
Monday, November 3, 2014

Tensions Which Can Easily be Avoided

Unpleasant incidents are a part of life and the tension accruing from them has to be tolerated,but some tensions emanate from subjective factors and it is best to eliminate them.We often unconsciously adopt certain thinking patterns which destroy our peace of mind.By restructuring our conceptions we can ease the burden of woe and better equip ourselves to tackle the challenges which arise from external factors.

Thinking and Behaving Patterns Which Generate Stress:--
  1. Not saying what you feel,bottling up your emotions.
  2. Magnifying small irritants.
  3. Comparing yourself with those who are more affluent or successful.
  4. Trying to please everyone.
  5. Worrying about what others think of you.
  6. Distrusting everyone,suspecting their motives.
  7. Holding grudges,not forgiving.
  8. Multitasking.
  9. Taking too much on yourself.
  10. Over ambition,aiming at unrealistic targets.
  11. Perfectionism.
  12. Not taking help from anyone.
  13. Obsessing about past or worrying about future.
  14. Clutter,mismanagement.
  15. Expecting too much from life,everybody has ups & downs.
These are small intangibles,yet they are capable of destroying our health and happiness.Would you like to add  any of your own perceptions?Feel free.....


  1. Excellent pointers. I do agree that often just by worrying a lot, we bring upon ourselves a lot of unnecessary stress.

    1. Yes Rachna,time would solve some of those problems even if we did not worry about them.

  2. You have listed them all Indu. I am guilty of indulging in quite a few of them.

    1. Aren't we all?
      Your concurrence means a lot Alka :)

  3. That's so true induji..Although we understand that we are following some of these. .its very difficult to stop doing that. .maybe because it becomes a habit over a period of time. ..

  4. That was a crisp list and by keeping away from these habits we can certainly be happier:)

    1. Crisp-that is a very nice term for my rants Rahul ji.

  5. For me, it is not relaxing and living in the moment. LIfe is all about the here and now.

  6. Sometimes unknowingly I keep doing a few of them I realise how unhealthy it is.

    1. Hi Indrani,thanks for reading , now you can check this habit.

  7. Short and sweet! You have pretty much covered them all :) Yes, we end up doing all or some of them at times and bring on tension and misery upon ourselves.

    1. So sweet of you Zephyr,your comment pleased me no end.
      Love n hugs.

  8. we know about all of them BUT is it so easy ---specially when it comes to dealing with near and dear ones ------I have been learning to discard some of my habits But when it comes to them who are your very own the fear of hurting them looms large .
    Thanks for the post Induji reading them sort of refuels ones inclinations and goads to go ahead.
    Specially when you know that everyone who cares for you and who you care for wants that this change be brought about in your character.
    Thankyou SO MUCH
    Love and hugs

    1. Life is an ongoing process of evolution and we women are always trying to harmonize with our near,dear ones.
      I am sure ,like me,many more must realize,after decades of raising their family;that they are not what they were in the beginning.Some changes are for our own betterment and some,for the family's happiness.Do you agree?
      Love n hugs to you.

  9. Its natural for people to worry about most of the points you have raised.I think its very natural process,though it should be avoided.
    If you notice,all this happens to all of us upto a certain age and stage in life.
    As we mature,as we get experienced,we start to get real

    1. Sure,maturity makes us so much wiser and patient.
      Thanks for this input.

  10. quite inclusive list and I am guilty of quite a lot of them..trying to change..

    1. Yes Renu,it happens to all of us.
      Enjoying yourself in Switzerland?Have fun.

  11. You must think that I am kidding, but 'I SO NEEDED THIS RIGHT NOW'.
    Today was a bad day.

    1. I sincerely hope those tensions are well behind you Red Handed.Such patches come time and again to test our patience and teach us lessons.Cheers :)

  12. Taking small steps and generally finding peace in one's environment are necessary to maintain calm! Suicidal tendencies occur more when bottled up emotions are unable to find release plus a host of complex things! You always hit the nail on the head when it comes to handling/ writing about such issues, Induji!

    1. Thanks for this generous praise Rahul,you are very kind.


Thanks for reading.Do,give your feedback.