
Monday, August 26, 2013

All Facts,no Fiction.

The following account is a window into the torturous life-paths of many who go about their daily lives without letting on what they are going through.

To come straight to the point,many years ago a boy of about 37 years of age--let's call him Suresh--came to my counseling centre "Sahyog".He had a steady job,good health,ample property and came from a large family consisting of his mother,three sisters and one younger brother.The family had good political connections.

His father,who used to be a government servant,had expired ten years ago.He had been an alcoholic & died of cirrhosis of liver.The family had been in dire straits till he lived.After his death Suresh took charge and got his younger brother--let's name him Ritesh--instated in his father's place.Suresh began to work over-time and married off his sisters one by one.

Problems started when Suresh went to another city for his father's last rites.Ritesh misbehaved with his sisters.It came out that he was a voyeur.

Relations between the two brothers were very good till the elder one got married about two years back.Ritesh started peeping into Suresh's room at night after removing the panel of his room cooler.He also tried to instigate Suresh's wife against him by cooking up stories about illicit relations between Suresh & his young aunt.Now their relations deteriorated rapidly.Ritesh bacame notorious in the neighborhood too.

In order to pacify his wife Suresh bought a house in a larger city.His sisters had been married by now.His mother & brother also shifted with him and the problem persisted.His mother shielded Ritesh who was her youngest child.Suresh tried to marry him off so that he could be separated, but he refused to marry.

Naturally all this took a toll on his mental health-he was so agitated that he could not even recall his own phone number when i asked for it.He wanted to get on with his life but this problem would not let him concentrate on anything.

I expressed a desire to meet Ritesh but he said that he would never come over,nor would he go to a psychiatrist.So we discussed how best he could cope with the situation & then he left.I think he had already thrashed out all possible solutions and he had come to me only so that he could get a load of his chest.

I called up Suresh for a follow up after a few months.He told me that Ritesh had got into some bad company and he also began to associate with some tantriks. He died in a road accident about 45 days after Suresh had come to me.

Strange are the ways of some lives.A problem which seemed insurmountable was solved miraculously.


  1. :) Indeed! Its strange how life works!

  2. kids of alcoholics are influenced by bad parenting.even suresh may not be morally right when it comes to fulfilling responsibilities,so things went wrong.

    fulfilling responsibilities means having right magnitude of affection and taking morally right decisions.

    1. True,alcoholism destroys more than the health of that person.The role models in question were definitely lacking.
      Rohan thanks!

  3. Strange...god works his ways strangely with each one...

  4. Life takes strange roads...and ultimately you reap what you sow!! Heart rending story....

    1. Yes Panchali it does,and knowing about such instances one cannot but thank the Lord for having given us normal lives.
      Lots of love.

  5. Bad deeds always leads to Bad end and God always keep an eye to punish the guilty in its own way..

    1. Sorry Harsha i wrote the wrong name in my reply.

  6. Nobody has control over the destiny.

  7. I really do not know if this was settling of karmic Accounts .. I do not know ... if perverts go so low .. but I somehow felt ..spiritual awakening could have kept that brother alive .. and sane .. than dying a death of dead duck :(
    The incident was a little disturbing as to I found how strange human can behave ! And the conclusion was shaky !!

  8. Spiritual awakening-yes,but Ritesh was not inclined thus..i was told that he was thin wiry(45 Kg) intelligent & sharp witted..if only he had used his intelligence for a better purpose.

    Perverts can stoop to any depths & incest too for the ending-it is usually tragic because the consequences do catch up.

  9. The irony of life Indujee, but I thing worth learning from this is that whatever happens, happens for the best

  10. I feel it was divine justice..

    1. Yes Renu divine justice has it's own way of working.
      Thanks for dropping by.

  11. Sometimes things work out for some miraculously. For some others, life can be a living hell!

  12. One of my friends had a similar problem with her only brother. She did not come for counseling though, she was just sharing and I was stunned in the same manner when I heard he died within two months after he hit and physically abused his mother. Strange isn't it?!

    1. Yes this is really a strange coincidence.How did he die?

  13. Some stories make you count your blessings - what a great gift it is to have an affectionate brother and sister.

    On a lighter note, thank God you gave the name Suresh to the better guy :)

    1. Haha,Suresh you were sent to earth to bring smiles to people's faces.
      While i was writing this post i did not have you in mind but now that you say this----yes i too am glad.

  14. Strange are the ways of nature to mete out justice, Indu:)

  15. poetic justice or devine justice ---but it was a good end --however hard hearted I may sound .

    but God was kind to Suresh

    1. I agree with you-justice requires a hard heart.There was no other solution in sight.
      Lots of love.

  16. Thanks Ashwini for coming over & sharing your views.

  17. Nice Post, A G+ for ur Post and Have a Nice day. . . :)


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