
Monday, August 12, 2013

Tackeling Loneliness

We all know what loneliness can do to us--it can suck all joy out of life.Sometimes it becomes difficult to get over it, but it is not insurmountable.
To read further on the Speaking Tree please go to the following link:---


  1. most of activity and emotions in relationships are selfish including kids and parents.we hardly find selfless people in modern society.even if you find such people,you may not like them cuz they are far from real world and they are called losers.

    it all depends on which law you follow,law of society or law of nature.the person you are in love may not have same emotions on 1st day and on 90th day cuz people lack definite character.if you have constant attitude aka definite character then by default you will become alone and have to live all your life in solitude.solitude comes with character from early age,its not from timing or from an occasion.solitude is a forced situation cuz people around you are not ideal.if the world is ideal ,you don't find so many words like selfish,selfless,solitude,loneliness in dictionary.

    please avoid using this line"NONE OF US IS PERFECT".perfection is about having basic morals and not believing in two principles"SURVIVAL OF FITTEST" and "TO ERR IS HUMAN".anyone who doesn't follow these principles is perfect.

    when you say,NONE OF US IS PERFECT,it advocates and encourages people into unethical and immoral practices.i believe in perfection,a perfect life which never gives up morals or ethics.

    1. Rohan i do not advocate unethical or immoral practices,when i say we are imperfect i only mean that we are,or should be,striving for betterment & there is scope for improvement.
      Regarding your second para-when we start a relationship with someone it is all hunky-dory,as time passes both come to know further nuances about the other's character & nature and if A feels he cannot pull on with B,he is justified in retreating.B should not take it personally.
      Thanks for telling me your views Rohan.


    2. in contemporary society,people look for easy life.when we say"none of us is perfect".people think "its ok" to live with flaws.flaws vary in magnitude and character that can hurt genuine people who live with perfection.

      am stressing so much on this issue coz whenever i go out in india,people irritate me in every aspect of life with their misbehavior.people think its ok to chit-chat and talk on phone inside multiplex while watching movie,most of people say "its ok" to live by cheating coz most of indians are opportunists and cheats.whenever i ask people to be righteous,people pick up these lines "none of us is perfect","to err is human".its very tough to convince these dumb people that they are wrong.

      well indu,do ya have any idea,how a forthright and righteous man can get along with bad people.a righteous man will always be alone coz people don't have acceptance to righteous life.practically many bloggers don't have acceptance to truth,they like people who support their faltu ideologies and they don't publish genuine comments.this is general public mentality in every aspect of life.

      you know how people generally socialise "you do mistake,i do mistake", "you lead life with flaws,i lead with flaws" ,"you write in my blog,i will write in your blog"...its mutual admiration for their benefits though they are immoral and wrong.

      whenever i write something,they are not just rohan's views,they are facts.VIEWS VARY and exist FOR UNWISE AND PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE CLARITY IN LIFE.

      am lil bit harsh on this issue coz people in india need this kinda approach.


    3. in contemporary society,people look for easy life.when we say"none of us is perfect".people think "its ok" to live with flaws.flaws vary in magnitude and character that can hurt genuine people who live with perfection.

      am stressing so much on this issue coz whenever i go out in india,people irritate me in every aspect of life with their misbehavior.people think its ok to chit-chat and talk on phone inside multiplex while watching movie,most of people say "its ok" to live by cheating coz most of indians are opportunists and cheats.whenever i ask people to be righteous,people pick up these lines "none of us is perfect","to err is human".its very tough to convince these dumb people that they are wrong.

      well indu,do ya have any idea,how a forthright and righteous man can get along with bad people.a righteous man will always be alone coz people don't have acceptance to righteous life.practically many bloggers don't have acceptance to truth,they like people who support their faltu ideologies and they don't publish genuine comments.this is general public mentality in every aspect of life.

      you know how people generally socialise "you do mistake,i do mistake", "you lead life with flaws,i lead with flaws" ,"you write in my blog,i will write in your blog"...its mutual admiration for their benefits though they are immoral and wrong.

      whenever i write something,they are not just rohan's views,they are facts.VIEWS VARY AND EXIST FOR UNWISE AND PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE CLARITY IN LIFE.

      am lil bit harsh on this issue coz people in india need this kinda approach.

    4. Rohan i agree we people misbehave, or some who come from different environment do not know how to behave,there are many flaws in our countrymen--for that matter i too must be having irritating habits which annoy others but i cant see them or i stick to them because they serve my purpose.

      There is vast spread moral degradation but my or your strictures do not make a difference because just as our habits are ingrained in us,so are theirs....despite this i do not like to be lonely & need i tolerate till i can,and when it becomes too much-hurts me inside,i dump that person.

      That is one way of pulling on in society--we cannot turn into hermits.This is such a nebulous issue ,i hope i made myself clear...why do you take tension because of others,even that is not going to change them-God knows what will.

  2. I enjoyed being alone in the company of books.

  3. Your posts are so soothing,Indu.

    The trouble starts when we start wallowing in misery. And I feel, being alone is a state of being and loneliness is a state of mind. We can be lonely even when we are surrounded with people.

    1. Being alone and loneliness--very well defined Purba.
      And being lonely in the midst of a crowd-- it must be very disheartening.

  4. Loneliness is a state of mind and you pretty much summed up all the reasons! However, for those bestowed with higher intelligence it is a state for self discovery and actualization, Indu:)

  5. Good post Indu. There is saying ," its better to be lonely, rather than being in the crowd of people who make us lonely "
    I strongly believe in that.

  6. Hmm! In my intro to myself in that book "Uff Ye Emotions" I mention "Alone but never lonely" about myself. Like Purba says being alone is a fact related to the physical world. Loneliness is a devastating state of mind. Thank God I never have felt lonely.

  7. Loneliness can break you. It can mean that no one cares whether you are alive or dead. It is as if your existence does not matter. Man being a social animal, relationships and friendships nurture us. Lovely, mellow post, Indu!

    1. You have described the effect of loneliness so well-wish i had said that.

  8. Lonliness is bliss and curse (depends on ones perspective)

  9. Aunty, I wanted to read it in leisure..Now, I don't find it in that link..Can you paste the post here?

    1. Hi Latha,there is something wrong in speakingtree it is not taking comments too.
      Here is the link you asked for,hope it works
      Lots of love.

  10. I love to be alone most of the time..As always,Very nice post Indu..:-)

    1. Your talent & hobbies give you good company-----right?
      In fact solitude does spur creativity.
      Thank you for dropping by.

  11. Beautiful profound read as always. That feeling of loneliness, it is such a trap and it hampers our productivity in so many ways. To feel accepted, sometimes we also do things that we shouldn't do or we wouldn't have done in normal circumstances. Loneliness is such a big threat to our personality.

    1. Thank you Arti for this sweet comment,i don't know if i deserve it.
      Actually loneliness works in different ways for different people,if one craves company but can't get it,then it can be very depressing.

  12. 24hrs surrounded by people is strenuous I feel. I like a little bit of 'Me' time. :) But definitely I wouldn't want to feel left out and lonely. Nice post Indu.

    1. Yes Indrani solitude & company both are essential.


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