
Monday, February 4, 2013

Beautiful Planet Saturn

Ever heard of a planet which is huge enough to contain 750 earths,yet light enough to float on water?That is Saturn for you--the second largest & also the lightest planet in the solar system.It has also been rated as one of the most beautiful bodies out there.It is ten times farther from sun than earth,the sixth planet from there,but it can be seen with naked eye--the last planet to have that distinction.In fact at certain points it can even outshine most of the stars in sky with it's yellow light ( Uranus & occasionally 4 Vesta are visible in very dark night sky too ).

It is a gas giant composed mainly of hydrogen gas.A heavy atmosphere of this gas around it, liquefies the gas,so that a huge ocean of liquid hydrogen which is thousands of miles deep, covers the planet.The weight of this ocean transforms hydrogen into liquid metal,which in turn,encompasses a hard rocky core at least as big as earth.The metallic elements create a strong magnetic force which extends up to millions of miles in space.

The temperature at the top of Saturn's atmosphere is  -300*F & the clouds there are made up of frozen gas crystals.Beneath them are moist clouds resembling those on earth.The heat below the atmosphere goes up to 10,000*F which is strange considering that Saturn is so far away from sun.But this heat comes from it's core rather than from sun.At the core the temperature climbs up to 12,000*F.The weather on Saturn is not at all hospitable.There are fierce winds zooming at a speed of up to 1100mph,rowdy storms & lightening too.Below is a view of the hexagonal vortex at Saturn's north pole,spinning like mad----

Saturn travels through space with a family of 62 moons which are composed of water & ice.It also has a magnificent system of rings whizzing around it's equator at high speed.These rings consist of small dust particles and bigger icy lumps.These rings are very thin but wide.They reflect sunlight brilliantly.

Saturn spins in about ten and a half hours at an equatorial speed of   35,500km/h; but takes nearly thirty years to orbit sun at an average speed of 21,687mp/h. It is tilted at the axis & has seasons like earth.Since it's year is so long,each season lasts for seven & a half years. Ain't we glad that our winters & hot summers are much shorter?Imagine bearing the brunt of any season for so long!

Moving on to astrology,Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn .It affects the person's ambition,career,duty & discipline.It is considered malefic-it leads to contraction of the sector in which it is placed.
Text courtesy Robin Kerrod
Images from google.


  1. An awesome post. Made my day. I love Geography . Wow. The facts of Saturn were amazing. The picture showing Saturn's pole was amazing. Some figures and facts were unbelievable

  2. Hi Vishal yours is the first comment on Shani Dev & a very encouraging one too.Thanks a ton!!!!!!

  3. Indeed, the most beautiful planet in our solar system (other than earth of course) due to its spectacular ring!Got to gather some interesting facts about Shani-Deb! Inka hath sada mathey pe rahe...baba! LOL..
    Thanks Indu..

    1. True words Panchali --let all be blessed by Shani DEV.Thanks for visiting.

  4. Hi Indu,

    Perfect example of exuding an icy exterior while hiding an inferno within. It's good to know about this huge giant all of us popularly know as Shani. This planet must have many people spending sleepless nights because of the saade-saati which it brings to many destinies and careers, I'm already neck deep in it.
    Thanks for sharing the facts and figures. :)


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    1. Hi,
      i must say you have defined Saturn perfectly.Yes the very name is scary for us people but sometimes i wonder how a planet so far away could affect us in any way.Yet astrology does ring true sometimes-as my posts on Zodiac signs also denote.
      I wish you speedy reprieve from Shani Dev Jay.

  5. Very interesting read!
    Thank you Indu:)

  6. Very informative article on the planet, Saturn. It's fascinating that Saturn has 62 moons to boast of and it's seasons are so long and lengthy. Many thanks for sharing this article, got to learn so many new things associated with it.

    1. Yes Arti cosmos is very bewildering...just imagine if we saw one night 2,3 moons loitering in the sky!!!
      Thanks for visiting.

  7. wow Indu ji

    those pictures add to the lovely post -----hahah shani dev does hold his own be it the universe ,the human world or a blog post

    and now that you say ----it is the ruling plane for capricorn ----it becomes more significant for me .

    thanks a lot
    warm regards

    1. Rajni thanks for your humorous input-i loved it!
      So you are a Capricornian is it?
      Love n hugs!

  8. Poor Saturn! This most beautiful planet is also the more feared one astrologically.It is a karmic planet, often called the planet of justice and gives back what we send forth via our actions. Saturn is considered a strict teacher, if one do not realize one's mistakes then it creates difficult situations so that we learn our lessons. It is also a planet of renunciation which goes in of saints and ascetics.

    OMG, I am going on and on....actually it hurts when this poor planet is called malefic:P

    1. Meenakshi thanks for adding more meaning to my post.I agree that a strict disciplinarian is not a bad entity at all.

      You know a lot about astrology i gather!Nice of you to have given your views.

  9. Great post, very informative Thanks for sharing...

    1. Ajeeth thanks for the appreciation--it feels nice.

  10. Though you feature these on Kwik bits, an enormous amount of research must be going into them! Loved the spinning vortex :-) And you tell me that you are not good with technical stuff! The Sadhe saati is indeed potent, given the magnetic forces of the planet. I sometimes feel that astrology is not all hogwash as the skeptics would have us believe!

    1. Thank you Zephyr for this sweet gesture.Your comment boosts my confidence up there--but i truly miss not being able to do so many things over here.
      Astronomy is a vast subject & i try to cover all the salient & interesting points-hence the research.But i am still in two minds about astronomy versus astrology.Can there be a definite answer i wonder?

  11. Saturn looks great and is majestic. Thanks for sharing the information.

  12. Replies
    1. Nagini thanks a lot for visiting n appreciating!!!!!

  13. Fire and ice-and all things nice...thats my interp of the formidable SHANI DEV.I do believe both the astros r connected,the fire the planet emits in human life is a kind of a detox.

    1. Okayyyy,that is a very wise way of looking at it Sucharita--most of us are vexed when Shani Dev fixes his glare upon us.

  14. That was an interesting post. I used to be amazed as a kid looking at the sky and I am glad that I still like such information. :)

  15. Sky gazing is really awesome & very humbling too.
    Thank you Amit for your candid comment.

  16. More than the facts, I loved your photo selection. Such a fun post to look at...:) Wish we could use that hydrogen and combine it with oxygen to have more water...

    1. Saru thanks for appreciating the pics--yes i took some time to do it.

  17. Even more awed by Saturn now I've read your post. Thanks Indu.

  18. Really?I doubt if anything can stump YOU!!

  19. wao! Nice post.Thanks for share. Interesting information about Saturn.DO you know Saturn is the root of the word "SATURDAY".It is god of agriculture also.

    1. Majaal welcome to jeeteraho.Thanks for your input & also your appreciation.


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