
Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Recluse

Soak no more in tears,
You have suffered for years.
Singed & scarred by unrelenting fate.
Scorching has been,your life to date.

You had fashioned a world,
With love & care,
Twas smashed in seconds,
Laying you bare.

You chose to crawl ,
Into your shell,
But it was never,
Any less than hell.

You are trapped,
In a maze of thoughts,
They are merely ghosts,
Of what once was!

This stormy grind,
Of your churning mind,
Has pushed you into,
A deep ravine.

Forsake this shell,
And you will find,
You yourself have cast,
Fetters that bind.

The tongues of fire,
Have long retired,
Gird up , retrieve,
Your lost empire.

Much was lost,
But a lot remains,
Cup it in your hands,
And build again!

A person who is dogged by persistent misfortune sometimes loses hope & the zest for life.He isolates himself from all & in this way blocks all chances of recovery.If only he would gather courage to make a fresh start he could be happy once again.


  1. That was very good, Indu. Comparing a detergent to positivity to come out of grieving and trauma. I have told you this before, you need to start an online counselling forum for troubled and confused minds. It will be immensely successful.

  2. Zephyr when you say it is very good then i have to believe that i have been successful in expressing myself-thanks a million!

    Regarding this counselling forum;i started the'Need Help'page for this very purpose.Do you think that is not enough?I need to do something more?The problem is that i am an atrocious techie,this blocks my way.

    I love the way you take interest in my blog-thanks again!

  3. Indu, I'm stunned and amazed!
    Such an intense poem twisted and linked to a commercial based contest kind of a thing...needs talent and intellect both!!
    You are the winner if I were to judge:)
    All the best:):)
    (PS: Once the contest is over I request and suggest you to detach the poem from the prose at last and preserve it as a verse)

    1. Amit jee your praise is going to my head-----it is you all who guide & encourage me---yes i will do what you have so kindly suggested.

  4. Very well written, Indu! A nice twist to the contest. Wish you the best!

  5. A wonderful deep and inspirational..all the luck for the contest..

    1. Ranita welcome to jeeteraho & thanks for your wishes as well as this nice comment.

  6. Indu,
    This poem conveys a beautiful message....I absolutely loved this part...!
    " Much was lost,
    But a lot remains,
    Cup it in your hands,
    And build again!"---- Deeply inspiring lines!! How true!! Everyone has redeeming qualities in himself. That is my contention as well!!
    All the best for the contest!!

  7. Thanks Panchali for your endearing comment & best wishes----see, all wise women think alike !!!!!!!!!!

  8. Indu,

    A poem for a contest speaks volumes about the writer.
    Deep and impact-ful, all the best :)

    1. Ghazala you are very encouraging,thanks a milloion!!

  9. So inspiring Ma'm. I can very well relate to it as I am currently going through such a phase. But I know I will bounce back from this slump one day. Thanks a lot for the inspiration. :)

  10. Akshay it pains me very much when i read about your illness,why is it taking so long,i sincerely pray for your speedy recovery;a positive person like you has to be helped by the Almighty.

  11. Would it be as easy as using Surf? Hopefully it is..

    Best wishes for the contest

  12. No Deepak,i cannot honestly say so.thanks for your wishes.

  13. Oh yes .. GET UP And STAND TALL.. bring it on .. now this poem was very motivational..

    All the best for the contest


  14. Thank you Bikramjit,i am glad you liked it.

  15. Cup in your hands and build again! Lovely positive words Indu:) Wish you the very best for the contest!

  16. Thanks a lot Rahul,i am glad you liked it.

  17. Very well written Indu. A fight back is better than shutting oneself up! Good Luck

  18. WOW! Great words. We all hit the rock bottom and it is about how we fight and get up surpassing the hurdles.


    1. Megha thank you for your appreciation & welcome to jeeteraho,come again.

  19. The poem is brilliant and the way you compared it with Surf below the post is marvelous. We need vibrating molecules of positivity for sure. A sure winner Ma'am. You have inspired me to write a poem now... :)

    1. Saru you are very generous with praise,in fact you yourself are an inspiration for many.Thanks a lot.

  20. Wow....Awesome poem!.....And that's different thinking too!....Lovely post for the contest.....

  21. Sri Valli welcome to my blog & thanks a ton for your support.

  22. Thanks, Indu, for this wonderfully encouraging poem, and that too as an entry for a contest. Love your insights into the troubles that all of us face and suffer with. Best of luck for the contest too.

    1. Subhorup your validation means a lot,thank you!

  23. Excellent. You write such simple and sensible poetry that even people who are not into poems can appreciate it.

    1. This is a lovely comment TF,i am on top of the world!

  24. Loved the poem, very inspiring and encouraging. :)

    1. Thank you vinay,it is comments such as yours,that inspire me.

  25. A poem on hope, positivity and new beginnings with the theme of surf ingrained -- I cannot imagine anyone else pulling this off with such ease and finesse except you, Induji! That was an excellent piece, all the best to you always :)

  26. Arti you are so generous with praise,i hope i deserve it.Thanks a lot.

  27. awesomely written ,,,,,,all the best for the contest :D :D
    P.S -loved your blog and i am following it :)


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