
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Planet Neptune,or Ketu ?

Neptune is a stormy blue planet,eighth from the Sun.It is huge enough to contain 60 earths.A gas giant only slightly smaller than Uranus,it is quite similar to it in composition too.It is thirty times farther from sun than earth,and cannot be seen from here with naked eye.Looking at it's distance from sun,it is not as cold as one would expect it to be.This is because it is heated from within.It gives off double the heat it gets from sun--the father of all modern central heating systems?Hahaha!

Neptune's atmosphere consists of hydrogen,helium & some methane.The temperature at the top of it's atmosphere is -218*c,while it's core is approximately 5.000*c. It's   tremendous heat gives rise to fierce winds blowing in the opposite direction from it's rotation.Neptune has the fastest winds in the solar system.They can reach up to a speed of 1,500 mph and are responsible for severe storms.

Since Neptune's axial tilt is quite similar to that of earth,it has seasons just like we do.But each season lasts for 40 yrs.Phew!Neptune has four rings & thirteen known moons.It's moon Triton is one of the coldest places in the solar system,having a temperature of -235*c.

The day at Neptune consists of about 16 hrs while it takes 164  earth years to orbit once round the Sun.And that too at an average speed of 12,000 mph.Taking 164 yrs to complete one orbit of sun at this amazing speed---the expanse of solar system is truly astounding!!!

Interestingly although Neptune lies between Uranus & Pluto every 248 yrs Pluto moves inside it's orbit so that Neptune moves to the ninth rank! for twenty years. No collision occurs in this inter-changing of positions.What control,and what management!!!!

Shifting to astrology, one could doubt if a planet so far off could have any influence upon our lives,but according to Hindu mythology Neptune is Ketu ,which is feared by many.Some refer to it as Varun also. According to Wikipedia it gives creativity,idealism & compassion but it can also bestow illusion,confusion & deception.

Ah well,there certainly is some confusion regarding it's ability to influence our lives but there is no confusion that it is impossible for us to visit it.
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Text courtesy Robin Kerrod
Pics courtesy google.


  1. Hmm Interesting facts there esp the part abt Neptune and Pluto exchanging positions!

  2. Serene. Neptune imparts a feeling of regal calm in this image. I'm glad to be in a time period that allows us, to see our solar system and its realm in these historic and personal ways. Thanks Indu, for the wonderful series....:)

    1. Yes,the advances made by space science are truly amazing!!!

  3. The sound gave me goosebumps...Magnificent!!

  4. Even I've interest in Space...interesting post

    1. Yes,space is very intriguing.Thank you Ranjana.

  5. So many interesting facts in a post! While in school I loved reading about the solar system. Then, life caught up and I forgot all about the real universe as I was too busy creating my own!

    Love reading these informative posts from you :)

    1. We were never taught about space in school.One book germinated this interest in me.

      Thanks for the thumbs up.

      Love n hugs!

  6. I did not know that Neptune was Ketu. Interesting piece of fact.

    1. Thanks for visiting TF,nice to see you here!

  7. Interesting! I wonder is there any way we can bridge science and religious facts??

    1. Valli that is truly an enigma.
      Just can't decide.

  8. OMG you love space science same as me. Thats great .

    The post is wonderful. I was engrossed to know more on Neptune. -235 C should experience to be in that temperature for 15 seconds. The sounds were horrifying.

    1. Nice to know a fellow space enthusiast.
      I am very happy that you liked the post,thanks for your appreciation.

  9. Some interesting facts again!

  10. Is this the same Ketu that eats Moon once in a while?

    1. Interesting question Giribala--it's sound is menacing enough!!!!

  11. The interchanging of positions was not known to me before. And thanks for sharing the sound. It was like watching a space movie, only this sound is authentic. I have heard about Ketu's 'killer' powers too, but if it is so far from the Earth, would it really be able to influence our lives so much?

    1. Yes even i don't know what to believe regarding the impact of this planet upon our lives.
      The interchange occurs because Pluto's orbit is thinner & more elliptical.

  12. Arun was rahu and now Varun is Ketu ----how contradictory to each other in both the cases where one was the life giver the other a threat .

    Thanks for this post Indu ji --the sound sounded interesting :))

  13. Rajni thanks for this interesting comment.
    Love n hugs!

  14. Very informative post and thanks for sharing.
    This could be Bibke to those who have interest in this subject

  15. Chowla jee thanks for appreciating my post,you are very kind!

  16. Hello Indu-ji. I enjoyed you article, but as far as Vedic Astrology tells us, Ketu is not Neptune. Actually Ketu is the name of the Descending Node of the Moon, which is also called Cauda Draconis in western traditional astrology, meaning "the dragon's tail".

    In Vedic Astrology, as well as in traditional western astrology, Neptune isn't used just like any other 'modern' planets (including Uranus, Pluto, etc).

    However, in a way, you ARE right... because Neptune and Ketu (the South Node) are very similar in both symbolism and meanings, and the same happens between Uranus and vedic Rahu (the North Lunar Node). This curious connection is a very interesting subject and it sheds a great light on the origin of the meanings of Modern Planets. Anyway, for now this should suffice. =)

    Warm regards from Portugal!

    1. Hello friend!A very warm welcome to you at jeeteraho!

      Obviously you know a lot about astrology & your comment has shed light on many little known facts.

      One thing puzzles me--Neptune is more significant than Pluto in terms of size & placement--then why is the latter given more importance?

      Your blog may shed light on this.i will visit it soon,it is bound to be very interesting.Thanks a ton!

    2. Hello :)

      Many thanks for the warm welcome! And sorry for only answering your message 1 year and a half later... hehe :P

      My personal theory is that the correspondences, characteristics and symbolism of the Modern Planets (western perspective) was directly taken from the Lunar Nodes (vedic perspective). It doesn't take much to comprehend that Uranus is very much like Rahu, and Neptune is very similar to Ketu.

      - Uranus' domicile is Aquarius, which is the exaltation sign of Rahu, in Vedic Astrology. They're similar in terms of being shocking, rebellious, unpredictable, and governing things like electricity and ultra-modern technologies.

      - Neptune rules over Pisces, the Fish(es). Ketu is specially connected to Matsya, the Fish Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Also, Ketu is very much connected to Pisces and the 12th house of Moksha, according to vedic astrologers.

      Besides all this, you should note that in Vedic Numerology, each number from 1 to 9 has a ruling planet. The numbers and ruling planets are divided into three groups that correspond to the 3 Gunas: Sattva (1-2-3), Rajas (5-6), and Tamas (8-9). The numbers marking the border between these groups (4 & 7) are ruled by the Lunar Nodes.

      - 1 is ruled by the Sun;
      - 2 by the Moon;
      - 3 by Jupiter.
      - 4 by RAHU (North Node);
      - 5 by Mercury;
      - 6 by Venus;
      - 7 by KETU (South Node);
      - 8 by Saturn;
      - and finally, 9 by Mars.

      And now this is the most interesting part. Do you know what are the ruling planets of 4 & 7, in modern western numerology?

      - Number 4 is ruled by Uranus (vedic Rahu);
      - and Number 7 is ruled by Neptune (vedic Ketu).

      Coincidences?... I don't think so. ;)

      Best regards!

      * * *

      My sources:

      - "Cheiro's Book of Numbers" (1935)

    3. You know a lot about astronomy,thanks for the information.

  17. Nice article, thank you for sharing a wonderful information about the curtains. I happy to found your blog on the internet.

    Interesting facts about the planet Uranus in hindi

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