
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Zodiac Sign Virgo

Intelligent,analytic,disciplined & practical--Virgos have all the prerequisites of success.They are well organised,methodical & tireless workers.If they take up a task they will execute it to perfection.Their ruling planet Mercury endows them with a keen sense of discrimination.A detail which has been missed by all others will be pin-pointed by a Virgo.When faced with a problem or a tough situation,they will analyse it from the point of view of common sense & logic--which they have in profuse quantities.This makes them terrific problem-solvers.They also make excellent doctors scientists & engineers.Their lives are usually well planned.They like everything to be neat,clean & tidy--their homes are a delight to live in.

However all these super-duper qualities do not give them swollen heads.In fact they are shy & retiring by nature.They shun limelight.You could call them aloof but i think it is their shyness & overactive intellect which keeps them preoccupied & musing.

Need i say more?Unfortunately a lot remains to be said & it is not so palatable.Firstly, their critical,analytic & perfectionist traits can sometimes cojoin to make them fussy faultfinders.Not everybody is blessed with the qualities which they have & a little bit of untidiness or disorder is not as inimical as spoiled relationships.This critical tendency of theirs is often directed at their own selves-affecting their well being.They need to forgive their own lapses as well as those of others.

Another characteristic of the Virgos which is not so healthy is their health-fads.They want their health to be perfect always-which is not possible.They will analyse every tiny twitch or click & then brood over it.They have to guard against becoming hypochondriacs.

Virgos are sometimes judged as being cold.This probably derives from an odd fetish--they don't like to be touched.It is not a very prominent attribute but if found in married persons it has to be guarded against.

Now before any of you take umbrage at all that i have said above,one caveat: there are three Virgos in my family & it is not as if they are all peas of a pod.While one was a painstaking,hardworking person of retiring nature,the second is a shy perfectionist & the third is critical & health-conscious.It all depends upon individual horoscopes too.

As always,i am sorry if i stepped on any toes.Blame it on my Arian nature.

Text credit--Richard Sterling
Pics--google search.


  1. haha Indu, I have so many Virgos in my life -- my husband, younger son, and many in my husband's family. From what I've seen of them, you are bang on about many traits :).

    1. Hi Rachna,thanks for this confirmation,now let us see what others say.

  2. Good good :D
    When will you write about libra :P

  3. Even I am surrounded by Virgos. Having lived with a Virgo husband for about 13 years, One thing is for sure, Virgos and Aqaurians are like chalk and cheese and make a disastrous combination :P

    1. Haha i can say the same thing about Aries n aquarius.Therein lies the challenge.We shall be talking of these folks after quite some time!

  4. Thanks Indu. I'm Virgo, now knows what I'm.

    1. Well well! I lead you to self realization?Me happy !!!!!!!!

  5. :-)
    so stepping over others toes is arian character???
    i'm arian too.....

    best wishes indu


    1. Hi Anu,after a long time....

      No not stepping on toes,but stating facts as they see it ,is.You don't agree with this?

  6. The thing I don't like about them is, they think they are perfect and they can never go wrong. And if anyone else fails, they feel it's because we didn't listen to them and analyse the way they did. I have seen many virgo men make good husbands. :)They are nice people.

    1. Latha thanks for your observation.
      My father was a Virgo & he was the perfect husband as you say.

  7. Indu ji there is one in my family too ---my daughter---and I think I should quietly agree with all that you have said.

    1. Haha Virgos are cute & intelligent people to have around.Rajni my daughter comes after your comment--castigating herself!See what i mean?

  8. Your critical analysis of Virgos was spot on,could see myself in each line of the last three paras and truly had me chuckling.

    1. My dear girl you belong to the first three,not the last ones!!Mommie knows all !!!!

  9. 200% correct! I overtly attest!
    (Looking forward with dhuk-dhuk heart to reading about Libra:))

  10. OK,another vote for me.Wonder how you will take the next one!

  11. Cool!
    Looking forward to Gemini.

    1. Indrani welcome to jeeteraho.Here is the link to Gemini

  12. As with Amit, so with me! LIBRA :)

    1. Two stalwarts of IB.....i will have to be very careful!!!!

    2. I'm pathetically frail, Indu, you'll soon read it my upcoming poem 'कोंपलें', and Suresh is a thorough gentleman, so go ahead and be pragmatic:):)

  13. My sister in law is a Virgo and oh yeah, they are spotlessly clean and neat and yes, good problem solvers. Very true!

    1. Thanks jaishree for confirming this.
      Lots of love!

  14. Replies
    1. Me too...You are an Arian. Please put a cute picture when you write about Saggis, just like this hello kitty one :)

    2. Ok Saru,cute pic for a cute friend !!!!!!!!!

  15. My hubby is a Virgo and I can't agree with you more. Btw I am waiting for your article on Libra.

  16. Indu, Virgos are the best in all aspects! I know, because my best friend is a Virgo--and she's sooo special♥
    This series is so interesting!!:))

  17. Thanks Panchali for your thumbs up.No doubt,Virgos are great people.
    Love n hugs!

  18. Ha Ha!!This is my daughter's sun sign and who knows better:)

  19. I am a Virgo and I am happy with my traits whether good or bad and I know for sure I won't change a bit...
    Nice Read

    1. Aha! I like your confidence,not many can say this.


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