
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Zodiac sign Leo !

Leo is the royal sign of zodiac & it's ruler is the Sun.So naturally,a Leo is authoritative,impressive,magnetic & distinguished.He has natural qualities of leadership & organisation.He is very ambitious & aims at the top.His intelligence,self confidence & a strong will help him to reach his goals.What's more,he is honest,loyal,sincere,generous & very humane too.No wonder he is widely admired & respected.His loved ones are specially lucky to have him around because he is extremely magnanimous where their needs or desires are concerned.

What else?I have run out of all my adjectives now!Therefore let me start with the opposite strain.Any quality,when carried to the extreme,can become a detriment.Likewise with the Leos.Take care you do not bamboozle gentle folks into submission,because you do like to dominate.While it is true that you are helpful & generous;you expect a lot of approbation in return & if it is not coming in your desired quantities,will you resort to strutting or boasting?I hope not!Then again,your liking for ostentation & opulence could incite you to overdo it --so take care.As you are very sure of your own views,it is easy to slip into intolerance.Some Leos can be dogmatic too.

I guess it all depends on the placement of other planets in your horoscope and your own sagacity--how far you are able to channelize or curb the rush of your energy.

Have i been hard on the Leos? No! How could i annoy the king of the zodiac? Take this as a piece of fun please!!!!!!!!!!!
Text courtesy Richard Sterling
Pics from google search.


  1. Blush...blush ...on the first few lines...then you told the other side too...Indu, one big thing you missed out here is Ego. They have an ego lion sized :-) I'm thinking what qualities I do have and what I don't...;-) loved to read this first thing in the morning!

    1. It is only apt that you should be the first one to comment leo!You have taken it all so sportingly-thanks a million!!!!!!!!

  2. Leos are very warm-hearted people and good souls to keep around. I just know one Leo and she is far from dominating. Then again everyone has their individual characteristics making them unique. Interesting piece of information!

  3. Meenakshi i too have only one leo friend that i know of & she too is warmhearted & not at all dominating--it just shows that people can't be categorized tightly.

  4. I keep reading these personality traits about Leos, but I know a few who are lambs!
    I suspect they have been lying to me about their DOB! :D

    1. Rickie that makes 4 of us who know Leo lambs-it is best to revise our knowledge.And thanks for visiting!

  5. I do have a friend who fits right into this desc,but not sure of her sun sign...almost sure she will turn out to be a Leo,extremely helpful and confident but the dominating bit is true too-but they are still friends for life.

    1. Isn't it interesting to try & fit those we know in these zodiac slots?

  6. Almost true Indu. My Rashi is Leo . I do like to dominate but after some time i leave it.

    1. OKaaaaay.Good that you leave it at the right time!
      Thanks for the confirmation.

  7. It's coming It's coming - waiting for Libra :)

    1. Hahaha!I had a hearty laugh at this-thank you friend.

  8. No lions around...still the post is helpful... :)

  9. another nice one in the series
    loved the interesting write up


  10. Phew, thank goodness... I don't have any Leo in the family. Bossy and interfering people can be disturbing, baba re!

  11. Panchali shotti bolchi.
    BTW how was Sarswati Puja?

    1. Aami Jaani...!!!:D
      Goddess of knowledge and fine arts was worshiped with great fervor in my home. Had Bengali delicacies.. ‘Khichuri’, ‘Labra’ and ‘Kooler Chutney’for lunch!!:))

    2. I am salivating,good for you!!!!!

  12. very informative and excillent write-up

  13. Hi Indu

    My dad was a Leo in the true sense of the word...And his Raashi as per Lunar calendar (the twelve from the Hindu rashis) was also 'Simha' a.k.a Lion and there were two lions in one man!! Boy I loved him for all that he was ! :) As I read this, his memories flooded my mind and thanks for that!

    1. Jaishree i can very well understand how you feel.Any fleeting reference takes us back to the good old days & when it is to do with our parents--well we are pleased & pained at the same time.
      Love n Hugs!

  14. Do you intend to cover other Zodiac signs as well? Would love to read it.

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