
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Downside of Success

We envision success as the end of all troubles.It is very satisfying too-no doubt.But it can have negative repercussions too,if we are not careful.
Want to read more?Please follow the link given below


  1. Thanks for sharing this article Indu. You've given me something to think about.

  2. Your endorsement means a lot Ashwini,glad you agree with me.You have further elucidated what i wanted to say.

  3. very success is equal to material gains only..

  4. Wow..Indu Ji that is so nice and knowledgable read..I am glad I read this one as it will give me the understanding on how life should be lived.. :D
    Life is something I believe we should enjoy at each and every step,but sometimes pressure makes it difficult to enjoy life and later when we look back we know we did miss life..

    1. It is important to manage the pressures wisely.I am so happy that you found this post helpful.
      God bless you Harsha.

  5. Not to mention that success is like riding the tiger - you are always afraid of what will happen if you get off :)

  6. Nice one as usual, Indu. I concur with your views.

    1. What an encouraging remark Karthik--thanks a ton.

  7. Agree aunty. In this rat race, don't know where we are heading. One small thing I would definitely implement after reading your post is to make sure my kids go and hug their dad when he comes home and say hello. :)

  8. You make so much sense, Indu! Yes success can be a double-edged sword. I hope we are teaching our kids not to be rats in this rat race of life.

    1. Rachna your concurrence means a lot-thanks.
      A sensible down to earth mom like you won't go wrong.

  9. A useful and healthy read Indu. And thanks for the website work life balance.
    There is a sour truth in success . We chase success as long as we see a path but after reaching the final ladder of success, there is absolutely nothing else to life . Life itself becomes a burden . The movie 6 irndhu to 60 varai tamil movie is one example.

  10. Thank you Uma for this insight.Yes some of us pursue success to the detriment of other important aspects of life.
    Your mention of this movie makes me want to see it.

  11. Very valid points perfectly applicable to today's world. In the run for success, people often forget what their basic definition of success is. Are you a successful spouse? Are you a successful parent? Success is often seen as a monetary or hierarchical position. Success is not definite , its relative and one needs to stop and think what really matters!

    1. i am so glad you agree with me-success is definitely relative as you have pointed out.


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