
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Five Habits Which Foment Discontent

Discontent as such is not a bad emotion.It stirs when we realize that something is not right and then it motivates us to work hard,achieve our targets and climb up the evolutionary ladder.But disgruntlement about every minor issue can devolve into an Anxiety Disorder.

Today only a small percentage is contented with the kind of life it leads.Most people are dissatisfied with who they are,where they are,and how they are.Very often it is not a person's circumstances but his outlook toward life which causes discontent.Five habits in particular,add fuel to this fire:-
  1. Comparisons-No two human beings are alike,nor their life conditions,strengths and weaknesses.It is but natural that their achievements and their stature too should differ.Unfavorable comparisons generate unnecessary stress.
  2. A hunger for more and more-Some people have this innate urge for acquiring more and more of everything-whether it be wealth,material possessions,awards or fame- which is never fulfilled.As a result they are always on the edge.
  3. Perfectionism-Perfectionists strive for excellence but it is not possible to be perfect in everything one does.Things can go wrong because of many factors.Unfinished tasks,poorly executed plans,or misfired attempts create a lot of unrest in such people.
  4. Unfulfilled Expectations-These are a huge source of discontent.We all feel sorry when our hopes are belied.The only remedy is to not have many expectations-the lesser the expectations,the greater the tranquility.We cannot change others,we can only change ourselves.
  5. Not Accepting Reality-Certain things are preordained-like where,in which family,with what kind of abilities you are born.Fuming about these things serves no purpose.Then there are tragedies,calamities,age,and illness,over which too,we have no control.Such happenings are painful for all,but ultimately,just incorporating these setbacks in our lives and going on from there is the only way.Seething about the injustice of it all aggravates misery.
Like many other things,discontent too has many facets.If it can zoom us up the social hierarchy,it can also push those seeking instant gratification into the labyrinth of illegal activities.A potent antidote for overpowering discontent is to be grateful for what we have.In the end,what better way to sum up this topic than in the words of Eckhart Tolle--
"Discontent,blaming,self-pity cannot serve as a foundation for a good future,no matter how much effort you make"

Taken from--


  1. It's so true Indu and I think we need to have less expectations about things which can drain us emotionally and physically. You have put it so well for things take a toll on us when we see our dreams falling apart. For me, it's having less expectations, be happy and of course, stop comparing my life to others.

    1. Thank you Vishal.
      It is true,the times have changed and most are busy with their own agendas.As such it is best to limit our expectations.

  2. Excellent post. Learning to appreciate with what we have and not trying to keeping up with the Joneses will reduce discontent. Me think.

    1. SG welcome to jeeteraho.I am glad you liked this post.
      Yes,there is no end to desires,ultimately appreciating what we have is the key to happiness.

  3. Indu, I am always grateful for what I have. Especially when I see the world around me.

    1. Thsnks for stopping by Purba.Gratitude enables us to remain calm even during the rough patches.

  4. A perfect summary for the reasons of discontent and like Purba mentioned, am happy with what god gave me!

    1. Thanks a lot for this Rahul.Yes gratitude is very pacifying.

  5. Discontent, most of the times, is the main source of mental and physical problems. With so many attractions around, discontent is a thing that's increasing thick and fast among the new generation

    1. Yes Maniparna,you got the gist of the post :)

  6. Hello!! I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited.Thank you.


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