
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Feeling of Insignificance

We all love to be recognized,loved and appreciated.Life loses all it's charm if we think that we are of no significance to anyone.This may not be true,but it does cause a lot of anguish.A mere feeling of insignificance can cause anxiety and depression.

To read more about this please follow the link below:--


  1. Yes - this was sort of the same message I tried to give in my own post 'Self Image', though, as usual, almost none would have got the message :)

    1. The message was very clear.People can have devastating effects on our self image,specially when we are young and vulnerable.

      In the present post my focus was on the damage inflicted by the traces of passing years;when one feels inferior compared to not only others but also to one's own younger years.It can be very demoralizing.

  2. yes Indu ji

    its very important that we feel recognized ,and needed and like you have said in your comment ---we feel innferior to our own younger selves thus letting a feeling of worthlessness seep in ----its really very very important to over come this feeling ---we should take up some activities may be social work , or getting attached to some worthwhile activity . just to feel that everything is not over and you do exist .This is specially important for retired people and senior citizens

    thanks one again :)

    1. Like you say Rajni,social work or any other worthy cause can be very satisfying.
      Glad you agree with me.

      Love n hugs.

  3. Validation of one's life is what one needs sometimes. And when that is not forthcoming from the world, one has to look inwards to find it and thereby find the significance of one's life, no matter how insignificant it might appear. Great post, as usual, Indu.

    1. Now you have given me excellent validation.
      You summed it up beautifully Zephyr,thanks a lot.


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