
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How to Decrease The # Tensions in your life

Mental health is very important.I will go so far as to say that it is more important than physical health because even a physical disease is tolerated better if you are otherwise content and well adjusted.

However,we all know how difficult it is to stay cool and balanced in these stressful times.There is no dearth of challenges,obstacles,disappointments and frustrations.But the onus to find peace rests totally upon us.We cannot do away with the external stressors but we can definitely modify our own behavior in such a way that fewer tensions rankle us.wIn order to do this:

*Tone down your expectations,from life as well as      people.
*Do not swim against the current.
*Ease up on perfectionism.
*Stop comparing yourself with others.
*Stop people pleasing.
*Don't be oversensitive.
*Let bygones be bygones.
*Infuse humor in tough situations.
*Always focus on the positives,even when the scene is drab.
*Never relinquish faith and hope.

It is not possible to change the world.Unforeseen events frazzle us.Sometimes we even fail to control the outcome of our own actions.By adopting a positive attitude and clearing the cobwebs in our mind,we can reduce our tensions.


  1. I can vouch for each of these points Indu. Toning down expectations from life and others, not getting into the rat race, not being hypersensitive are things that are really helpful in the long run.

  2. I can relate with all the points and vouch for them too...

  3. Dear Somali and Archana,this proves that all wise women think alike :-)

  4. All these points are valid. But there are situations when the hurt comes from the person most closest to you, it is then when some of these tips don't work.

    1. Indrani when a close kin hurts us THAT is the time to let bygones be bygones,look for positives,ease up on expectations,grow a thick skin and keep up hope.I think it should lessen the pain.

  5. I practice nearly all those suggestions Indu ji and they are very very effective ---I am one person who is happy go lucky all the time ---giving others reason to loose their nerve :) hahaha worst hit is hubby dear lol

    warm regards

    1. Don't i know it?About you being a sorted person i mean!Keep it up.
      Lots of love.

  6. There are many of these things that I am working on. I am trying to learn that in many cases I have no right to place expectations on others and then be disappointed when they don't meet them (especially when they don't know about them!:) I am focusing on less people pleasing, aiming more to live on my terms and show love and kindness to others but not do things for fear of what they might think. It's a lifelong journey!!:)

  7. You set me thinking Colleen.The reason we have expectations is probably because we have,or would,put ourselves out for them whenever the situation demanded.But everybody is not made like that.Some take favors as their right and are not mindful of returning them.That is why we say in India'do a good turn and then dissolve it in a river.'
    I know what it is like--learning lessons,trying to evolve--is a lifelong journey.
    Take care :)

    1. I like that expression, I will have to remember it. :)

  8. Apni tho simple tareeka hai. I set my own goals for my life. I let no-one else, including Society, decide what should make me happy :) THAT way more of my life is in my own control

    1. Yes Suresh,it is very much evident in your writing and i respect you for that.

  9. Mental strain often leads to physical pain.

  10. Another gem worth treasuring and following religiously to be happy:) Thank you ma'am!

  11. Hi Indu,
    Came here after ages and going back with some great pointers! Keep them coming.....:)

    1. Very happy to see you Panchali.Thanks a ton.

  12. True Indu, thoughts are so powerful. We are what we think.

    1. N o doubt!They can make or mar our mood.
      Have a nice day Alka :)

  13. Exactly the point i mentioned sometime in my post 'Secret to Happiness'. Thank you for these inspiring thoughts!

  14. SO very true mam.. BUT life is funny i guess sometimes doesnot work the way we want it to be .. I need those thoughts a LOT more


    1. Seeing you after a long time BIKRAM.I know what you mean--sometimes it is difficult to lead the life the way we want to--things get out of hand :-(
      Cheer up,nothing is permanent you know.

    2. Yes mam.. that is the way it shud be .. but then brain and heart dont go hand in hand sometimes ..

      I am ok.. and yeah its been a long time ... :) How are you doing

  15. Each point is correct, Indu. But I have often seen that people find it really hard to modify their behavior. Perhaps the intent may be there but they soon fall back in the routine pattern of behavior.

    1. You said it Rachna-it is precisely this which prevents mental patients from getting better.

  16. तनाव कम करने के बहुत ही बढिया तरिके बताये है आपने...इंदु जी


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