
Wednesday, February 6, 2013


 I am proud to present today a valuable post by on a topic which has great significance today.It is so comprehensive that i need to say no more.Please read on-----

Dealing with addiction: One step at a time Addiction can creep up on you in very sneaky ways. It starts with a particular fondness for a harmful substance, becomes a habit, and then grows into an over-powering need which eclipses other considerations such as health-well being, finances, family and friends. It slowly becomes a vortex which people keep spiraling into, but with a conscious effort, one can rise above and beyond addiction. No matter what the substance is, one can always find ways to come out of it, with steadfast dedication, and with help from family and friends.

The first step, and the most important step to come out of addiction, is to recognize the fact that you have a problem.Very often, when someone is addicted to a substance, the person tends to get very defensive about the addiction.And slowly,the person refuses to admit,even to himself/herself,that there is a problem which needs to be solved.Recognizing that there is a problem, and recognizing the fact that you need help is the first step which will help you deal with addiction.

One day at a time is the way to go, while dealing with addiction. All support groups stress upon the fact that when recovering, you should always focus on being substance-free one day at a time, instead of aiming for a month or a year. These goals, though lofty, will only overwhelm you, because the thought of being without the substance for so many days will make you nervous, and this nervousness will push you right back into addiction. If you go one day at a time, diligently, you will realize that you have passed not just days and months, but also years without it. But being sober and substance free for the day is the most important goal which you have to work towards.

If you have friends and social circles who indulge in the substance which you are addicted to, then it’s a very good idea to remove yourself from their company. If they are good friends or family members, they will understand your struggle, and they will make efforts to keep you away from the substance, but if they are not, then, it’s best that you find other people to hang out with.

Get external help, because often, it is harder to communicate with people who have not faced addiction like you have. Go to a support group, or to a rehab centre if you think the situation is dire. If you need psychological help, then you should approach a counselor with whom you can talk honestly and openly about these problems. It is very important to share certain things, and often, sharing with strangers, helps more than sharing with family and friends. But do not keep them out of it either. Tell them honestly about the problem, and if you need space away from them and then make it clear that you need it.

Take up a hobby which is time consuming. This will make you miss your addiction less, and will make you productive as well. Take up gardening, or take up bird-watching, or any hobby which you might be inclined towards. This will help you grow as a person too, and a busy mind will make you feel happier, and more accomplished at the end of the day which will also increase your self-esteem.

Make sure you promise yourself that you will grow into a better person, day by day, and hour by hour.If not for your friends and family, then just for yourself. Your life deserves more respect than substance abuse. Make sure you give it more meaning, make sure you feel like a better person with each passing day.

This is a guest article by To read articles on Health, Lifestyle, Relationships,
Empowerment and Leisure, visit this woman-centric online magazine which has a fast growing
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  1. I will not hesitate to laud today a post on my own blog.It offers invaluable help to those who want to detoxify from any addiction.
    The earlier one tries to extricate oneself from the addiction,the better.I would just like to add one observation that mostly there is a psychological factor involved when one gets addicted to a substance;therefore it is a good idea to seek help from a counselor or a psychologist.

  2. Addictions are rampant throughout our species and have always been so, Indu. I am glad you shared this important article with us. Thanks to to pin point some solution to recover!

    1. And do you know,i am addicted to reading my blogger friends'comments?

  3. The most important thing required to get away from any addiction is the desire to leave it.

  4. Very informative post and very rightly pointed out that one has to leave addiction not for anybody else but self. Kudos to you and to throw light on such important issue and giving practical solutions for the same.

  5. You are right,addiction can destroy a person's whole life.

  6. Great post, and thanks, Indu for hosting it. There are two primary tasks for anyone contemplating intervention. The first is to empower the addict that though the addiction is overpowering and all-consuming, resources to deal with its power are available to the addict from within himself (or without if one is talking about an external higher power). The second is to delink the shame, remorse, guilt, regret from the person and transfer it to the act of pursuing addiction. When an addict or alcoholic cleans up and looks at his or her life with sober eyes, the sight is usually not a pretty one. Most often the horror of seeing one's behavior as an addict are so overpowering, that the comfort of the familiar appears more desirable. It is essential that the addict himself and society around him learns to see the addiction landscape (or war zone) as it is, and not link it to moral deficiency or volitional acts.

  7. As usual Subho,you are bang on target.Thank you for enriching my post-these are valuable suggestions.

  8. the desire to get rid of the addiction should come form inside and then it will be much more easier..I guess...Thanks to you and glad2bawoman for sharing the informative article..Its the need of an hour..

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  10. Indu, I have come to this post multiple times but never able to finish it..but when I read the first few lines, I tried to get rid of one addiction I had..guess what? FB. I immediately deleted the FB app on my cell phone. I didn't give it up completely though :) Many hugs to you.


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