
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Learning From #Water

Water is a life-giver,we all know,but it can also be a life-changer,a guru,to inspire us when we,or those connected to us come to a rough patch. 

The most obvious and universally appreciated function of water is that it not only quenches our thirst or soothes tired aching bodies through a bath but also propagates countless kinds of vegetation to satiate our hunger.Yes,we all know that, but how many of us can similarly extend succor and relief to tired beings near us who may be facing a tough situation in life?

An admirable quality of water is that it adapts beautifully to any given situation.Pour sea water in a cup and it is now a cup of water--quietly taking the shape of it's container.Does anybody hear it remonstrate that it had such a grand origin and it shall not stay put in a measly cup;or whine and rant about it's degradation?By contrast we humans always have something to crib about.

Now look at it's perspicacity.Put it in a tight container,if there is a tiny hole in it, water will find it's way out--much faster than a human does when he is thrown into a tight spot.

When water comes across a boulder it cannot cross over,it gently goes around it--a valuable lesson for us again.Certain obstacles cannot be surmounted;it is best to circumvent them and learn to LIVE with them.

What happens when water is thrown into a ditch?This is a situation where it cannot find a way out--but it does.It simply elevates itself,goes up in the form of vapor and comes down again in the shape of blessed,beneficial rain.Given sufficient time,even dirty,disease-ridden water will transform itself into pure unadulterated rain water.How many of us can evolve and refine ourselves,post a serious lapse or misconduct?

Another commendable quality of water is it's tendency to move on,go forward.It does not go back but always on and on,till it reaches the sea,it's final resting place.Emulating water in this aspect is difficult for many of us because sometimes we waste a lot of time and energy ruminating about the past or obsessing about an unpalatable event which we cannot get out of our mind.Go with the flow.Do not fight incontrovertible changes.Forgive,accept and move on,is what water teaches us.

Water maintains it's level.We too can do this by being equanimous in all weathers-avoiding peaks of emotions-- whether good or bad.

Tiny trickles of water come together to form a stream and then a mighty river.They combine,join together and make a powerful,unified whole.If we could put aside our egos to connect and collaborate we too could find a never before strength.

Water is something we touch and utilize every day.If only we paid attention to it's unique qualities and took inspiration from it to reorganize our life we would find greater fulfillment and satisfaction.Do you agree?Tell me if I have missed something.

Image courtesy google.


  1. "When water comes across a boulder it cannot cross over,it gently goes around it--a valuable lesson for us again.Certain obstacles cannot be surmounted;it is best to circumvent them and learn to LIVE with them, " love this Indu.

    1. Thank you Alka,this is a special comment.Me happy :)

  2. Lovely thoughts indu ji..never gave so much thought on the qualities of water..lucky to be able to read such novel views..

    1. Thanks a ton Lavina for this encouraging remark :)
      Have a good day !

  3. Water maintains its individuality when mixed with immisible substances like does not get perturbed by totally different individuals

    1. Thanks again,this is a wonderful quality.Glad you mentioned it .

  4. I think you summed it up perfectly. Well said and well organized.

    1. Thank you Lady Lilith--so happy that you think so :)

  5. Persistence, Indu? Most of the gorges are carved by the relentless action of flowing water.

    Strange, isn't it, that despite bodies made mostly of water, we retain very little of its qualities?

    1. The best part of writing a post is,how you all add to my knowledge--thanks.

      I t is true Suresh,we fail to take inspiration from nature.

  6. Lovely points, Induji.
    So nicely presented.
    Another point-
    Water needs to move, else stagnant water's quality decreases.

  7. I am greatly soothed by water bodies. There is something so calming about water. And it is the best drink possible. This is such a different and informative post. Somehow I was taken back to my Science lessons.

    1. Rachna you are right about water's calming effect.Whenever someone suffers a shock or a tragedy people instinctively cajole them to drink some water.
      Thank you for endorsing my post.
      Love n hugs.

  8. You are a very deep thinker! I never looked at water this way! I'll try to learn somethings from water :)

    1. Sri Valli,nice to see you here.
      Thanks for the compliment.
      Lots of love.

  9. Admirable writing ! Water is what I call life line of living poised,useful and cool :)

  10. I am reminded of the lines from a song in 'The Sound if Music'

    To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over stones on its way

    Beautiful writing Indu

    1. Jaishree this was precisely in my mind but i did not mention it--that water gurgles happily,but can also be still and silent.I am amazed that you mentioned it,it is a beautiful quality to imbibe.
      Love n hugs.

  11. Beautiful post, learnt how water sets an example and teaches us the very art of living a good life. Thanks for sharing, Induji :)

  12. Beautiful post and a lot of lessons there, Induji!

    1. Rahul thanks for stopping by, i am glad you liked it.

  13. Have you heard the song...." Paani re paani tera rang Kaisa"

  14. Your post felt like water - soothing, invigorating. Just the thing I needed to read in my new new stressful phase :-)

  15. I know, I shall come back to this post again and again...invaluable lessons.

    1. Ilakshi your commendation is valuable-thanks a lot :)

  16. Great post Indu ji

    and every word is a lesson to learn from and to follow -----I have been away from indiblogger for quite some time but hope to be regular now

    heres wishing you A VERY HAPPY DIWALI a bit late but ---the wishes were , are and will always be there everyday for you be there a festival or not Lots of Love and regards

    1. Rajni thanks a lot,i was missing you.
      You are right our wishes are always there for our loved ones.I too wish you happiness n prosperity always.
      Love n hugs.


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