
Thursday, April 11, 2013

#Scorpio-The Powerhouse

Need i say more?A lot has been said in this image on the left.And i am also scared of putting my foot in my mouth because these walking talking dynamites are a force to reckon with!
In order to keep everybody happy,i will start by saying that Scorpio is the most misunderstood of all signs.Maybe because Scorpions hide their feelings very well.Why?Because trust does not come easily to them.What you see of them is only the tip of the iceberg.Or the top of the volcano!That is why no one can grasp them fully.

You or i may not fathom them,but they can dive to the very depths of our souls--so be warned!There are solid reasons behind this warning.Scorpions are highly intuitive --they can catch in a jiffy,the vibes coming from the person in front of them.They are also extremely observant & shrewd.

The most prominent characteristics of a Scorpion are his intensity,grit & determination.This intensity colors all aspects of his life & functioning.It is all or nothing for him.Then there is self control & self reliance.Fearlessness & resourcefulness.Tremendous stamina to stand up again after a fall;although this is seldom required because all qualities enunciated above make for thundering success.

A Scorpion may look detached to onlookers but he is extremely caring of those he loves.He will be kind & loyal to them.It is best to stay on his right side!

A Scorpion's intensity could be harmful if it was turned towards a wrong direction.I read somewhere that he is either a saint or a sinner.Look at the planets which rule him-Mars the God of war & Pluto the God of underworld.This may sound scary if considered in isolation,but there are other planets too in the picture & the zodiac sign does not determine everything.A lot depends upon where the other planets are placed.


  1. You have said all of it. That's my husband!!! Ughhh...god only knows what runs on in their minds...:)

  2. I love reading such analysis and find them entertaining. But to be honest I am a skeptic.

    1. Giribala i am glad you found it entertaining--about the veracity-God only knows!

  3. during ancient times,there was no people found astrology for people and society management based on observations on people born at different dates like we have theoretical medical surveys in science magazines which say "having cereals for breakfast everyday may help woman to conceive baby boy".these surveys are like astrology predictions which are not accurate like statistics of rainfall data to predict rain.

    you asked me a question in your blog post acceptance,why should a good person pay the price for others' depravity?

    the good guy who committed suicide was my classmate in my college and he was driven to commit suicide by his girlfriend and brothers.both of his brothers and girl friend are scorpio coz we used to celebrate their bday on nov3,nov18.he died coz he was unable to live according to his wish and all his options were blocked by his family. his girlfriend dumped him citing caste and parents as reason for breakup just to befriend another rich guy.i can't give you details of this case to protect his privacy but scorpios are selfish,jealous,tactful,cunning,opportunistic.they use all these characteristics to become successful though most of people from every zodiac sign have this behavior in contemporary society.

    astrology don't have any purpose in modern world coz we have lots of logical and accurate observations through different subjects of science.

  4. if people want to know me by zodiac,am libran though i don't believe in astrology.i want honesty and transparency in life to prevail.thats the reason why my comments are lil harsh.

    1. It is sad about your friend,he must have been very sentimental.True,we often cannot live according to our desire.If we do not get what we like,can't we try to like what we get?It is just a thought,i believe in evolving.

      About astrology take it with a pinch of salt-this is just for fun!

  5. Going with this character/nature defining copy, I am a true blue scorpion.
    My friends call me "enigma" as they can't get into my head .. and yes.. the rest fits in perfectly as well :D

    It was fun reading your post :D

  6. Hi Namrota!Welcome & thanks for commenting.

  7. Aha,I have a Scorpion in the family and agree with most of the analysis here

    1. Thanks for conforming because it is often difficult to believe in such things

  8. there was some problem with the site Indu ji my comments don't seem to have appeared ---this one again is an interesting post and I agree with you when you say ---they are either saints or sinners---know quite a number of scorpios and yes they do have those qualities

    warm regards

    1. Rajni i toohave been having solid problems with the internet.
      Thank you for this supporting comment.
      Lots of love.

  9. i agree with your observation. I have a scorpio friend and i did have some idea about the sun sign traits because of that. Loved the post :)

    1. Love them or hate them,(as some have experienced),but you cannot ignore them!

  10. You know how the X-men always say ' Mutant and Proud'...
    On the same lines... ' Scorpion and proud'...
    Quite true..I can see my description there .. ;-)

  11. Look at me; I did not even read this post :). Being a Scorpion and having known many I can safely say that we are extremely passionate beings. Other traits, I would like others to tell me what they feel about us :).

  12. Rachna i hope i did not anger you !!!

  13. My zodiac sign is Scorpio. I’ve recently posted my 109 page novella “The Cape Town Flower” on my blog :-

    If you are a keen reader, I request you to kindly do visit this blog which I hope, you will like very much.

    Best wishes

  14. My zodiac sign is Scorpio. I’ve recently posted my 109 page novella “The Cape Town Flower” on my blog :-

    If you are a keen reader, I request you to kindly do visit this blog which I hope, you will like very much.

    Best wishes

  15. UR right; "It is best to stay on his right side!"

    I'm a Scorpio so I know it better.

    1. AGK welcome here.Thanks for supporting the post.
      I think it will be wise to stay on your right side,so i will visit your blog!!!!!!!

  16. Now, I will be articulate while handling my kid brother.

  17. Indu!!
    Oh, how did I miss this...??? I came thru FB today.When people hear the mention of the sign Scorpio, many of them gasp!, Indu!! I am a scorpion woman, yet not so vindictive, scheming, and calculating!! I am a good Scorpion... :-D

  18. Oh Panchali,don't i know you?In fact probably all your readers already know this.

    Believe me,i too have my share of Scorpions in my family & they are all good ones!

  19. Aah, there ya go! Now, you've relieved me...LOL...Thanks a lot!:))))

  20. Scorpio - The Power house, Yes I agree with that.

    Would like to share another text at OmAstrology to explore more about this zodiac sign.

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