
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

10 Ways of Sprucing up Your Personality

Have you ever met someone whose awesome personality left you wishing,you too,were equally impressive and outstanding?A dissatisfaction with our personality is not a rare feeling.In fact many of us would like to have a little more charisma,a little more appeal and a lot more influence.If you too,belong to this category then read on;this post is for you.Here are some suggestions on how you can wow all those who come you across.
Brush up the externals
The most obvious way of sprucing up your personality of course is,to take a critical look at your appearance and improve those aspects which need correction.I have covered the various aspects of a perfect personality in this post therefore I will not repeat it here. 
Stock up on your confidence
All impressive persons ooze confidence.Be like them.Look people in the eye,have an erect posture and don't shirk from meeting people or attending gatherings or taking initiatives.Don't disclose your weaknesses and do not pass self deprecatory comments.If you want help for improving your confidence level,look up this post.
Build up your enthusiasm quotient
Think of a lackluster personality and what comes to your mind?A limpid,passive person.If you want to impress others you will have to cultivate enthusiasm--a zest for life.Take an active interest in the goings on around you and participate--this is what catches everybody's eyes.
Keep an open mind
Nobody likes constricted,biased mindsets.What impresses most is an open mind free from prejudices and willing to consider new ideas.Opposing views and even criticism do not raise the hackles of a distinguished personality.You can learn a lot from them.
Master the art of conversation
How do you connect with others?With your words,in addition to your behavior of course!A person who knows what to say to whom,and when;stands head and shoulders above all others.If you can connect as easily with an infant ,as with an octogenarian,know how to cheer up a sick individual,or encourage someone struggling against hardships;it is a good start.Take a genuine interest in the person in front of you and pick up the topics which are likely to enthuse him. 
But in order to build up an effective dialogue you should also keep abreast of the times and know the latest developments which could impact the average person. 
By the way,it is equally important to be a good listener.Nobody likes those who go jabbering on and on,showing off their knowledge.
Learn to appreciate
I am sure like me,you too,remember fondly all those who appreciated you.Appreciation is an art which does not come easily to all but it is essential to learn this technique if you want to leave a mark.Whenever you like a quality in someone make sure that you say it out aloud.But desist from flattery or false ingratiation.
Be helpful
Those who helped us when we needed it linger on in our memories.This help need not be financial or in any other concrete form.Offering emotional support,empathizing with someone in distress too,is very significant.It will raise your esteem in others' eyes.
Develop leadership qualities
If you do not have this expertise observe the leaders you admire and try to inculcate the qualities which have attracted you towards them.Skills like making strategies,planning action,inspiring people,solving problems and working as part of a team will prove very useful whether you employ them in professional,social or family settings.
Give respect to others
No matter how well placed,intelligent and powerful you are,if you do not respect others no one will look kindly at you.Give to others the same consideration and regard,you expect for yourself;irrespective of their social status.
Respect the law
Follow the laws,rules and regulations of the place where you live and work.Accept  the social mores and try to abide by them.This will generate a lot of respect and recognition for you.

An impressive personality is not merely a tool for gaining respect and recognition.It is a magic formula which will bring about lots of positive changes in your life.You will win plenty of friends and well wishers.New growth opportunities will open up for you.Your relationships will blossom like never before.The good vibes emanating from others will fill your heart with joy and contentment.

Start now !


  1. This takes me back to the time where I made a list of the people who inspired me and the qualities that I would want to adopt :)

    1. Sakshi i too started this post after considering which personalities had impressed me most of all.Sadly,very few came to my mind.

  2. That was a very neat list, Induji:)

  3. There's something for everyone, even those 'charismatic' ones, in your great write, Indu ma'am! Thanks a lot:)

    1. This is a precious comment Amitjee.I am glad you found it thus.

  4. Have some of them, am sort of average in others BUT I utterly fail in one :) Not be self-deprecatory? I AM known ONLY for that :)

    1. Aha,i knew you will pick up that one.But your s-d statements are all in humor-they don't count.Keep them coming.

  5. Okay, I have a question which is relevant and not relevant to the post. I mean I can implement all of the above, not a very difficult task. But there is this one friend/lady who I am jealous of. Not exactly jealous also, but someone who I think, "Why cannot I be like her?" I don't care about her career, personal life, status etc..She is an excellent disciplinarian around kids. She is so strict with them and at the same time she is very friendly and play games and spend so much time. Any number of kids behave in her presence. I always try to console myself by giving various reasons. I am sure other parents won't take it easy if I treat their kids that way. They don't talk anything against her and also at the same time have many praises for her. Sorry for the long comment but this bugs me many times.

    1. Since you do not resent this lady's treatment of all kids why do you suppose that other parents will mind if you do the same?Maybe they will not.

      But apart from this,kids need all kinds of influences just as we enjoy the various tastes in our food--pungent,sweet or sour.She is disciplining them.Perhaps they find another kind of comfort in your presence.Do not overlook your special qualities.

      Love n hugs.

  6. Great post indeed. While I possess some of the mentioned qualities, I seriously lack while it comes to conversation... I'm a good listener but I often falter to start or continue the conversation on my own... :-(

    1. Me too Maniparna-i am a dud at making conversations--still learning.

  7. conversation is an art and talent inborn. I doubt if it can be acquired. With lots of training may be to some extent but not beyond that.

  8. Nice tips Indu. I agree that making conversation is an art. Small talks about weather or a general topic of discussion can serve as an icebreaker to initiate conversation, but then common interests are needed for sustaining a conversation.

    1. Somali welcome to jeeteraho.
      You are right.
      This art needs cultivation.

  9. Informative and useful post Indu on personality development!

  10. That was a very neat list.....

  11. great post once again Indu ji and very important because this is a problem faced by many -----

    out of the points suggested by you I specially endorse the first , second and fifth ---and the rest will take follow automatically It is very very important that we have confidence in ourselves . that we should learn te art of conversing and about sprucing up the external s . I remember the jingle used by Lakme ---looking grreat and feeling good with Lakme

    Thanks alot for the post indu ji ---all your posts must be posted on th notice boards of schools and colleges for youngsters to read and follow

    and regards

    1. So sweet of you Rajni,you are very kind and very good for MY confidence :)
      Yes confidence and art of conversation are a great help but the second does not come naturally to me.

  12. Thank you Ashwini.
    Have a wonderful day!

  13. nice tips and I would say it a very useful post! In defense services, selection is based more on personality than knowledge. personality matters a lot!

    Thanks :)


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