
Friday, December 5, 2014

De-Stress in eleven easy steps :)

Stress is a silent killer.As we plod through our to-do lists,schedules,deadlines and responsibilities,it quietly ensnares us in it's tentacles.It can lead to hyper-tension,heart attacks and depression.No matter how organised we are,unexpected developments and traumas often leave us shaken.Our mind goes into a cycle of depressive thoughts and we require a diversion to break that cycle.It is as simple as that.
Next time when you find yourself overwhelmed by worry, try one of these diversions and hopefully,your stress will disappear:--
  1. Connect with people--being alone propels rumination.
  2. Nourish yourself--tension and excessive work-load make you forget hunger and thirst.A cup of tea and a nutritious snack will energize you.Even a glass of water can soothe frazzled nerves.
  3. Play a game--outdoors or indoor.Even a simple board game will take your mind off your worries,give you something else to think about.
  4. Do Crossword or Sudoku--brain games initiate a new thought process and you forget your anxieties.
  5. Listen to music--if possible,play an instrument or hum your favorite tune.
  6. Watch a humorous program--borrow some joy de vivre from others.
  7. Dabble in art--even if you are not gifted, drawing,doodling or painting will lighten your mood considerably.Painting in children's coloring books is a good starter.You may even surprise yourself and begin to believe in art's efficacy to beat stress.Just keep the stuff ready.
  8. Do some craft work--pick up things you have no use for and think of new ways of using or recycling them.Let the creative juices flow.It is very satisfying to make something out of nothing.
  9. Indulge in a vigorous physical activity--the extra calories you burn consume overbearing,surplus stress hormones like adrenalin and cortisol.As a result your tensions subside and you feel fit enough to face your challenges.
  10. Take a walk in the lap of nature--focusing on the outside world helps you to forget your fears and anxieties.   
  11. Sleep or just lie down --preferably in shavasan.
We all have our chosen stress-busters but trying out new ones can be very satisfying--it breaks the monotony and  augments your arsenal to fight depression.


  1. a sure shot cure for depression Indu ji any one or all of those suggested by you are sure shot winners --except the 2nd because that has led me into more depression now that I have put on weight and my biggest worry is how to shed those extra kilos :))

    A very good morning to you and Thankyou so much for this one --a must read by all
    love and hugs

    1. Good morning Rajni and thanks for your generous praise.I am glad you liked it.
      Too bad about the weight--diet restrictions take the charm out of life.
      Love n hugs

  2. All pointers are wonderful. Indeed, opening up to someone when feeling low, going for a brisk walk, listening to music or eating something homecooked always works for me.

    1. Thanks Rachna for sharing your stress-busters with me.I am so happy you agree with me.
      Love and hugs.

    2. Thanks Rachna for sharing your stress-busters with me.I am so happy you agree with me.
      Love and hugs.

  3. Nice antidotes for stress, Induji! Agree with all the points you brought out. A little bit meditation also works, as long as one can detach him/herself :)

    1. Yes meditation does soothe the mind but it takes time to get into the flow--a lot of practice too .

  4. Books are mine - I just lose myself in the book and, after a while, I find that the problem is not too big after all :)

    1. Thanks for sharing your view Suresh,it is good that reading works for you--double benefit.

      Some people,when they are stressed,they just keep staring at a book while worries keep churning in their mind.

  5. good pointers !sometimes people dont realise what is bringing stress in their life, introspection is also good..

  6. Cause of stress is of prime importance.
    It is the present day life style which is the real cause.
    However,I feel and have experienced that a quiet walk is immidiate relief.
    Try works

  7. Great points from a professional. Chanting works for me without fail. The monotonous intonation helps soothe my nerves in no time. Of course a burst of physical activity including cleaning out the cupboards is very helpful. I remember your comment on my post on the subject :-)

    1. Such precious praise coming from you is what makes it worthwhile.
      And thanks for giving me another stress buster--so nice to have an antidote at hand.
      Love n hugs.

  8. very helpful! I really need to destress! craft is always a good option :)

    1. Ankita welcome to jeeteraho.I am glad you found this helpful.

  9. These are really required for today's stressful life...thanks Indu..

    1. Ranjana you are welcome,i am glad you liked them.

  10. Wonderful tips there! I usually de stress by just blanking out and maybe catching up on some sleep!! And I really believe that art work and craft helps immensely if you can get engrossed in it completely.

    1. Yes of course Arti,sleep is the best rejuvenator.
      I think i will add it too.THANKS !

  11. Very important points, Induji.
    These can help ward off other diseases like Alzheimer's too.
    Stress is a killer.
    May we all be safe from worry & be happy :)

    1. Yes stress can truly finish on.
      Tathastu to your last line.

  12. Thanks for shring your tips,and what about a marathon? :))


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