
Sunday, August 10, 2014

When Strangers Leave Pleasant Memories :) :)

Memories are an important component of mental health and mental sickness.Pleasant memories are therapeutic in nature.They lift our spirits and drive out boredom.While most of our memories relate to our friends and relatives, some also stem from total strangers whom we accosted once and are not likely to come across ever again.Yet these memories linger on and bring a smile to our lips.

One such memory goes back to my college days.I had to get some certificates attested and not wanting to bother my father,I went to Tis Hazari courts and requested a magistrate to attest them.He did the needful but asked me if I had come alone .I said yes,to which he replied that I ought not to have done this because the courts are teeming with all sorts of unsavory characters.His concern for an unknown girl touched my heart --I mean how many persons go beyond the call of their duty to think about the welfare of a stranger?

Then there is this amusing incident which stands out because it is so innocuous.We had just passed a by-lane in our car when a boy came rushing on from that lane on his bike and dashed against our bumper.He stopped to say sorry and my husband cautioned him that had we been driving fast then he would have had it. And do you know what the boy says to this? 'Just think ,today is my birthday'.Now what are we supposed to reply to this revelation-we both burst out laughing.

This happened very recently.We had stopped at a red light when i noticed that my window was open while the AC was on.I asked my husband 'you have the AC on?',when suddenly,from my left,I hear a voice say 'it is so hot,see I have prickly heat all over'.I looked to my left-a very flustered youngster was sitting on his bike.I had not even noticed that anyone was so near and listening to what I had said.I was surprised at his innocent  spontaneity.

What is it about these one-time encounters that makes them memorable?You tell me.I am sure you too must have some such anecdotes which gladden your hearts.


  1. Very touching post, Induji.
    We have an ocean of memories.. They truly gladden us.
    I remember a couple of Hindi songs-
    'Aate jaate khoob soorat awara sadko pe, kabhi kabhi ittefaaq se, kitne anjaan log mil jaate hai...'
    'Bas yaaadein yaadein yaadein rah jaati hai, kuch chhoti chhoti baatein rah jaati hain'

    Glad God sends them for us :)

    1. A very befitting response Anita.It is true that we meet many strangers who leave umpteen memories;my only wish for all is that we come across good,positive people.It would protect us from many evils.
      Love n blessings.

  2. I enjoyed these chance encounters that you have narrated. Sometimes one finds that strangers bring smiles to our faces so spontaneously.

    1. Glad you enjoyed reading it Rachna,have a wonderful day

  3. Chance encounters sometimes leave such lovely memories behind indeed! Your post made me think of all those nameless people who have touched mine and left a whiff of fragrance behind. Thank you for unlocking pleasant memories, Indu!

    1. I think you too leave a fragrant trail behind you .
      After reading your reply i am thinking-does anyone remember me in a similar manner?And your affirmation will not count Zephyr because you are biased .

      Love and hugs to you

  4. How true...I am very impressed with the person you met at Tees Hazari.
    Very rarely does one meet such people in a Govt office

  5. it is the beauty of life that we come across such lovely people, sadly the number of such lovely people is on the decline
    but they sure make the world a beautiful place


    1. Alas people have no time to connect just for the sake of it.
      Have a nice day Bikram.

  6. So sweet! I love such encounters with strangers too. When I am real gloomy and bored such sudden incidents really brighten up my mood and add zest to my day :D

    1. Strange,na how tiny moments give us so much.
      Love n hugs.

  7. Beautiful memories Indu ji. Felt so good reading. We all have our share of such things to remember forever. Thanks for giving a cue for my next post perhaps. Lovely.

    1. Happy to see you here Anupam.I shall be waiting to read that post.

  8. I have had my share of pleasant memories about interactions with strangers. A couple I shared in a post "A touch of the divine". Recently, when I was returning from a walk and had my hands on my back (I do that near the end since I sweat so much it is too sticky in the armpit region) and a young chap in a car stopped by me and asked if I needed any help. So heart-warming to see that there are still people who not only notice but care for the people around them.

    1. Suresh i was hoping someone would share such an experience over here,which you have done-thanks.Even a single incident of this kind fills us with hope and gratitude.

  9. I absolutely loved the title of the post with the two smileys because it immediately put a smile on my face which was only to become wider and wider as I read the post along. Such a beautiful topic to write on, yes, some chance encounters with strangers remain etched in the corridors of our hearts forever and go on to become a treasure to be cherished forever. Thank you for all my smiles, Induji.

    1. Thank you Arti for this lovely comment.I am so glad it cheered you.You ,in turn,have made my day :)

  10. Ah, to have a pleasant chance encounter in a place like courts! But yes, memories of some encounters endure. They bring a smile for many many years.

  11. There is no dearth of good people who one remembers !

    1. thankfully so.Only the depraved catch headlines.

  12. I recall one. I was in this big town and lost my way. There was this elderly women who dropped me to my destination. Such memories tell us - world is a good place.

    1. Very true Saru-how thankful you must have been to that lady :)
      Love n blessings.

  13. small incidents touches hearts sometimes :)

    1. Yes,no doubt about it.Thanks for coming over Rahul.

  14. I liked the birthday boy the best! :)
    Cool encounters.

  15. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. One morning, on my way to the office, I was waiting in the car to pay the bridge toll ($4). The car ahead of me paid the toll and left. I move forward to pay the toll. The toll taker told me the driver ahead of me paid my toll also. I have no idea who that person is. It is just like whodunit.

    1. SG welcome to jeeteraho.
      How surprising!No wonder you still think about it.
      Such incidents infuse a sort of freshness in dull routines.

  16. I have heard so many instances from the people around, my friends and family that I feel sometimes world is a lovely place to be in- there are people like us everywhere creating such pleasant memories. Great you have registered some here :)

    1. A warm welcome to you Shesha.
      Yes the world is indeed a lovely place--only yesterday i was struggling unsuccessfully to open a poly-bag dispensed in a mall when another customer came by to help me--i felt so nice !

  17. So very nice,people like you make this world a better place :)

  18. A very sweet post Indu ji and touching too----chhotee chhotee batein jo dilko chhoo leti hain
    so nice to see you again

    1. Thank you Rajni--yes small things do create happiness.
      Lots of love.

  19. AW. Just goes to show you, you never know what life has in store for you.

    1. A very warm welcome to you Lady Lilith.
      I like your take on this post.
      Have a nice day :)

  20. Because they are so unexpected and come from people who have no ulterior motives :-)

  21. I am a terrible traveller. Had to travel once with my two young girls on an overnight train journey. Lying flat on my berth had a tough time keeping an eye on the three guys with whom we had to share the coupe and fighting back the nauseous feeling simultaneously. After dinner, two of them came forward to help me make our beds since i was in a pathetic state. After we climbed in, they switched off the lights, pulling the curtains and moved to the side berths to continue with their camaraderie without disturbing us. These incidents have always touched me and filled me with gratitude that all is not so bad. I try to pitch in my share too without expecting anything back. Loved your post!

    1. Thank God for these kind souls-otherwise where would we all be?They instill hope in the goodness of mankind.

  22. Such incidents have happened with myself too and they only made me believe that despite the selfishness and (unnecessary) hatred spread all over, humanity and sensitivity are still alive. Happiness can enter our life through any way and in any manner without any prior intimation of its arrival. And even an ounce (or even a particle) of happiness is enough to live for years.


Thanks for reading.Do,give your feedback.