
Monday, June 26, 2023

The Parameters Of #Happiness

 We all desire happiness above everything else but what exactly constitutes happiness?Does it lie in a happy family,a healthy body,a dandy job,a fat bank balance,a beautiful home or lots of fame,prestige and power? Where does it stem from and how does one grab it?Ask anyone and you will get different answers,arising naturally from that person's unfulfilled ambitions,latent desires or envious aspirations.Different people are likely to have different items on top of their lists.

When you reach your targeted space it blossoms into many more must-haves.Landing a cushy job is not enough, you need a splendid home in a high profile locality,replete with all the amenities as soon as possible.

Reaching the much awaited status of  a CEO entails that your status should latch on to the grapevine and bring additional benefits like recognition,publicity, power and privileges.

Thus we see that we cannot stop after we reach one landmark.That feeling of satisfaction at having attained a target is short lived and we begin to hunger for additional benefits.But every acquisition brings with it new responsibilities,chores and worries.Happiness slithers away.As we run this race, the fun and joy of life takes second place.We get scarce time to enjoy what we already own.

Working for your goals,attaining higher targets can go on and on.Ultimately what can give you real happiness is that quality of contentment which will give you happiness at any rung of the ladder.


  1. Happiness is evasive. But it can be as simple as a cup of tea.

  2. Thanks for coming over Tomichan

  3. We cannot stop after reaching one landmark. True. It happens because the life does not stop and we have to live till our destined last breath. But yes, we can change our track and try to do something different. I agree with you on most of the observations spelled out by you in this article. And your conclusion in the last sentence is also agreeable to me.

  4. Thanks for giving your opinion on the topic.The sooner we realize where true happiness lies,the better for us.


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