
Thursday, September 13, 2012

They are around

Yes i am happy,
To be alive.
What is it,
That gives me the high?

Those who were,
An integral part,
Are now lost,
Somewhere in dark.

I wish i could hear you,
Calling my name,
Touch your wrinkled skin,
At least once again.

Your boundless support,
And unsaid reprovals,
Helped me grow roots,
And find my soil.

You entrenched me well,
On this spinning earth,
Had you not been you,
I would have had no worth.

You have not gone,
You are living in me,
Your values & beliefs,
Are sustaining me!


  1. Replies
    1. Ash,after a long time you are first again.been busy?
      Thnk you.

  2. You're getting better at this.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I feel as if i am in a class room & teacher is encouraging me,thank you Shovon.

  3. I have been reading your poems and each one has touch me in someway. You right beautiful poems. I look forward to reading more of your works. Please continue. Don't stop.

    1. Curtneyf welcome to jeeteraho,you have given me a beautiful heartfelt comment,thank you.
      We are distanced in space but human feelings are what unite us,thanks again.

  4. When I got an email notification, I read the post in my email and was thinking, someone replied to my post on my blog. Later I realised, no, I think I signed up to a new blog. Now, I won't forget that this blog is yours..:) Loved it.

  5. FIF thanks a lot for this endearing comment,welcome here.

  6. Made me emotional, touching poem :D

    1. Yes ,parents have that special place in our hearts.

  7. Trust you, Indu to look for something positive even in loss. We often remember our loved ones with love and regret, but it is not often that we let them give us a high. :)

    1. Zephyr thanks!if one focused on loss one could not live on.

  8. Second paragraph onwards it builds so much on the emotions, that you could actually live the words. The last paragraph is a midas touch. Simple and beautiful. Will learn a lot from you Ma'am.

    1. Saru your praise is truly humbling-you made my day!

    2. It is truly a masterpiece Ma'am. :)

  9. Heart touching poetry...I can sense a lot of pain, lot of struggle and an inane wish to be loved and appreciated there. Heartily agrees...

    Sending so much of love to you! :)

  10. Ekta welcome to jeeteraho & thanks for your precious gift-one can never have enough of it.

    1. Extremely poignant and heartfelt must have been your emotions to come out so strongly in this verse- seems to be the essence of a lifetime in a few lines . Looking forward to many more .

    2. Thank you Sucharita for this sweet comment,you are very generous with your praise.

  11. This poetry was really a touching one! The ones who have gone do provide strength too as you have so beautifully portrayed, Indu:)

  12. Rahul thanks ever so much,you have captured the very essence of my feelings!

  13. So sweet, Indu. Warmed my heart :D

  14. Indu,
    I lost my Dad on this day some years back, but time did heal the wound. Reading this today, did make me emotional a bit, but the overall poem gave me stupendous strength..!!
    This seems so appropriate for this day. Thank you.:) Today, I am glad I stepped in late...I needed this tonic, Indu! :)
    Lovely piece..

    1. I can feel what you feel.the wound heals but the pain erupts again & again.this is the bane of getting on in years-one has to live through such tragedies.but i am glad that this helped you to gain your composure.take care.


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  16. There is a deep undercurrent in your words that grip me tight and these words echo and reverberate in my ears. The ones who have gone leave behind a part of themselves in us. A really touching piece of poetry! Brilliantly written. :)

  17. Thank you Raj-appreciation from one who himself is a brilliant writer is truly very satisfying.

  18. Very beautiful poem Indu....Straight from heart! <3

  19. The memories that our loved ones leave behind for us are the real
    treasures later in life when we no longer have them around us. They
    give us a reason to smile and to live a life again. Very beautiful
    poem, Induji. Please do write more of these, they are as power packed as your posts :)

  20. Arti you are so right,their memories are the real treasures.
    Thanks a lot,your comment has filled me with new vigor.

  21. Beautiful one, Indu. A great homage to departed elders.

  22. is this poem dedicated to a certain someone?

  23. hey indu.. that's a lovely composition on a subject often left untouched.. such wonderful feelings.. and very true.. poignant..

    just read the comment above..
    your parents will be proud of you dear..
    KUDOS to you..

  24. You are so generous in praise.I hope i deserve it .Thank you .


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