
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Expertise,Proficiency can cross #Class,Cast Barriers.

I am witness to a new trend in today's children.There is a park in front of my home where all children of my neighborhood play in the evening.They all belong to the upper middle class,covering all ages from 10 years to seventeen.One of them is my tenant's son and another is their servant.The son is perhaps ten and his servant a little older.

Since I belong to the old school,I was not a little surprised to observe that the servant also plays with the rest of the kids.Then I realized that he was very fast and quick in whichever game was being played.And most importantly,the kids would call and pester him to come and play with them;leave aside shunning him.My tenants too,are largehearted enough to allow him plenty of play time.

Initially he used to sort of remain aloof and reserved but very fast he is coming in to his own.He realizes that he has this special skill for which he is valued.It struck me that this is one route through which cast,class restrictions can be overcome.When you are good at something recognition automatically follows and then people give two hoots which class or caste you belong to.I only wish he could join a school and achieve all he is capable of doing.Perhaps,no I am sure,he will make his way up the social hierarchy one day and make a good life for himself and his family.


  1. Good observation, nicely written.

  2. So true... that's a remarkable observation! This is one element with which people can break a lot of barriers....

    Cheers, Archana -

  3. Welcome back..long time no see Indu ma'am!
    Wonderful write as always:)

    1. Yes Amit ji,I have been very lazy in reading writing and commenting but it is very pleasing to be welcomed back like this.
      Thanks a lot.

  4. Indu, that's a very sharp observation about the child and the best thing is they do things as an agent of free will, without being conscious. Hope we could be like that!!

    1. No doubt Vishal,in many ways kids are better than us.I agree with your insight.
      Thanks for giving your views.

  5. Whenever we have a common purpose differences melt away... Hence it's imperative that the children and youth of the country are directed towards common purposes beneficial as a whole to society.... By doing so they would grow into better persons

    1. This is a very deep insight Jaish-very true and relevant today.

  6. Nice one Indu ji --a compassionate post wishing equal opportunities and luck to all irrespective of cast creed and status

    thanks a nice gesture on HOLI

    1. You have taken it a step further Rajni.
      A merry Holi to you too.
      Lots of love.

  7. Nothing can ncome between success and talent! very well observed, Induji!


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