"Suicide has become the second leading cause of death of the young people in India,which has one of the highest rates in the world" according to a new report published in The Lancet .
This is a cause for worry.If every suicide directly affects ten persons, it indirectly affects fifty.Death cannot be a welcome solution for anyone,but when someone cannot find a solution to his problems,when he thinks that no one cares whether he lives or dies,when he has no support system to ask help from and when he believes that his condition will not improve;then he takes this drastic step.He does not want to end his life-he only wants to end his misery,and when he sees no other way of doing this,then he chooses death-albeit reluctantly.Those who are close to him can avert this tragedy.But in order to do that they must first be able to recognize the danger signals.Following is a list of those who could be harboring suicidal thoughts.Please read on-----
Those who are likely to think of suicide
*1- A person who has previously tried to commit suicide.
*2- Who talks of life being worthless.
*3- Who has previous history of family suicide.
*4- Who has a mental illness.
*5- Who has a serious incurable disease.
*6- Who is an alcoholic or drug addict.
*7- Who is in bereavement.
*8- Who has gone through a break-up--romantic or marital.
*9- Who has failed in an exam'
*10- Who has suffered a setback in his career or financial affairs.
*11- Who is a victim of sexual abuse or ragging or some other trauma.
*12- Who has impending legal action against him.
*13- Who is tidying his affairs,writing his will at a rather inopportune time.
*14- Who is giving away his cherished possessions uncharacteristically.
*15 Who is mired in a debt trap.
The warning signs
*1- There are some persons who will not give the tiniest hint that they are going to take this fatal step.But mostly a person on verge of suicide will throw hints about his impending action because he does not want to die-he only wants to be rid of his problem;& is hoping that someone will rescue him.So he will comment that life is not worth living,there is no hope etc etc.Take special care of those who say they will commit suicide outright.
*2- A person in suicidal mode may look depressed,unkempt & absent-minded.He will not follow his usual daily routine.
*3- He will lose control over his emotions & reactions-will become easily angered,violent or ready to burst into tears.
*4- He may indulge in anti-social or unlawful activities.
*5- His eating & sleeping patterns will be disturbed.
*6- He will isolate himself,desist from joining any social function.
*7- Or there may be an artificial show of gaiety.
*8- He may take to substance abuse.
*9- Self mutilation too can be a precursor of suicide.
What to do?
If you happen to note any of the above signs in someone ,go near him.
Do not hesitate to ask what is wrong-you are not prying,merely showing concern.
Assure him that you will keep his worries confidential,that you want to help him & you will always be there for him.
Encourage him to vocalize all his fears & worries.He may tell you something of which you do not approve,but pass no judgements.Nor show in any way that you disapprove.
Give emotional support but no advice yet.
Ask how you can help him,& also what solution he has thought of.His thoughts at this stage are likely to be very murky.Just help to clear the fog by asking leading questions so that he can visualize pros & cons of the various options.
Take him for a physical check up & a psychiatrist if need be.
Encourage him to take proper medicines.
Involve him in group activities.
You must ask him if he is thinking of committing suicide & how;so that you can take preventive measures.
If despite these efforts you find the matter slipping from your hands do not hesitate to inform his family & take outside help,or you may have to regret this minor inaction which could lead to a major tragedy because There is hope only if there is life.