
Friday, March 16, 2012

Mental Disorders Should Be Accepted

Technology has made life very easy today.Labor saving gadgets,fast modes of transport & quick-linking devices like mobile & computers--all of these have combined to save us toil & time.But are we any more relaxed today than we were earlier?NO!In fact these are the most stressful times ever.

To make matters worse, intimate relationships & support systems are depleting by the day.As a result we find ourselves alone when life throws a googly at us.No wonder then, that Mental Disorders afflict about 5% of Indian population.W.H.O.estimates that 22% individuals will have one or more than one kind of mental or behavioral disorder in their life-time.

Scary,isn't it?Mental diseases not only unhinge the mind,they also lead to many physical ailments & sometimes end up in suicide.The whole fabric of life is torn to shreds.Suicides are increasing at an alarming rate & even ten to eleven year old have been known to take their lives.

The saddest part of this whole scenario is,that when the seeds of psychiatric morbidity first germinate,we turn a blind eye towards them.Distress is allowed to fester inside until it transforms into a serious malady.Why? Because the sufferer thinks that bringing out his turmoil in the open will reveal him as being weak & incapable of solving his own problems.

There is a huge stigma attached to mental illness in our society.Consulting a psychiatrist or a counselor is likely to brand the person as being somewhat crazy.This prevents the person from consulting a specialist while there are good chances of recovery.Even if the patient,tormented by his agony,decides to seek outside help,the family often goes into denial.The whole matter is pushed under the carpet.This is a very serious & costly mistake.We rush to the doctor at the first signs of fever.Mental illness too is an illness like any other.It requires treatment,care & compassion.The earlier the diagnosis,the better the prognosis.

Once a person is known as being a mental patient he has to face a lot of discrimination.Employers,acquaintances,friends and sometimes even family give him a raw deal.You will find many such persons loitering on the streets-unkempt,unfed and uncared for.Along with mental health,their physical health too goes downhill.They contact many diseases and die a premature,unmourned death.Do they die of disease or a callous society?Many of them could have been saved if their treatment had started at the right time.

And what about those who recover from their illness?They confront egregious obstacles in their efforts to resettle and find jobs.This could throw them back where they came from.

It is crystal clear that we all need to amend our views about mental disorders.Our disdain and discrimination obstruct their recovery and rehabilitation.They are forced to live on the margin like  pariahs.A helping hand from us will enable them to join the mainstream and become productive members of society once again.It is certainly time to change!


  1. very relevant post for our times and definitely an issue of perception that needs to change

    good luck with the contest Indu though i am sure that was the least of your motivations for writing this post

  2. How perceptive of you Sujatha...actually i had written it some time back,& then i thought to tie it up with this--with some modification.

  3. only the person who is suffering from mental disorder knows what it is. and at times even they cannot express it properly. a little care and support from friends, family members and society can do miracle in such cases.

    very well written Indu and all the best for the contest although i can see u wrote it before the contest was announced. so i m sure winning the contest is not the sole purpose of this post.

  4. Thanks for your wishes is true that human touch can work wonders for them...the more they need it,the more they withdraw into their shell.

  5. indeed!

    best wishes for the contest!

  6. Quite true. You have arranged the plight of people with mental disorders well.
    And best of luck for the contest. :)

  7. Thank you vinay...keep well,be happy!

  8. A very thoughtful post Indu. I applaud you for taking a stand on such an issue where many people would've hesitated.

    And all the best for the contest as well. :)

  9. Thank you is such comments that keep me charged.

  10. Very important and meaningful post. However I am not sure whether medical science has perfect cure the disorder. I have a relative, a neighbor and friend who have been going through treatment for years. Though there are improvements, they are way too less to be satisfactory.
    All the best for the contest.

  11. We surely need to change on such sensitive issues. Nice article and all the best, Indu:)

  12. Hariharan i agree fully with you...medical science is still floundering in it's search for cure,&there are disagreeable side-effects too...however there are many drugs to choose from,if one does not suit ,a second one may...but reversion to original state is not possible for all...still if one has acute symptoms then initial relief might be possible with these drugs & then psychotherapy,counseling & life-style changes can be taken up for lasting benefits.I too know someone who had chronic these symptoms have reduced but she has become a sort of vegetable,no spark in her.
    Anyhow my point was that they should be assimilated in home & community .

  13. great post yet agn indu,its true there is a stigma attached to seeing a psychiatrist in our society and these r some stressful times or sure...i love your every post,and yes all d best for the contest am sure u l nail it

  14. Thank you Alka for all the you...take care.

  15. very heart touching post Indu....all the best for the contest.

  16. The first few line set a perfect tone to this post ......"But are we any more relaxed today than we were earlier?NO!In fact these are the most stressful times ever" .How true....

  17. Team G Square,welcome to jeeteraho...&thanks for your validation of my post.

  18. Thanks Ashwini,i hope we all working in our own spaces can make a difference.

  19. We have way too many preconceived notions about a lot of issues that interfere with our judgement and reaction to them. This is one such. A lot many mental illnesses are mere deterioration of the faculties. But stress related mental disorders are certainly rising. When we can adopt so many western concepts starting with family and relationships, why not in this too? Counselling and therapy are considered normal in those societies. Why the partial following of concepts and practices?

    All the best for the contest, Indu.

  20. zephyr thanks for your wishes & also for this validation...indeed it is time we got over these prejudices.

  21. mental disorders are often misunderstood. i have an autistic sister and my god the prejudices i have seen! i once suggested counselling to a student of mine because she was having trouble coping with her parent's separation.they reacted as if i had called her mad and said there was something wrong with her!there's a long way to go before people fully realise what these stress related disorders can do if not handled carefully.

  22. Very true, you have presented the exact picture of how these disorders are viewed in society....the unfortunate outcome is,that the sufferers' condition worsens.

  23. You have very nice motivative blog Indu...Enjoyed reading the artical...I'm following..:-)

  24. i am glad you liked it, thanks for following,do come again.

  25. Sure, we need to make a leap ahead and change our views. You should be more accommodating and acceptable. All the best for the contest...

  26. I am glad you too feel this way..the change will not be long in coming if we all make efforts...thanks for your wishes Saru.

  27. Very meaningful and thought provoking article. Indeed a change in the overall outlook is needed at this hour in time. A hard hitting post, All the best with the contest..

  28. Thanks Arti for your encouragement & best wishes...nice to see you here.

  29. you have posted a very true and one of the most untouched topics which deserve the attention a lot more than many other topics which were raised through similar platform...
    was a nice read ma'am...all the best for the contest... :)
    moved by your post...and from now on following you as well... :)

    Cyno... :)

  30. Thank you Cynosure for your best wishes & also for your appraisal,i am very glad that you liked my blog & are following it .

  31. A need of the hour post. very nice. i also had written a similar post read here when you find time.

    1. Asha thanks for appreciation...i will definitely read your post,it will widen my purview,do keep in touch.

  32. Fully agree with you. But very difficult to change. If I had a problem, I would also be reluctant to acknowledge and approach a psychiatrist.

    1. TF welcome to is no doubt hard to overcome the prejudices & perceptions which have been handed down to us...i think the change has started, but ever so slowly!

  33. What a great thought Indu.. the lesser we had , happier we were. Your note is a must and a need of the hour..loved it.

  34. i am so happy that you support this post..come again.

  35. Good clear writing, Indu. Liked the post a lot

  36. ... and to show you how much I love your blog.. here's something for you at


    1. Thanks Kajal,i am really overawed,enjoy your holiday to the utmost!

  37. hi indu..please visit the link theres a small surprise for u

    1. Alka congrats for your award,i am simply overjoyed that you are nominating me!!!!

  38. what a great post Indu. I loved your writing and thanks for your kind words on my post.

    1. Dora thanks for your appreciation,welcome to jeeteraho.

  39. Thanks Alka i am going there pronto,surprises are always welcome!

  40. This is quite informative post. Thanks

  41. An interesting topic to write on. Opened up many windows of thoughts.

    1. Zeba nice to see you here. mental illness is really very ostracizing.

  42. I totally agree with you, it is sad how we treat people who are different from us.... we need to change ourselves first...

  43. i am very happy to find an echo of my own thoughts in your comment,thank you.

  44. I agree with you ,yes its time to change !

  45. Excellent!! Truly excellent post!! Thank you for your compassion and insight!!

  46. Excellent!! Truly excellent post!! Thank you for your compassion and insight!!

  47. Nahaliel thanks a ton for your generous praise-please keep visiting.

  48. an eye opener...
    its true to its words,people are hesitant facing a psychologist.
    in turn drive thier own harm..
    it must be addressed,they need support then discrimination..
    we must relook our perspective..

  49. Thank you Doc,please keep visiting.


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