
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

#Repetitive Failures

There are three kinds of people in this world.One,who always succeed in whatever they take up;two,who get mixed results;and three,to whom failure clings like a faithful shadow.It is not once,twice or five times that this happens;it is more like their trademark--the same results every time.Obviously it is the third kind who badly need a break.

A boy seeking employment is rejected repeatedly,a worker fails to get any promotion year after year,a young lady exits an unhappy relationship only to fall for the wrong guy again and again and a young man has been spurned so many times that he has lost all hopes of finding a life partner.The setting and the stories differ but the ending is the same--futile efforts,wasted energy and a truck-load of disappointments.

Certainly they would all like to change the tenor of their lives if they knew how.They have become set in their ways.Their way of handling life situations,their choices and responses--all stem from their motives,biases,beliefs,values,inhibitions and hidden complexes.They fail to realize that there could be a fault-line in their own behavior and unless and until they change;their life too,will not change.This escapes their notice because like many of us,they believe that they are punching all the right buttons and the fault lies elsewhere.

If you too have been experiencing repeated failures,know that the tide will not turn on it's own.You will have to reinvent your strategies.

Corrective measures
1--Stop blaming others.As long as you do this you cannot get to the root cause which is responsible for your failures.

2--Own up responsibility.Since you are the common factor in a number of goof-ups it follows that you might be at fault.

3--Undertake a retrospective analysis of your recent debacles.Where did you go wrong?Which is that trait that always lands you at failure's door?Do you choose your targets wisely?Do you have the requisite skills for what you want to accomplish?Are your strategies clear and unambiguous?When facing a challenging situation,do you take time to consider the pros and cons or do you react instinctively?Do you have sufficient confidence?Are you a pessimist who does not give his all to any venture?
When you explore your mind for the answers to these questions you will most probably realize what it is that you should do differently in order to court success.

4--Chalk out a program of self improvement.Take concrete steps to iron out the wrinkles in your behavior.Be more realistic and pragmatic in your approach.Upgrade your soft skills and also the technical know-how of your field.

All this talk about failure does not imply that failure per se is evil or demeaning.In fact it is the first step on the road to success.But a history of recurring failures definitely calls for honest introspection followed by remedial measures.

Looking at it from a spiritual angle I would say that all the obstacles and set-backs which block our way have been positioned there to teach us lessons.Just as we look for an alternative route when we confront a dead end on road;so also in life!If our existing thinking and behaving patterns fail to make an impact then it is time to revise,refurbish them.

If you are not happy with the way your life is shaping up then instead of cursing your luck,going on a pity-party or blaming xyz for your failures,it will be more beneficial to look back and find out where you faltered.Nailing that errant factor and removing it from your life will open up a new vista of success and fulfillment.

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  1. Replies
    1. Champati welcome here.I am glad you liked it.

  2. People fail to take step 1 and 2. This becomes very difficult for turnaround.

    1. Very true Rajesh.Thanks for coming over and giving your view.

  3. Great post Induji... point 3 works very well for me.. :-)
    Cheers, Archana -

  4. Excellent Post with the must to do corrective measures.

    Sriram & Krithiga

  5. Thanks for the post Indu ji

    maloom toh sab hai par execute karna bahut hi mushkil ----poori zindagi sudhaarne aur sudharne mein nikal jaati hai :(

    koshis jaari hai :)

    thanks , love and regards

    1. I don't think you needed his post Rajni,you exemplify initiative and achievement.
      Lots of love.

  6. Great Corrective Measures, Indu ma'am! Thank you:)

  7. Very interesting post, Indu. Gives great inputs.

    1. Thank you Rachna,have yuo found a suitable home yet?

  8. nice post. I think 3rd and 4th points are the most important!

    1. Ankita thanks for reading.Yes,3rd and 4th will lead to new beginnings.

  9. "The fault lies not in our stars but in ourselves" as the Bard said

  10. True that...we should look at our issues first and work on it. Thank you for inspiring again!

  11. Very apt article on how people with such disappointments feel and what they need. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I just saw that my yesterday's comment went as well. I thought it didn't go as I use my cell phone and it asks me for login sometimes 😊

  12. The reasons are well detailed and so are the solutions. Good post Indu.


Thanks for reading.Do,give your feedback.