
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Quick Retorters :((

I am sure you too must have come across quite a few individuals who excel in quick retorts.One has hardly finished what one wanted to say and wham---they come out with a smart reply,correction or contradiction.No doubt they do it in order to show their brilliance but on the contrary they come out as being shallow and cock-sure.How they do it is beyond my comprehension because I require at least a few seconds to digest,analyse  and reply to what pinged on my ear drums.However they need no such grace period.Perhaps they possess sharp brains and very quick reaction times.

Brainy or cocky, smart retorters can seldom win hearts or impress people.They rub them the wrong way.Since their whole focus is on thinking up a smart comment,they fail to grasp what the other person wanted to communicate.If the other person is in some sort of a fix or wants to convey something subtle then he is knocking at a locked door.Empathy,support,guidance?Forget it!Their agenda is entirely different.

In their zeal to impress the crowd around them,smart alecs in fact tarnish their image.They have to win this game of one up-man-ship every time,even if they have to contradict what they said yesterday or what is a stark staring reality.Naturally this gives them the reputation of being fake,inconsistent and unreliable.

God save you if in a kindly mood you attempt to point out their failing or weakness.You will be sent packing even before you have shut your mouth.They think they are perfect and nobody has brains enough to judge them.This delusion keeps them from evolving.As a result they seldom reform.

Most of those who meet them for the first time are overawed by their sagacity.Pick up any topic and they have an insight into it.But this lusture soon wears off.Long-time acquaintances avoid them like the plague or just hand over the mike to them.What is the point?This tribe will not allow you to express your opinion.If you dare to point out a fallacy in their contention, an ordinary exchange of views can degenerate into an ugly debate.

This has a far reaching effect upon their mental horizons--they fail to imbibe inputs from their fellow beings.For obvious reasons,their friends or peers avoid getting into any serious discussion when they are around.A friendly exchange of news and views-which can be a valuable asset- is denied to them.Rather sad!

Another unfortunate outcome of their brash behavior is an absence of warm relationships.Since their whole action plan is aimed at establishing their supremacy and superiority,those who venture in their orbit are made to feel inferior and belittled.If they do not have any direct connection with them they lose no time in zooming out of their ambit.

But what of those who are related to them or obliged to stay connected?They will tolerate them with a smile on their faces but a deep loving relationship is not possible.When it comes to matrimony, spats and discord are a natural outcome.Anger and rancor  will surface when the spouse's patience wears thin.

All in all it is a sorry saga of misplaced ambitions leading to painful results.What started as a crusade to win over the world ends up as a total loss.


  1. I am one of the quick retorters a different way though..someone says something, I am more than quicker to pay it back to them :P But, I know what you mean...we face them sometimes...

    1. Well,if someone says something unreasonable then you are justified in retorting--i think this is what you mean--no?

  2. The whole article is tremendous, Indu, barring just one observation: 'their whole focus is on thinking up a smart comment..' I may be wrong but I don't think they think:)

    1. Aha!Nice one Amitji :)
      You are definitely not wrong.

  3. Ah! I have a bit of this problem too :) I mean if a quip or a funny take strikes me I am unable to keep it in, even when the other person is serious. Loses me a lot of friendships, probably, but I am afraid THAT habit just does not go. Though, it is not always that it happens.

    True, otherwise, that there are people who are more interested in showing off how good they are rather than listening to what you have to say. AND, when someone is THAT narcissistic the other people see no point in competing with their image in the mirror of their own vanity. :)

    1. I refuse to believe your quips cause anyone displeasure,a touch of humor helps to lighten the mood.
      You are right about them being narcissistic--if only they could see beyond themselves!

  4. So true, Indu. It is not possible to have deep relationships with such people or they with others because for them everyone is beneath their mental or intellectual level. And yes we do come across such specimens more frequently than one cares for :)

    1. True Zephyr,tolerating them is no fun.If only they knew how they irritate others.

  5. I dont bother about such people .. if someone is trying to show off to I let them because soon they fall on their face ...
    and soon they will be left all alone as no one will be wanting to know them ..


    1. Welcome back Bikram
      i love this line--fall flat on their faces--it is so true.

  6. Welcome back Induji
    A thought provoking post again -----you do observe human behaviour with a keen eye
    you are right these fast retorters do lose a lot of friends and they do look foolish.

    Nice to see you back

    1. Hi Rajni,
      It is difficult to stay away from friends like you,you are good for my morale.
      Have a nice day :-)
      Lots of love.

  7. The loss entirely theirs, no? Loneliness is no fun.

    I remember reading somewhere. People rarely listen these days. They are forever framing in their heads what they'll say next.

    1. That is a very astute observation Purba -about framing answers and not listening.

  8. Very well penned Induji but street smartness does not take one very far! Good to catch up with blogs I missed reading!

    1. Thank you Rahul :)
      Even i have been very lazy in reading and writing-shall catch up soon i hope.

  9. A fine write up, Indu, as always!! I also hate these smart Alecs....As you said correctly, these characters can never prosper!!
    Good to come back here after a long time, Indu.

    1. Thank you Panchali,good to see you too.:)
      Actually i too have been absconding for a long time.

  10. I guess they (note, I did not include myself) are reacting even as they are listening. So they end up listening without hearing.
    Beautifully analyzed. Are you trained in this?

    1. Sweety welcome to jeeteraho,i hope you peep in again.
      And thanx for your cute comment.
      Yes,i am a psychiatirc social worker.

  11. Irrespective of situation,I can't keep myself from making the comment I want to..Some like it,some dont

    1. Having your say is one thing,but just downplaying everyone else all the time is what i meant Chowla ji.

  12. I am one quick retorter too .... Somehow subconsciously I will end up expressing my opinion about everything :) no I don't think I am a know it all , nor do I think I am anywhere close to perfection but being a better listener is something I am attempting .... :)

    1. Jaishree no harm in expressing your opinion as long as you listen to others with an open mind--no?


Thanks for reading.Do,give your feedback.