
Monday, October 28, 2013

Personalities--2 : Haughty ? Singh

This post is about Happy's younger brother Haughty.He is at the peak of his career,a super duper high achiever under fifty.He is married to an heiress who too,is at the top rung of her career.They have two children and all the requirements of a blissful life.Success of this magnitude does ensure happiness doesn't it ?

But he did not look happy to me.He was pre-occupied,reserved and disconnected.He barely uttered a word-perhaps some syllables in greeting-that's all.Was he shy?Did he lack inter-personal skills?Not likely.Because without the requisite social graces it is difficult to reach the top.Physically too he was distinctly over weight,not at all fit or supple.

What could be the reason behind this gamut of characteristics?Disinterest,apathy,disease,angst or simple arrogance?I cannot pinpoint the cause because i do not know him well enough.I had attended a party hosted by him a few years ago,then also things were not much different.I am just stating what i observed.

But this set me thinking that going by the general belief that success and affluence breed happiness Haughty did not fit the bill.It struck me that there can be a down-side to success too (which is going to be the theme of a future post).Coming back to the matter at hand; he looked so off-key,that seeing the two brothers together and knowing that one of them had lost his job,all would have unhesitatingly ascribed this to Haughty.

We slog hard to achieve success but amid all this toil happiness  sometimes slips away by the road-side.It requires a lot of sagacity and determination to retrace steps and grasp it,but those who attempt,could find a new meaning to life.


  1. Nice series. Look to read more. Good to think of these things.

    1. Karthik you have made my day-thanks a lot!!!!

  2. Whether we like it or not, failure is very much part of life.!!! The series reminds me of a Buddhist quote : 'There is no exercise better for your heart than reaching down and lifting others up...' You are doing a great job, Indu. !:)
    Life is to be enjoyed and appreciated, not endured and tolerated. It is unfortunate that in societies obsessed with success and achievement, failure can make one feel like the worst thing that could ever happen to a person. People like Haughty Singh must know, that if millions of others have got over failures, so will he...inshah allah!

    1. I loved your quote Panchali something worth living by.

      One needs to be equanimos in success and failure.

  3. ummm...waiting to see what's next?

  4. Money and Success can buy us the materialistic happiness but The Real Happiness comes the way we live our life..I agree that to live a better life Money is utmost important but then there should be a balance in life to live it to the fullest.. :)

    1. the happiness which comes from materialistic goods is transitory --no?
      It is the relationships which count.

  5. People talk about romance in marriage fading away or how boring life is and the only thing that comes to my mind is they do not know how to live life and enjoy it. Being happy or not is entirely in our hands, just aiming high and running behind it is not going to help, taking a break, smiling, sharing are all so vital. I guess Haughty Singh needs to take a chill pill.

    1. Good advice Athena-happiness stems from our own beliefs and efforts.

  6. I find that too many people chase a success as defined by other people, Indu and when it does not vibe with their own self it is useless insofar as giving happiness goes. Also, it is character that makes a man happy not possessions. The brave can smile at any misfortune and the coward can keep fearing the loss of his current good fortune.

    1. I appreciate your inputs Suresh --they always define the topic neatly.We often don't know what is good for us and chase targets imitating others.
      Definitely character gives inner strength to face any hardship.

  7. Happiness usually revolves around small things !!

    1. Certainly-and most people chase the BIG things.

  8. Happiness is so difficult to understand and define. It definitely varies for individuals, and it requires guts to spurn the set notions of success in society.

  9. People are so much driven towards achieving success and earning money that they forget the true meaning of life...that what actually they were here for...

  10. Interesting and insightful post Indu. My thought :
    Sudden Success brings in pride but the same success got after so much hard work brings in humbleness :)

    1. Uma your observation reflects deep thinking,there is a lot of truth in it--thanks.

  11. Hello! Your icon mkes me feel warm. The theme seems very old and new. For me happiness lies how I can feel grateful for what I am now, however, sometimes I forget about that.

  12. Hi cosmos,welcome to jeeteraho.Glad you liked the theme.
    Yes finding happiness in what we have is THE best way of being happy.
    Thanks for coming over.


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