
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Curbing Crime

There is a never-before spurt in violence and crime in our society today.It is time we gave a thought to why this is happening.Can we reverse this trend?
Please join me in a discussion about this disturbing reality at:--


  1. Indu ji
    agree with nearly all that you have said ----but there is one more fact that I have been observing ---it is becoming more difficult for parents to convince their kids about certain rules and norms and also morals ----the words ---PAAP AUR PUNYA just do not hold any significance --and logics is not very easy to discourage .

    I hope you understand what I am trying to say what I mean is fear doesn't seem to work; at least not in the right way ---a child or a person is very easily made afraid of a don but not of God ---he may be pushed into doing a wrong for fear of displeasing a goon but he cannot be made to do something good for fear of displeasing the Gods --

    ye kaisee vidambana ----and why has this happened --is a thought to ponder

    1. Yes Rajni there is a sea-change in the attitudes of youngsters...they do not recognize their elders as wise,authority figures,they have their own convictions and as you say--they also have logic to back them...i have seen parents struggling to keep their children in line but giving up after some time for fear of spoiling relations.

    2. thanks Indu ji

      it is a very disturbing trend ---and parents do give up

  2. The upbringing plays a pivotal role in most individuals just like well tended plants grow into trees that provide shade and fruits when they grow!

    1. Well said Rahul--only kids are not THAT amenable nowadays.

  3. Such crimes definitely seem to be on the rise Indu. More than force or punishment what is required is the inculcation of the right moral values from a young age. Todays parents are more concerned about whether their kids can speak three languages and can do dancing, swimming and karate rather than whether they possess moral values in a good direction. Moreover with families deciding to stick to one offspring pampering naturally follows!

    1. You are so right as our efforts to make them all-rounders-we have failed somehow to mold them into wholesome personalities...i have seen many kids lacking basic courtesies.

  4. We are increasingly becoming intolerant, angry and vicious. The hate crimes, the road rage, the twitter trolls are all a sign of a sick society. Why is it happening? Lack of education is not the only reason as I see educated people getting very intolerant.
    Thank you for visiting Freebird, Indu.

    1. Alka welcome to jeeteraho.Yes formal education is not to be blamed;it is informal education which is lacking.

  5. There is no value for morals now a days. This can get only worse.

    1. Thanks for coming over Rajesh,your comment indicates that you are quite disenchanted with the current conditions,this is true for so many of us.

  6. Indu, An appropriate attitude is one of the most important habits..and it comes naturally with ones upbringing!! And if we take a little effort, I think, we can definitely reverse the trend. India demands a change today!!! Let us prepare the next generation at least, and secure our future...
    Parents, teachers and schools play a collective role to inculcate moral/ethical values among children.T I think, this process of teaching makes them compassionate at least...
    Whatever is happening in sad! A strong message needs to be sent to the perpetrators...but then, how can we expect action when some law makers are charged with mighty crimes.??sigh!
    Thank you for the impressive article.

  7. Panchali thanks for expressing your views---i feel parents & teachers are not doing their bit & schools have become commercialized....i see students who come here for coaching...they might be staying in your house but they look right through courtesy ,no greetings...something is lacking.
    Yes India definitely needs a change.


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