
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

'Good Enough' is good enough :)

Good enough is good enough.How I love this statement!I think I will make it the dictum of my life.Enough of running after excellence.I have nothing against excellence as such--it is an admirable quality to have,but the danger is,that sometimes the pursuit of excellence slips into perfection which has often affected me adversely.Can anything ever be perfect?Utopia exists only in fantasy or fiction.And anyway,striving for perfection can be very tiring.Why should I tire myself chasing a mirage?

I agree that some disciplines like Science,maths and music require perfection.Just to digress a bit (rather digress all the way to the interstellar space),Voyager one,which was launched 38 years ago to study the outer planets;did that and also went beyond.Even Voyager two,reached it's final target,Neptune,within seconds of it's scheduled time.That is perfection for you.But this kind of perfection I think,is not necessary for each and every activity of ours.

Where major life-goals like career,marriage or domicile are concerned,perfection would be an ideal situation but it is hard to achieve because there are so many variables involved.We nail upon the best option after considering all the pros and cons but still,often fall short of what we had set out to achieve.Suppose we attain only 70%-80% of our target?I think that is the time when we should tell ourselves that good enough is good enough because after a certain point,subsequent efforts do not give us commensurate gains.

But perfectionists tend to ignore this truth.Even after hitting upon a workable solution they continue to hunt for other,better options.Their crusade never ends.That is why they are a tired,dissatisfied,unhappy lot.What's more,they end up achieving less.If you give 80% of your energy to one project what do you have left for other responsibilities?At the end of the day there will be dissatisfaction and criticism in other fields--whether it be other obligations,relationships or personal care.

Letting go of perfection frees our mind for other essential jobs which too,need to be done.When we settle down with a viable alternative even if it was not our original dream,we are saved a lot of drudgery involving wastage of time resources and energy. 

What about excellence?No doubt it gives worth to everything.If you are attracted by a piece of work or a product,chances are,it must be excellent.But  the problem with excellence is,that it is a moving target--you are always skeptic whether you have arrived or not.Is this article that you are reading,outstanding?Will everybody find it thus?What more should I write to make it excellent?See the problem?Ultimately I have to be my own judge and leave it at that.

What's more,like perfection,excellence too,is not always necessary.We are required to perform a multitude of functions every day.If we were to strive for distinction in each and every one of them we would require the strength of a Hercules,the tenacity of a leech and a week-long day every day.It is a personal decision where we want to shine and where it is OK to just make do.No matter how hard we try,there will always be critics who can poke holes in our smug satisfaction.

So now I come to my favorite spot--'good enough' is good enough.Leaving any project or task at the level of 'good enough' enables us to achieve more.There is minimum fatigue and lesser disappointment since we have decided that our performance will serve the purpose.At the end of the day satisficers are much happier than maximizers

It is in the sphere of relationships that they have the maximum advantage.Since they do not expect full compatibility or conviviality,they are happy with what they get.There are no disillusions.There is less of nagging and more of acceptance and adjustment.No wonder they are popular everywhere.

In fact there is a lot to be said in favor of going with the flow.It is not about rejecting ambition or evolution ,but about accepting the ground reality.When we accept 'good enough' as being good enough we evolve spiritually and invite harmony.The Brahmakumaris have put it succinctly 'Being content now attracts the best possible future.Wherever you are and whatever you are doing is wherever you are meant to be and doing.'Amen !

Links courtesy google.


  1. Not just 'good enough'..this is excellent!!

    1. Thank you Amit ji.Was i fishing for compliments?

  2. How right you are Indu ji when you say "------It is in the sphere of relationships that they have the maximum advantage.Since they do not expect full compatibility or conviviality,they are happy with what they get" here again you getting a comment from the horses mouth ---I am the happiest in my relationship with hubby and daughters Jo hai jaisa hai mera apna hai isliye best hai -----but hubby dear ek toh manager oopar se engineer and nature se perfectionist GOD I know what it is to tackle him and the daughters have inherited their dad's characteristics what is more one of them is an MBA so karela woh bhi neem chadhaa the other one is a bit soft she is a doctor ---and does'nt believe in harassing others .

    but I am a beliver in jiyo aur jeene do ---so family is on the right path :)

    1. Hahahaha! Poor Rajni.

      You are the doc in fact--giving everyone the right pill--of space :)

      Happiness and cohesion is all that matters.

      Hugs to you.

  3. Nicely expressed!
    I remembered a dialogue from 3 Idiots Hindi-movie-
    "Success ke peeche mat bhag, excellence ke peeche bhag! Success jhak marke ayegi!"

    Success & Excellence have huge costs...

    1. Yes Anita, i will add perfection too,to your list.
      Thank you.

  4. I had given up on perfection long ago when I found I was becoming a control freak and created tension for both myself and others at home. So what if the house is not picture perfect, if it gives me some extra time with the kids? So what if the sink is not sparkling clean after the L&M washes the vessels? He is after all helping me out and saving time, and wouldn't it be mean to complain? And so on and so forth. As for relationships, I agree completely with your assessment since that is one area that might never see the ideal of 50-50 since it involves more than one person to make it work. So the good enough is good enough rule applies completely there :) Lovely read, as usual that gently makes the point without hammering it on the head!

    1. I fully agree with you on every point.Perfectionism can make us control freaks and that generates discontent.
      You got the spirit of my post-Thanks.
      Love n hugs.

  5. There's no feeling like the feeling of a job done perfectly and there's no stress as big trying to that job perfectly.

    1. No wonder Purba, your posts are so perfect.
      But the stress does not show-we only see the perfection!

  6. Wow loved this post ....very true ...I think there is a difference between feeling lazy and feeling good enough ...once we are able to see that , then good enough is definitely good enough :)

  7. There is a difference between the best possible and the best! AND the assessment of what is possible needs be done taking into consideration all that needs doing in life. To not strive for the best possible shows a lack of professionalism; to always strive for the best shows unhealthy perfectionism :) THAT, of course,is about what YOU do.

    Comes to what life/others do for you, setting far too high a level of standard is to keep yourself perpetually unhappy and discontented and to keep people away from you :) Good enough is certainly good enough here!

    1. I was waiting for the master's assessment.
      Looks like you agree with me.
      Thank you Suresh.

    2. Master? :) Indu - You are pulling my leg :) YOU are the master in these

  8. Success and perfection are just relative terms.
    What matters is your attitude and aptitude all falls in line

    1. Nice way of looking at things--attitude and aptitude are what fashion our lives.
      Thanks for this.

  9. Good one, Indu. My mother was like that - she was focused on getting things done on time than striving for unattainable perfection. Father on the other hand chased perfection and ended up putting too much effort or missing deadlines.

    But then ironically it was mom who got into depression. Maybe other reasons.

    1. My post has triggered your memories.I did not upset you i hope.

      Yes it is surprising that she had depression even though she was so level-headed.

  10. Doing something in the best possible way is so very subjective. So the best bet would be to be happy with one's own work and most importantly to be satisfied with the outcome. your post was a food for thought!

    1. So true,it is definitely a very subjective choice.
      Glad you found it 'good enough' ;) Ilakshi.


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