
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Perennial Workers-No Time To #Relax

Just like air,water,food and sleep,relaxation too is an important necessity.But today's fast paced life forces many of us to neglect it.Doling out sufficient time for rest is often at the fag end of our priorities.We fail to realize that working round the clock like a zombie inflicts incalculable harm on our physical and mental health.Diseases like Hypertension,Diabetes,Heart trouble,aches and pains,insomnia,anxiety,Nervous breakdown and Burnout are often the result of a stressful life.Stress mounts when we do not chalk out enough time to replenish our energies by relaxing.

The amount of activity we indulge plays a large role in whether we are happy or sad, frustrated or satisfied,bored or  enthused.No doubt,activity enhances our self worth and also rewards us in many ways-but only till we are comfortable with the amount of work which we have to tumble through.When this point is crossed,the gains of work could be outweighed by the damaging effects.Since these are not obvious in the beginning we go on jeopardizing our health until a major problem erupts.

*To know more about the ill-effects of over-work read this post.

The relentless sloggers
Some people have little choice in this matter.Their circumstances compel them to toil hard because they have many responsibilities and no one to assist them.

But some others have a basic need to prove themselves by achieving lofty targets.To them taking a break means wasting time and stalling on the uphill journey. Overambition definitely has some drawbacks:it denies rest,leisure and peace of mind.

The perfectionists too seldom take sufficient rest.They have to do everything themselves because no one else can do it the way they can.They will check and polish their work till they are exhausted. Relaxing is a waste of time for them:there are so many things they want to set right and control.

Then there are those who just cannot say 'No'.People take advantage of their docility by fobbing off their own chores on them.Naturally this keeps them over-busy.

Some others fatigue themselves because they dislike asking for help.They will even attend to the nitty gritties which could easily have been handled by someone else.

And lots of people today have a hunger for possessing more of everything.They are never satisfied with who they are and what they have.Naturally,this always keeps them on the go.

In the end we have people who are always bowed down with work because they did not plan their schedule properly.A haphazard way of working leaves them vainly scrambling for time.

Easing the burden
If you find yourself fitting in any of the above categories-relax!Find a way out.Be cognizant of the need and importance of relaxation.Learn to take things easy.The fun is not always in doing but also in being:just being there,connecting with people,enjoying the surroundings,communing with nature,observing what happens around you and pursuing activities which may not be financially rewarding but are satisfying in many other ways.

*Allot enough time for leisure.

*Prune your to-do list.Chop off the non-essential items.

*Take the help of technology to lessen your load.

*Outsource what you can.

*Say 'No' to what is not in your scheme of things.

*Do one thing at a time.

*Shelve the less important chores to a later date,but mark them in your diary.

*Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

Now that you have more time on your hands,what is that which you always wanted to do but did not have time for?Take the first step towards doing it.Do you enjoy social gettogethers or solitude? Which is your favorite pasttime-an energetic game,an online game,a brain game,reading,writing,singing,listening to music,doing art or craft work,a leisurely walk,a bit of shopping,cooking,enjoying a hearty meal,connecting with friends,watching a movie,tidying your space or just napping?Lots of choices,select what relaxes you most.Unlike the school or job work,no competition is on your back here.No dreaded judgments or rankings to kill the joy.
What bliss,to relax

Since we live in stressful times,relaxation deserves a regular space in our lives. It can nullify the effects of stress and anxiety.It calms the mind and recharges the body.It allows us time to look at things from a different perspective,and this itself is often therapeutic.It dulls the pain,fills us with hope and energizes us to make a fresh start after a setback or a trauma.Indeed,the gains accruing from relaxation or taking a break,can never be over emphasized.

By the way,which is your favorite relaxation technique? 

William Henry Davies presaged the lifestyle of many of us in this poem:--

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.


  1. They say, "don't eat more than what you can chew".
    Trying to overwork, is like eating more than what you can chew.
    It will only harm us.
    Thanks a lot, for those wonderful tips.
    It is a good reminder on what we have to do.
    I have taken a copy of that, and I am going to stick it on my desk.
    Thanks a lot.
    - Pradeep |

  2. You made my day B Pradeep,thanks a lot.
    I am so happy it clicked with you.

  3. thoughtful very interesting post sharing

    1. Thank you Pushpendra,glad you liked it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Relaxation too is an important necessity"
    This is so true and something we forget in our daily lives. Very thoughtful and well written post.

    1. Thank you Subroto, I appreciate your support.

  5. And here I am at leisure..wish to have a busy life:)

    1. Renu you have read my mind.I was thinking I should next write about relaxing excessively.
      Yes occupation too is essential


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