
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Personalities--1: Happy Sing

Personalities --we come across so many every day.Of various hues and dimensions.This is such an ambiguous feature that despite the psychologists' categorizations like Introvert,Extrovert,Neurotic,Psychotic,Perfectionist etc. it is hard to fix someone in a definite slot.On the other hand it is interesting to mull over the various types that we comes across.So here goes my attempt to share one with you.

Yesterday we had gone to look up a family friend who had fractured her hip joint and was admitted in a nursing home, which was only ten minutes'walk from our house.As is the case with most couples our age,this one also lived alone.Their two sons were located in different cities.We were greeted by her elder son Happy outside her room and he introduced us to his younger brother Haughty.

We went in to see her and her sons also followed us in.After we had asked about her well-being, other chit-chat followed.A word about Happy-he was quite many years senior to our son in school.Every year on the Annual Day function he used to win many prizes because he was a good all rounder.Then he qualified and went to his job and we used to hear from his parents that he was doing very well, though we never had the chance to get to know him well.A few years back as recession started we guess that he was retrenched because he began taking up random jobs which were inferior to what he had till now been doing.

But his whole demeanor gave no hint that he had suffered this misfortune.He was smiling and courteous,participating in the conversation and asking about our welfare.Physically too,he had maintained himself well.We were both impressed by his behavior.
As we took our leave he told us that he will visit us when his mother is discharged from the nursing home.

Happy reinforced my conviction that one can choose to be happy even during lean periods.Circumstances do impact us favorably or unfavorably,but ultimately it is our response to them which makes us miserable or hopeful.It pays to cultivate a balanced outlook on life and keep other options open.Of course the presence of a viable support system makes it easy to tide over difficult times.

I wonder what you think about this.Is it easy to put a smiling face on testing circumstances?Does it come from one's innate personality--call it genes if you will--or can any one mobilize himself to overcome frustration smilingly?A lot of our happiness or misery is concealed in the answers to these questions.Your views on this are welcome.

Next I shall tell you about Haughty Singh.
The image is courtesy google.


  1. Its definitely not easy and requires a very mature mind to smile in times of difficulty.

    1. Yes Athena only mature minds can take upsets with equanimity.

  2. For some I think its part of their inbuilt system. But for most of us facing tough times with a smile without letting the frustration show takes additional conscious effort. If successful, nothing like it though! The difference lies between those who make that effort and those who dont!

    1. True-some people are innate optimists.
      Maybe rising above self pity can help---no?

  3. It is not easy to put on a smiling face in all situations... Happy has a pleasing personality.

  4. I really do not know, Indu! I have always been one of those who does not waste his time on regrets about what could have been - whether that is genetic or not I have no clue

    1. Those who are given to rumination definitely find it difficult to re-invent themselves--it is genetic to an extent but can be overcome too.

  5. To maintain a cheerful disposition even under trying conditions needs a lot of maturity,character and belief in systems:)

  6. How right Rajesh-it is tough to beat.

  7. I am not sure either, aunty. I would expose my emotions easily. I am trying to learn to maintain a composure, but it's hard. I think some people are made like that. They are just smart :) And yes, it needs a lot of wiseness and maturity to appear bold when facing hard times.

  8. Latha it is true that some people's emotions are written all over their faces and they have difficulty in hiding them-i myself being one of those.
    But at the same time taking ups and downs with a little bit of philosophy and a long term vision helps.Like if i were to face a troubling situation i would keep in mind the positive aspects of my life and hope/work for the best.
    Bless you Latha-keep shining.

  9. Thanks for the blessing, aunty..:-) hope to meet you some day..

  10. I have come across many people who crib over small things. The person you have met is indeed an inspirational.
    Your suggestion " taking ups and downs with a little bit of philosophy and a long term vision helps", will really help us to be happy always...

    1. Yes Ranjana this is sometimes so incomprehensible-cribbing over trifles--but then i think perhaps they have had a long run of bad luck and no one to cherish them.

  11. The best way to overcome any misfortune is to be calm,smile at them and carry on..Something I learned from my father..Believe me I have seen many tough situations in my home and even now things are not quite in order..But Me or My Parents never let these things make us sad..Instead we try to be as much positive as possible..My Mother always says--"There is nothing to worry,Do your Job and the rest depends on the Almighty"

    1. Your parents' outlook is very positive,they must be a great source of comfort to you.But you are so young,already you have faced so many difficulties?Perhaps good luck is round the corner.

  12. Its not easy but then not impossible too..I have seen many tough situations in my life, but braved them in such a way that people envy me for my good life.I nevr passed on my stress to my children even..I am a very positive person and my faith in goodness always keeps me sane.

  13. Only the person knows where the shoe pinches and life does bring forward ugly situations sometimes.But you have overcame them without giving in----great.
    It must have been difficult no doubt,but you did it!

  14. It is never easy to put smile at such times, but yeah, if he/she is having a smile and is handling the situation well, he/she is definitely very much matured... :)
    but once again...its very tough...

    1. It is not easy but it turns out to be rewarding in the long run.

  15. Ah, cribbing is bad...!! My motto is :Destroy what destroys you...and I try to follow this adage.States of mind CAN BE governed by choices.... Carrying negative feelings into future can prove to be disastrous!! Frankly, I like people like this fellow, who can smile even in the face of adversity. Though, I agree...its not easy...

    1. I am totally with you Panchali,such people do elicit admiration.


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