
Monday, December 10, 2012

The Sun

The Sun , it's planets & their moons together form our solar system.
Sun is the only star in this family,which means that it has light of it's own.All other bodies reflect Sun's light.

The temperature on it's surface is 10,000*F but it can go up to 27,000,000*F at the core.

It is nearly150 million km away from Earth & it's diameter is about 865.000 miles.It is more than a hundred times bigger than the Earth but as stars go,it is not very big.Astronomers call it a dwarf star.

It's gravity is 30 times as strong as Earth's & reaches far out in space to distances of many billions of miles.If you were able to stand on it's surface you would not be able to pick up your foot--stuck there for ever!

It rotates on it's axis in about 25 Earth days & travels through space along with it's family (our solar system) & other stars in a galaxy known as the Milky Way (yes,it is not stationary).
This galaxy contains about 100 billion stars which are clustered together in a flat disc,bulging at the centre ,while it's arms spiral outwards.Our mighty Sun is on one arm far away from the centre.It  circles the centre of our galaxy in one cosmic year-which is about 225 million years.

Surprised?There is more to come--there are more than 15 billion galaxies in the universe--all situated far apart,empty spaces separating them.And there are billions of stars in each galaxy! Mind boggling isn't it ?

These facts were so amazing that i wanted to share them with you all.Just imagine-where do I & U stand in this humongous universe?

How did you like these snippets about the Sun ?I hope you found them interesting.
Disclaimer :The facts given in this post have been culled from a book "The Planets" written by Robin Kerrod.
The pictures are courtesy NASA &


  1. We have always been fascinated by whether there is life on other planets or not. The fact remains that we will never find that out. And even if we do, it will be very one sided because we will never have means to visit them.
    The unknown is always fascinating.

    1. Amit thanks for visiting.Yes,the distances being so mind boggling,we really have little hope of visiting other planets even if they hold life.

  2. Strange. A very different kind of post from you.

    1. Hi TF,
      Nice to see you again.I love to read about Astronomy & Astrology.

  3. Some awesome facts, Indu! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Indeed, we are too miniscule. :)

    1. That we are.How well planned this cosmos is !!

  5. Hey, I also love to read astrology and astronomy. And to add, sun also spins on its axis, but since it is not solid, it different parts take different time to spin. Equator 27 and poles around 31! There is so much to know, there is so much to gain, but our knowledge and ability to know both are limited!

    1. Oh wow Meenakshi,you have added new nuggets to the post.Thanks!

  6. That is an awesome compilation, Indu. And you are interested in astronomy, are you? And astrology? Well, you are indeed full of surprises :)

    1. Loved your comment Zephyr,thanks a lot
      or should i say love n hugs?

  7. Indu ji

    fascinating writeup about the most fascinating world of our solar system
    loved reading it


    1. Thank you Rajni,i yes it is all very fascinating.Iam glad you loved it !

  8. Amazing facts...thanks for sharing.

  9. thank you for sharing ..
    it is quiet interesting as our old old vedas and religious books have mentioned about such things ...


  10. Very true,Rigveda mentions the sun as having gravity & keeping all the planets safely circling it in their orbits.

  11. एक अच्‍छे लेख के लिए धन्‍यवाद इन्‍दू जी

  12. Welcome to jeeteraho,please come again.
    Thanks for your appreciation.

  13. Hey Indu.. I roamed around you blog and indeed your blog is interesting for someone like me.. I'll take time to read your posts for sure.. I have seen your warning(BEWARE).. I loved it really.. I look forward to some more warnings and bouncers from you..

    You will get answer of your first question in a subsequent post pretty soon.. Throw some more Indu.. :)

  14. Thank you Deepak,nice to see you here !

  15. Amazing facts, Indu !! Thanks for sharing the details. Though I have been a student of Arts, but anything with the study of celestial objects (such as moons, planets, stars, nebulae, and galaxies)interests me.
    Thanks :)

  16. Like you i too studied Arts,but these subjects enthrall me too.

    So much of order & this gigantic management---there has to be a God to supervise all this---i tell my agnostic side!


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