares me in the face these days.I am one of those who think it is a sin to be idle (as if I am holding up the sky on my puny hands).But this constant state of flux does take it's toll.
One day it suddenly struck me --why was I driving myself so hard?Especially because I did not add a dime to the family kitty.At that very moment I decided to just relax and enjoy life at a leisurely pace.

My PC was the first casualty because the whole routine of reading and writing blog posts had become strenuous and time consuming.Much though I enjoyed this activity,I decided to shift focus to something less demanding which would allow me greater leisure time.

So with a heavy heart and a determined clench of jaw I disconnected my PC and turned my attention to other activities like knitting,sewing and watching TV etc.Let me tell you,I just love to sew but with the whole focus today being on readymades,there is little I can do in that sphere.So i quietly took out a shirt my BH refused to wear and made it into an apron and two lace edged kerchiefs.Another one was embellished and transformed into a cushion cover.My hunger for sewing refused to satiate,so I added some fabric to a single bed cover to make it a medium sized one.Like this,I went on and on till I got rid of many unused garments stuffing the cupboards.What I did not need was given away.

That done, I took stock of the store room;discarding what was not needed and finding new uses for old stuff.Old style teapots,milk jugs and sugar pots have now taken on the avatars of plant holders and flower vases.Making use of my new found free time I just had to indulge in a favorite activity of mine--changing the settings of rooms and shifting stuff from here and there to infuse some newness into my home.On top of all this I was saddled with the onerous task of preserving a load of tomatoes from my kitchen garden.

And now,there are two brand new books by Amish Tripathi waiting to be read.Over and above all this is the demon of Sudoku hovering over my head to monopolise my attention as soon as I hit the bed--how I love this past time.My craze for it has multiplied manifold.

Phew!So much to do and so little time.Relaxing?Who said anything about that?But since this is the title of this post,let me recommend a good site for it.Here it is and rejuvenate!

Tell me do you too have some inner compulsions which nullify your intentions.Your answers will assuage my angst.

Image courtesy google search.


  1. Khamosh siyaah raat aur biyaabaan din
    ik bechaini si lagi rahti hai har pal har chhin..!

    1. I am deeply concerned reading this.Why and where these feelings stem from---it is difficult to find the answers sometimes.They are so deeply rooted--like they go long back.

  2. I just spent 10 days back home after a decade and must say they were indeed very very relaxing, kept my mind off all the stuff that i have been thinking and that has been going around ..


    1. Glad you are well Bikram,your absence was sort of niggling the mind.
      It is indeed very satisfying to follow your heart and meet up with your own.

  3. I am longing for some days off.. But my present situation doesn't permit any. Also I long for some moments of laziness everyday. But my workaholic mother does not make it easy for me to have it. So I am miffed with her, badly

    1. being active,doing things,achieving targets is the very essence of will get you far simple girl,perhaps this is what your mom wants for you.
      Cheer up :)

  4. I AM your antithesis Indu! :) Perfectly content to laze around and let the world pass me by :) (But I too love Sudoku :) )

    1. strange how we all are content lazing around,i hate to be overworked,yet i cannot sit idle too.

  5. But you have been relaxing, Indu! Doing anything that is enjoyable is relaxing and by the same token, avoiding something that is stressful is relaxing too. It is great that you have been able to 'relax'. Do you know, when we do something enjoyable, we can do a lot more and still not get tired?

    1. Simply profound,i see the wisdom in your words.I feel as if you have just given me a pat on my back.
      Love you Zephyr :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have a very set routine ..assignments..blogging...reading.
    This routine does go Phuss when i travel.

    1. I guess you are one of those who do not like changes--i just thrive on them.

  7. What is this world if full of care... My compulsions - Sudoku! And as my kids say, the world will dare to move without your watching the news, mums. Nice post, Indu.

    1. Loved to see you here KM ,nice early morning surprise,thanks :)

  8. Great you took a break and managed to accomplish so much, Induji. :)

    1. Yes it is good to take a break but i did miss all of you.

  9. Indu ji

    I would have written this post if not you except Amish Tripathi everything else has poured from out of my key board -------if I proceed to write more this will not be a comment but a post by itself so all I say is "ditto " to every word you have written ----I dont't understand how can you and me be so much alike in not only our general character but in day to day life too ---have you made jackfruit sabzi today? :))

    love you so much and wish I could meet you sometime in real life too

    1. OH MY GOD!!!This is fantastic.Do you know today for the first time this season,i made jackfruit sabji...this is beyond my comprehension-you do kala jadu or what?

      Yes i too feel a strange kinship with you,it would be lovely to meet you.Whenever you come this side do drop in.

    2. wow Induji
      now can it be just co incidence ---its providence ----and may be we will meet someday
      love you so much
      with the warmest of regards
      and lots of love

    3. Yes Rajni i agree with you,you must have written the last bit just as an afterthought but see how it is really amazing-something i wouldn't have believed if someone else had told me...sure we must the way you see the connection between Rajni and indu?
      Love and hugs.

    4. hahah yes Indu ji ---it never occured before but Indu and Rajni co exist

      warm regards

  10. Hahahahaha...Indu, no wonder you are back to blogging.

    When women ask what my interests are and I tell them it's reading and writing, they don't look very convinced.

    1. What to do Purba,you people are irresistable :))

  11. I end up trying new things Indu . I am suddenly trying my hands at jewellery making or painting or baking. I absolutely love sudoku and then some games on my smart phone. I enjoy cooking and keep trying new things . I CANNOT sit idle. Some time back I used to have a live in maid and yet I used to do a lot of cooking and cleaning. All this relaxes me. Sitting without a chore would make me pull my hair out ! :D

    1. I remember you telling me that you are part Arian-no wonder you have this itch to try new things.I also do,but i leave them midway,blogging too has suffered from this habit of mine.But i differ from you in one thing bcoz i just hate to cook :((

  12. Ah relaxing for me is doing the things I enjoy like reading and writing. Travel is very relaxing as well. I am glad you are pursuing activities that give you pleasure.

  13. Hehe,you also sound like a workaholic to me because your work serves as a relaxant--God bless you,carry on like this :)

  14. I forgot the word 'relaxing' as keeping busy from morn till night with one thing or the other with things I love to do including my office , as Rachna mentioned, is the best past time!

    1. I agree that keeping busy is a better option than staying idle.
      Thanks for coming over Rahul.

  15. Welcome back from your break, Induji! These gadgets and technology tend to consume so much of our time these days that, I feel, any time we get to indulge in non-techy activities proves to be all relaxing for us.

  16. Welcome back to blogging, Induji! These gadgets and technology tend to consume so much of our day to day time that, I feel, that any time we spend on non techy activities becomes highly relaxing for us.

    1. Yes Arti this is precisely what happened to me.I am back,but not with the same gusto :(.
      Love n hugs .

  17. This is exactly what i felt Ashwini.Thanks for understanding me so well :))


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