
Monday, October 29, 2012

A Lovely Gesture

 When a distinguished
blogger like Anupam Patra decides to include me in the community of Liebster Blog holders it is natural to feel surprised,elated & grateful, in that order.I may doubt the worthiness of my own scribblings,but how can i doubt the sagacity of Anupam Patra?Therefore here i go doing the needful to formally earn this award.

The rules of the game are:
Post 11 facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions the tagger asked you.
Tag 11 more bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
Make 11 questions for those you have tagged.
Tell the people that you tagged them & no tagging back.

Well,if i started listing my likes & dislikes there are strong chances of you reaching for the mouse to click the next blog.Therefore i will answer the 11 questions asked by Anupam & my answers will tell you 11facts about me.Neat,isn't it ?

1-Blue n white checkered or black?
Blue n white checkered.
2-Curtains or no curtains?
3-Hard cover,paper back or e-books?
Hard cover.
4-What is your ambience while writing?
I like to write on paper first,when there is silence,comfort & a cup of tea,with me.
5-Do you plan to publish a novel?
Perish the thought,my imagination is zilch.
6-Do you like to make a gift for your loved one or would you rather buy?
I would like to make it myself.
7-Which is the most beautiful color according to you?
Sky blue.
8-What is your mantra in life?
To act according to my conscience' dictates.
9-Have you ever thought of becoming a soldier in your life?
Ah no!
10-Do you have stage fright?
11Mickey mouse/Alladin/Duck tales or Shin chan/Doraemon/Kitrestu?
I have not watched any cartoons-i mean on TV!

My questions for the new awardees:
1-Your favorite color?
2-Your favorite movie?
3-Your favorite music genre?
4-Your favorite actor?
5-Your favorite actress?
6-Your favorite hobby?
7-Your favorite blog?(some help from me---jeeteraho?)
8-Your pet hate?
9-Your dream vocation?
10-Your dream vacation?
11-Your ambition in life?

Ah! so much of hard work(that is why this post has been waiting since July 2012).But good things don't come easy.So now all that is left is to name 11 new bloggers.This will take another 2 months i think!
Randomly chosen bloggers are thus:

Now all that is left to do is inform these bloggers & then i am done.My congratulations to the winners!!!!!!!!


  1. congrats for award..keep writing u have awesm blog

  2. Hi Ajnabi,you are very quick,thanks.Please keep visiting.

    1. your welcome.. i am new in blog word plz if you have time plz read my blog.. it will good fr my writing

  3. Congratulations. Indu ji. Thoroughly deserved recognition

    1. Thanks again & i am truly sorry for the delay,but it was at the back of my mind all the time.

  4. Congratulations Indu Ji and thank you for tagging me. :)

  5. Hi Indu

    Hearty Congrats for the award. Well Deserved and YES yours is definitely one of my favorite blogs :)
    Thanks a ton for passing it on to me. I am honored!

  6. Congrats Indu and quick answers :).

  7. Thank you Jaishree for all your praise-your blog is no less!

  8. Thanks a lot. Soon I will write about this.

  9. Congrats and good to read the personal side of you. And please watch cartoons on TV. You'll enjoy it. It brings the child in you back in action. My mom likes Tom and Jerry. :)

    1. Thank you Saru,even i was thinking Tom &Jerry will be the only one to interest me.

  10. Indu ji

    First of all let me congratulate you for this award Have loved reading your blogs --whatever little that I have been able to read ,(as I am one of those who is always pressed for time LOL)I love visiting your page.

    And secondly THANK YOU SO MUCH ----for including my name in your list I feel so elated for not only being included but for being included by you Thank you so much

    Thanks a lot once again
    all good wishes
    and warm regards

  11. Indu ji

    First of all let me congratulate you for this award Have loved reading your blogs --whatever little that I have been able to read ,(as I am one of those who is always pressed for time LOL)I love visiting your page.

    And secondly THANK YOU SO MUCH ----for including my name in your list I feel so elated for not only being included but for being included by you Thank you so much

    Thanks a lot once again
    all good wishes
    and warm regards

  12. Good to know few things about you..and congrats for the award ..:)

  13. Indu ji

    First of all let me congratulate you for this award ---I have always admired your writing style and loved reading your posts ---( whatever little that I have been able to as I have joined Indiblogger only recently and I am still finding my way )

    And secondly THANKYOU SO MUCH for including my name in your list I feel elated not only for being selected but for being selected BY YOU Thankyou very much once again
    with warm regards
    and all good wishes

  14. Thanks a lot for your warm message.Yes i understand this about the paucity of time-i am always submerged under it .

    Love you !

  15. Hi FIF,thanks for reading my post !

  16. Congrats Indu...and good to know you more :))) I like sky blue too, and the mantra of your life shows your character n strength...

    1. First of all a very HAPPY Lakhi Puja which was yesterday,may you celebrate auspicious festivals for years & years.
      You are very generous with praise,i hope i deserve it.

  17. Firstly, congratulations on receiving this award Indu ji :)
    It is only because you write good content that you have received this award, well deserved indeed. Anupam has made a wise choice. :)

    Secondly, thank you very much, I am humbled by your gesture. I'm glad you found my blog to be deserving enough to receive this award.

    Keep posting and always stay happy Induji :)



    1. Jay thank you very much for this lovely comment-it is very overwhelming.IB has connected me to some fantastic individuals & you are one of them.

  18. Loved the subtle sense of humour in your replies, Indu. I admire your commitment to writing and blogging with each passing post.

    I love sky blue too, a lot :)

    1. Zephyr this praise coming from you has a special value-i hardly deserve it-it is your generosity which speaks!

  19. yesssssss BLUE is the best color for sure .. :)

    congrats to you on the award .. and to all who have received it from you :)


  20. Thank you very much, Indu. I usually do not take part in the tagging posts. Apologies for the same. But I really appreciate the gesture.

  21. Congratulations Indu and wish you many more accolades!

  22. Congrats for the award....And thanks for tagging me!...Smiles!

  23. First of all many many congratulations for the award. You are one wonderful blogger and it is always an immense pleasure to read your works. So keep writing and I shall keep reading.

    Also it was wonderful reading your short and sweet answers. :)

  24. Oh Raj,your praise is so overwhelming-thanks a ton.

  25. Randhir jee welcome to jeeteraho,please visit again & thanks for liking it.


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