
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Avoid # Overwork and be Happy

Stress is fine as long as it does not distress us but these days most of us are distressed because of overwork.If we are here,doing this,we are at the same time thinking of what all we have to do after that.We decide that once we have dealt with the various tasks which come popping in our minds we will take a long rest,but the to-do list elongates like an elastic till it breaks, or we break down.

There is little doubt that over-work has it's own incentives.It begets us appreciation,rewards and material benefits.But it is also true that after a certain point the productivity and quality of our work diminishes and negative effects creep in.

When we are dog tired the first casualty is the Circadian Rhythem.We sleep late and less,get up late,wreck our eating hours and skip a minimum physical routine.Many of us resort to substance abuse in order to make up for all these aberrations in our routine.The adverse effects begin from here.

Tiredness,irritability,headache,backache and eye fatigue are common.If we consistently work for more than 10 hours every day,our memory and cognitive abilities too,could decline.Depression and anxiety could follow.Physical ailments like high blood pressure,cardiovascular problems and digestive disorders also make their way if we stretch ourselves too far.Even the immunity depletes.As if this was not enough,our family and social life too,are adversely affected.

Not much good comes out of over work,eh?It could be a sorry necessity for those who are hard up,but it is also a chosen lifestyle for many.A yen for perfection,a desire to climb up the social ladder and be seen as a successful person,a hunger for material wealth and status symbols--any of these can push a person to work himself to death.

We drudge so that we can lead a happy,satisfying life;but if we go on like this without knowing when to stop, when will we enjoy the fruits of our labor?The goal of happiness keeps shifting farther and farther and the whole exercise becomes self-defeating.

Being stressed now and then is fine,but that constant feeling of having lots to do or very little time to do all that needs to be done is very detrimental to our well-being.Something needs to be done to avoid this outcome.

*It is necessary to prune our to-do list and garner more time to relax.We can chuck out the chores for which we have no aptitude if they are not really that important;or hire help to get them done.One way of beating stress and finding satisfaction from work is,to prioritize our tasks,finish the most important ones first and tick them off as we go on. 

*We often cling to everything because we fear that no one can do it the way we can.Very often it is not the truth,but our yen for perfection rearing it's head.If we could lower our standards a bit or trust someone else to do part of the work satisfactorily then we would have much more free time in which to relax.

*Sometimes we saddle ourselves with lots of work just because we cannot say 'No' to anyone.We shall have to learn this technique if do not want to become beasts of burden.

*One thing which makes even normal amount of work seem laborious is clutter.If we organize our work station and get rid of spurious distractions we shall work much faster and better.

*Lastly,Taking a break whenever possible can be highly refreshing and energizing.It will also stave off a burnout

It is essential to remember that there is more to life than work,success,achievement and material acquisitions.Our bodies require a minimum time to rest and recuperate or they will fail us.Similarly our minds too,need some form of recreation in order to function at their full potential.A life bereft of relaxation and entertainment is more like a punishment.

If our work creates friction at home and weakens our relationships, then it needs to be reassessed so that we do not lose the love and companionship of our family and friends.The joy of just sitting idle in the company of those who care for us,exchanging thoughts and sharing memories,relaxes us as nothing else can.True happiness lies in our relationships and not in the external symbols of wealth or success.

Image courtesy google.


  1. Absolutely true...we should be at peace with ourselves first and that it only possible when we set the priorities right.

    Thanks for enlightening!

    1. See?All wise people think alike :)
      Have a nice day.

  2. Nice post.
    If we are over stressed our mind stopped its activity until we give a break to relax.
    We need to prioritize our to do list with small break then and there so that we will be relaxed and bring productivity without affecting our Health.

    Sriram & Krithiga

    1. Very true SriKri,breaks are important.And so is health!

  3. Very nice & informative post..

  4. Great tips :)
    Every word is useful but learning to say NO and taking a break are major takeaways for me from this post

    1. Hi Afshan,welcome here.It is hard for some people to refuse a request i know.
      Thanks for the praise.

  5. For me, what most people seem not to do is to understand what they really want AND prioritize between the various things that they want. Anything you get will come at the cost of some other. For example, success at office will come at the expense of leisure and the things you could have done with your leisure time - and if it is time for relationships that you lose in the process, the cost can be very high. The trick is to know what are minimum acceptable levels for each of your goals and to ensure that the pursuit of one beyond the minimum level does not result in losing out on even the minimal level in another. The cliched work-life balance :) The problem in achieving it is less the lack of time and more the inability to be clear about what you really want. Stress spirals to unacceptable levels when you feel that your life is spinning out of control.

    1. As usual,you have explained it very nicely--in fact you should have written this post :)

  6. Very helpful post.
    Well documented points.

  7. Yesterday I was wishing for all my work to magically disappear. I am exhausted. But for me, my creative break is a stress-buster. Will try the points suggested by you, it will help me to have a clean mind, which leads to confusion and less efficiency in my case. Thanks for writing this ma'am.

    1. You are right,confusion adds to stress,we are more efficient when our goals are crystal clear.
      Thanks for coming over Saru,and you are most welcome.

  8. wish I had read this 40 years back Indu ji :(

    but still --its never too late

    thanks a lot -----its 5 mts past midnight Indu ji ---that should prove to you about my work life unnecessary one at that -- -lol

    1. Are you one of those who cannot sit still without doing something?I am too,but i would not like it any other way.Like Saru above,to me also creativity is calming.
      Love n hugs Rajni

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Couldn't agree more! One cannot stress enough, how bad stress can get!

    1. We forget to relax and suffer the consequences.

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