
Monday, April 1, 2013

Ek Boond Zindagi ---crimes against children.

एक नन्हीं सी बूँद 
गर्म तवे पर 
गिरती है,तड़पती है 
और फिर
बिखर जाती है 

कोई नहीं पास
 सिर्फ तवा और आग 
दोनों से जल कर 
वो हो गयी हवा 

इंसान हैं हम 
पर इंसानियत है कम 
पत्थर से कठोर 
और पशुओं से बद्त्तर 

आँख का पानी 
तो मर ही चुका  है 
कहाँ से लाएंगे 
चुल्लू भर  डूबने को ? 

Image from google search


  1. Deep thought amazingly penned!

    1. Thank you Amitjee,these crimes are very disturbing.

  2. Humne abhi tak yeh nahin sikhaya ki insaniyat hai nahin tho woh insaan hi nahin.

    1. While it is true that such criminals are not human;when i call them worse than animals i feel that i am abusing the latter because even an animal attacks only when it feels that it's life is in danger.

  3. Sometimes I hang my head in shame when I see children being denied their rights.....Very powerful lines, Indu! Today, the society has become extremely complex because of increase in population and greed for money....Yes, humanity has disappeared from our society-- a harmful indicator for each one of us!!
    Kudos...for writing this poem!

    1. Yes Panchali,greed for money is a common reason,but lust,& a desire for immediate satiation of any craving is also responsible.
      Thank you for your support which is always very gratifying !
      Love n hugs !

  4. Crimes against children are extremely painful to hear about Indu! Something that has become more intense after motherhood embraced me!

    1. I understand where you are coming from---these sordid crimes are enough to unsettle any mother!

  5. very touching and relevent post Indu ji

    crime against children are on the increase even in high societies.

    even otherwise --apart from crimes as such

    Children I think are the worst hit today .People just don't know the valuable gift of god that they are They are being sold for money and murdered for greed---its all so pathetic .

    1. Very true-children are the worst hit in any calamity.Those who exploit them for their own purpose are i think heartless & selfish to the core.
      Thank you Rajni for your observations.

  6. Your lines speak a lot..I can't reply in Hindi for such profound lines..our heads hang in shame!!

    1. Thank you Latha.Yes we feel ashamed because we are a part of this society in which such dastardly acts happen.

  7. Nyc 1.. In every word there is... DARd... Form this.. We saw very big problem for our soceity... We shd also search for soluation... Try to write about this.. Keep writinf...

    1. You are right,we ought to try to find solutions.The first thing to do is to make parents aware that their children too could be in danger & be alert to the signs of this happening.I did this in
      But reaching the perpetrators is difficult for us.Police & the legal machinery can do a lot here.

  8. Wow- A bitter truth portrayed so beautifully!

  9. i dunno how to start such a complex india ,most of people dunno what child abuse is and even when one complains its dealt with ignorance and high enforcement agencies are part of our degraded society,so we can't explain them what child abuse is coz they are not going to consider it as serious issue with lots of superstitions and faulty culture overriding our society.

    whenever someone asks about india,people say we have great culture.i don't see that great culture in day to day life and behavior.that great culture is meant for books and to promote tourism.some hypocrites say living with such flaws and faulty culture makes india amazing.well actually people dunno what culture is,they think its celebrating festivals and standing in long queues at temples while dying in stampedes.i dunno when indians will realise that culture is a constant entity all over world and its about right behavior.

    ok i will give one funny example,i went to imax to watch a movie in my city hyderabad.only educated come to imax to watch english flicks,this imax screen has limited leg space and a guy adjacent to me was sitting cross legged,i asked him to sit right.he started to defend his misbehavior by speaking in fluent english though he is a telugu guy like me.i don't find difference between educated and illiterates in india.people think educated means fluent english and best education institute they graduate from and it ain't related to behavior.

    child abuse will stop when people will get clarity on culture,till then its like a blind oxen in open field.

    1. Thank you mohan for throwing more light on the subject.

  10. if you find my comments interesting,you can read few of my comments in others blogs below.i do write comments with different names such as rohan,alex,mohamed bashr and as mohan in your blog.hmm,i don't attack people online and am not a stalker.

  11. What a comparison ! and what a wonderful poem. I don't know how you get such great words to such an extent. Hats off.

    Travel India

  12. Vishal your praise is very heartening-thanks a ton!!

  13. And thanks for this awesome comment.

  14. Amazingly thought provoking! There are so many times when I feel that human beings are worse than even monsters. Animals are way better than us.

    1. Thanks Rachna for this lovely comment.I agree with you -some of us are really worse than monsters.

  15. Seriously, such people should be ashamed of themselves.

  16. Hello Indu. Good to come over your place after long time. I was really busy with something for last two months, so wasn't really blogging. And its great to see a meaningful poem like this.

    Two things I loved the most about this poem.

    1. Koi nahin paas,
    Sirf tavaa aur havaa,

    use of words impeccable, leaves an instant impact.

    2. Kahaan se layenge,
    Chullu bhar doobne ko?

    some deep thoughts behind these lines. very thought provoking.

    Loved it, thoroughly.

    1. Only today i was wondering why i did not see any post from you.Thanks a lot for your generous appreciation--when a poet of your stature praises then one feels satisfied.


Thanks for reading.Do,give your feedback.