
Monday, April 15, 2013

#Suicidal Thoughts

There comes a time in our lives when we feel really at the edge,want to give up all struggle and slip into eternal oblivion.We are consumed by the now woes,cannot find a way out,and have no hope of a better future.At such times,instead of throwing in the towel,it would help if we gave a thought to the following thoughts:--

1) I am stronger than any calamity.
2) I shall find a way out of this problem.
3) Every problem has a solution,let me look for mine.
4) Life is larger than any misfortune because it is a mixed platter of    
     good & bad.
5) I beat despondency in the past,i shall do it again today.
6) If times are bad today,they could improve tomorrow or the day 
7) I shall concentrate on living one day at a time.
8) I have to live this day through.
9) This too,shall pass.
10)Most of the problems get resolved with the passage of time.
11) Only if i live,can i see happier days.
12)Suggested by RAN IN JAN --I am not a coward.I shall not give up.

One sobering thought-sometimes suicide attempts misfire horribly;don't do this to yourself.

Image courtesy google.


  1. The 9th thought always helped me against those suicide thoughts!

    1. I sincerely hope you will not have such thoughts in future.

  2. Indu, very useful post. Though not suicidal thought, sometimes everyone feels alone and can't struggle anymore. Thoughts you have written are very useful in that case.

    1. Yes Ranjana,life does seem tough sometimes,thanks for your appreciation.


  3. why your blog doesn't accept more than 4096 chars

    1. I don't know mohan,this is the first time i am hearing this.

  4. I faced so many failures in my life, and since i am failing. its been more than 6 years and few months back finally i gave up and came a thought of suicide.but just decided, I am not a coward and I will fight whatever it takes. My 'never give up' attitude keeps me running and alive. Nice post, surely motivated me. thank you for sharing.

    1. RAN IN JAN welcome to jeeteraho.I am truly gratified to know that i could motivate you--actually the power was already inside you.Do not underestimate yourself,you shall overcome.

  5. rohan aka mohanApril 15, 2013 7:03 PM

    i want to share a case study but your comment space is limited.i created a blog just for this case coz its about my friend though am not into blog writing.

    1. sorry mohan for the inconvenience,i will see your blog just now.Thanks.

    2. mohan i could not get to your blog,is the address right?


  7. Indu

    A very well written and helpful post. I have been in such situations lot of time in the past and each of them you have mentioned above had come to my mind. And that prevented me to take any action. Nowadays I don't get any thoughts where I wanna do suicide.

    1. Iam glad you could overcome those thoughts.You could do it yourself but someone may need help to come out of such moods.I wrote this post so that we may help one another.Many thanks for your generous approbation.

  8. Good article, waiting for the next great blog post from you.

  9. Nice inspiring read.Many of us think that life is only a bed of roses. So, when we are in the eye of a storm, we always succumb to it dictates and we never try to take it by its horn.

  10. I love the line 'This too will pass' Indu, Its short but speaks a million words!

  11. This too shall pass kept me going for years never gave up , in fact life became a battlefield for me and my fight was with supreme...years have gone by but here i stand like a warrior..never give up !

    1. Seeing you after a long time Alka.Never give up is a good axiom to live by,no doubt!

  12. Agree with all that you have said Indu ji

    and yes "this too shall pass"---is the mantra

    but personally when I was a kid and get bad marks in maths I would contemplate suicide but refrained ----for the fear of being left maimed if death played truant ---because I always thought of jumping from the terrace HAHAHA LOL

    sorry to give such a frivolous comment on such a serious post Indu ji ---but remembered my child hood suddenly---bachpan ki yadein

    1. Really Rajni?How innocent childhood can be.And how very deeply certain issues affect them--we adults would never guess.

      I am reminded of a classmate in junior school who stood weeping because she had come third--her mom was sure to berate her.Now i realize she too might have had similar thoughts.

      But in the end,i sure am happy that you chose to live;or i would have lost a good friend!

    2. Wow !! a good friend!!!---thanks for those kind words Indu ji

  13. Useful advice as always, Indu!

    1. Rachna bless you for this encouragement-i loved it !

  14. I remember a friend's words. This is just a phase. True. Every stage is a shall pass soon..for good or worse. We need to keep moving. The biggest problem could be treated as worse. There could be nothing worse than that. Great words of encouragement.

    1. Oh yes ,if we take it as a phase which will pass,we would be less stressed.
      Thank you Latha for adding this.


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